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    braze oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Field edging hedgerow spotted with brazen blackberry blossom, petals white against the green, issued a mute warning of the shorter, colder days that were to come

    2. She seemed very brazen and began to inch closer and closer to him

    3. "Face me as a warrior Altera,” he brazenly shouted, "or do you not have the courage?"

    4. It was then that Altera walked by him brazenly displaying Matai’s belt buckle fastened to her sword hilt

    5. She decided not to brazen that out but merely smiled as fetchingly as she could and kept walking, again down the wrong hallway and back to her room without incident

    6. The Knights were shocked at the brazenness of

    7. brazenly prepared a packed lunch from what was left, and

    8. He really wasn’t worried about a direct strike from the Dead Tree; Anon’s white light seemed to whither any root that drew near, while Adros sent the more brazen roots away with a thought

    9. He didn’t want the king to think that he was weak in asking this brazen favour

    10. God instructed Moses to fashion a brazen serpent and place it on a wooden pole so that those who were bitten and poisoned could look up at it

    11. ” She looked at me and smiled quite brazenly saying

    12. He continued brazenly, ignoring the fury building in her face, “You normally have fine instincts

    13. Ferguson thought he was a pretty good officer; not as good as Colonel Harrington, in Ferguson’s opinion, but Brazenholm was a combat veteran, tough but fair

    14. He grinned when he told Colling that Colling would have the “misfortune” to miss the ceremony Colonel Brazenholm had scheduled to take place at the Grabensheim kaserne the following Saturday, at which the 40th Infantry would officially stand down

    15. The Hebrews had the emblem—the brazen serpent raised on a pole by Moses so that the people might look upon it and be healed

    16. His fair hair turned jet black and he was clothed in the famous Superman suit with cloak, brazen S printed across a broad chest, and underpants on the outside

    17. I didn‘t know he could be that bold and brazen

    18. “Jason aze told me ov your travels to Brazeel

    19. Carl’s behavior wasn’t a shock, but it had grown more brazen and his main assassin had her own agenda

    20. Still, she didn’t feel brazen around Devin

    21. 8 For though his prayer was heard with the Most High, finally, when he was cast into the brazen

    22. horse and the brazen horse was melted, it served as a sign to him for the hour

    23. It seemed the Re Che had made a brazen attack on one of the fuchuan at night, but the watch detected them, and they were driven off

    24. He had never been so fascinated with someone’s brain before, and brazen females weren’t his type, but Mallika was the opposite of everything he had ever dreamt about in any sort of partner, not that he had spent much time fantasizing

    25. As these brazenly un-republican systems scattered satellites across the globe the word “Republic” often appeared in their official nomenclature, frequently copying the Chinese form of “Peoples Republic

    26. “The remark isn’t surprising, given that Woods is a brazen liar

    27. 8 For though his prayer was heard with the Most High finally when he was cast into the brazen horse and the brazen horse was melted it served as a sign to him for the hour

    28. And again I said: Lord thereafter what will You do? And I heard a voice saying to me: Hear righteous John; Then shall appear the denier and he who is set apart in the darkness who is called Antichrist; And again I said: Lord reveal to me what he is like; And I heard a voice saying to me: The appearance of his face is dusky; the hairs of his head are sharp like darts; his eyebrows like a wild beast's; his right eye like the star which rises in the morning and the other like a lion's; his mouth about one cubit; his teeth span long; his fingers like scythes; the print of his feet of two spans; and on his face an inscription Antichrist; he shall be exalted even to Heaven and shall be thrown down even to Hades making false displays; And then will I make the Heaven brazen so that it shall not give moisture on the Earth; and I will hide the clouds in secret places so that they shall not bring moisture on the Earth; and I will command the horns of the wind so that the wind shall not blow on the Earth

    29. First were the sons of fresh oil to enlighten and heal, and now the brazen mountains give passage to the dusty death of a blitzing army

    30. Moses therefore makes a brazen serpent and sets it aloft and calls the people by a proclamation

    31. Add to that government neglect, the unique brazenness of some illegal aliens’ families who could dare to bring a lawsuit against the Government of the United States for the deaths of their family members who died by unlawfully crossing over the unprotected borders into our deserts, and one beholds an arrogance of thinking that defies reason

    32. What fascinating inebriation impregnates the soul and the hearts in the closeness of a celebration! It seems that the problems flee, frightened, terrified, by the deafening noise of the scandalous music and the brazen laughter of those who have been invited to with flamboyance, devouring bottles and bottles of champagne and succulent mussels on toasted buns

    33. Brazenly, she leaned back against Stu’s erection and opened her legs wider, allowing the fingers to invade completely

    34. A motion from Yasmela checked his exclamation and, saluting, he took his stand again beside the doorway, motionless as a brazen image

    35. It was not at the agonized contortions and posturing of the wretched boy that he was shocked, but at the cosmic obscenity of these beings which could drag to light the abysmal secrets that sleep in the unfathomed darkness of the human soul, and find pleasure in the brazen flaunting of such things as should not be hinted at, even in restless nightmares

    36. It was strange too, that he had brazenly trailed Dimitri Komadze, the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, got into a fight, and had been forced to kill a Soviet henchman

    37. “And who would be brazen enough to do such a thing?” Greg asked sarcastically knowing that Myra had sealed his fate

    38. The other children were stunned at the brazenness of Fiona’s attack on their father

    39. The warriors and the Marines stood at Parade Rest with their weapons in the “port arms” position facing the center of the circle where Tsarevich and his group stood angry at this brazen challenge to their authority

    40. realized how brazen my act of theft was

    41. what he looks like, but he’s incredibly brazen

    42. Though he would brazenly flaunt his own mistresses and fancy women before her eyes

    43. think that any of the four wanted squirrels is brazen enough to

    44. Feeling slightly ill at the brazen attitude of Terence, she focused her attention at the sights that whirled by just over his shoulder then felt his hand delicately massage her waist so as to recapture her attention

    45. " Mitchell felt embarrassed; he knew from their prior night's tribulations that they had together, that both girl's had begun to generate a brazen fixation on him

    46. Feltus knew that evil women were sometimes the most malevolent creatures capable of committing almost any crime over which they felt no remorse; however, to his knowledge she had no motive for wanting Terence Underwood dead other than his brazen behaviour towards her at the ball

    47. While the WILDCATs of the Cactus Air Force had not participated in the anti-shipping missions, they had their piece of the action today when a mixed force of Japanese seaplane fighters had brazenly attacked Henderson Field at twilight, with the WILDCATs shooting down six of the seaplane fighters while the anti-aircraft gunners of the 99th CAG had destroyed another five aircraft

    48. Percival knew this brazen-woman too, though he was not about to admit how

    49. Sue was impressed by Greg’s direct approach and his brazen lack of diplomacy; which it wasn’t, not the way he did it, when he asked her why it was she wasn’t walking around like all the other beautiful women he knew

    50. Tarana blushed at Kiara’s brazen remarks

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