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    Usar "breakfast" en una oración

    breakfast oraciones de ejemplo





    1. "So you've had breakfast already?" Jorma asked

    2. There was Luron's Cloud, scheduled south this Nightday and the Bram Daring bound north on the eastern shore with Nightday breakfast

    3. There are probably two dozen women in the town of Sinbara right now staring out the dingy window at their breakfast table and wishing there was someone there to share the view, or wishing they had a view in the sunshine at all

    4. He decided it was one of them that he wanted here to share his breakfast table

    5. Heed this mantra because our breakfast is THE most important meal of the day

    6. Eating breakfast also stimulates the metabolism, which may slow down overnight

    7. Breakfast helps replenish the blood glucose levels, which in turn is the brain's fuel

    8. ~ Studies have also shown that the nutrients missed by skipping breakfast cannot be compensated for in other meals, as the body is unable to process the vital nutrients optimally if consumed all at once

    9. ~ Researchers in the US have found that skipping breakfast routinely can indirectly increase the chances of developing diabetes and heart disease as the sugar deficient body craves for fatty foods which are hard to resist

    10. No doubt he was already grumpy because she hadn't been down to breakfast

    11. "Have you had breakfast?" she asked Herndon

    12. "I'm here to offer you a ride to breakfast," he said

    13. "Have you had your breakfast?" he asked

    14. They wound up doing Morningday breakfast at the camp since Venna slept in and Jorma wouldn't leave her there alone

    15. Venna was beat from a party the week before and missed breakfast altogether, then went up to shower

    16. Stephen is completely lost in his thoughts over breakfast

    17. For Morningday breakfast they stopped in the city called Amersahm, a place of a million or more that Ava had never even heard the name of before

    18. It was after breakfast in her world, still on a twenty four hour daily cycle, not twenty eight hours and thirteen minutes, more or less

    19. I’d started in the kitchen, washing up the breakfast things and then taking the cooker to pieces, scouring the chrome rings and going wild with the oven cleaner

    20. How about another after breakfast?"

    21. Something Stephen said over breakfast gave me the impression that he has been liaising with Paul pretty closely over the past few days and I have no doubt that Paul has been passing any information he has received to Emma

    22. Over Monday’s breakfast, over lunch and throughout the afternoon, as they

    23. all indicating that a couple had breakfast long ago before they left one morning, never to return

    24. "How long will their breakfast continue?" Tahlmue asked about the kedas

    25. "I can run and tell Bellme while they finish breakfast," he said about the kedas while he jumped up and started for the gate

    26. I was hoping to get over the bridge up here before breakfast was over

    27. I cast a glance at Stephen, just when did he learn about the arson attack, I wonder? I hadn’t seen him before I left the house and Molly hadn’t said anything over breakfast … Hmmm

    28. He awoke early and decided to go for a run to wake himself up before breakfast at the hotel

    29. He had a light breakfast, reviewed his plan for the day and then checked his voice mails There were three from unknown caller which he assumed were from his creditors

    30. He watched from the breakfast room of the hotel as one large goon rolled up in front of the Cash for Gold and unlocked the shutters

    31. Inside, the goon was seated, resting his fat elbows on the counter and preparing to sink his teeth into a sloppy breakfast roll

    32. She'd dial something else during breakfast now and then

    33. Teekra and John sit around the breakfast table as Mohammed pours tea, demurely exits

    34. How I managed to keep my hands off Stephen over breakfast I do not know

    35. Sure enough, she easily located Leonora Wells sitting with a breakfast sandwich at the Riverside Burger Joint at ten-fifteen in the morning, not a half an hour before

    36. He would never think of dialing out hunger, so over a hearty breakfast of eggs, ham and grits, she was going to have to tell him, there was less than ninety minutes till that shutlecraft docked with the Lula at this point and less than half an hour till they had to be in the androids to greet them

    37. She joined him in a hearty breakfast, trying to figure a way to soften the situation

    38. She should have used more time explaining and less time catching up on sex and breakfast

    39. I did as I was told and then stepped gingerly over my breakfast tray, not wanting to spoil the dubious pleasures that awaited me on my return from my ablutions

    40. I drank water from the bottle left at breakfast

    41. How could I, a normal boy from the Beirut suburbs, a boy destined for the traditional path no matter how much I might stray in youth, how could I feel this warmth for a man who could as easily kill me stone dead as look at me? Breakfast almost became a dread moment, a mixture of the sublime and the abhorrent

    42. The Kid told me that the guards did four-day stints, which meant that tomorrow morning would be my last breakfast with him

    43. I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress

    44. ’ He said deliberately seriously understating the case, ‘In the summer, I tend to get my breakfast and bring it up to eat in bed, and, on the odd occasion when I’ve been ill, it has been a great comfort to be able to see that lot from the bed

    45. In the morning of my departure, as we were all sitting around the big table taking breakfast, Alexander turned to me and thanked me for the translation I finished so quickly

    46. Over breakfast, I try to put a shopping list together

    47. I eat breakfast slowly and sit still for twenty minutes in the hope it will stop the dreadful sickness

    48. ‘Is there a problem?’ I asked in as ordinary a voice as I can manage, as I lead her into the kitchen and starting to clear my breakfast things away

    49. My words cause him jump up, but instead of running off, he just scowls at me, "You can't tell me who to care about!" Then he storms off, getting in line for breakfast with the other students

    50. Eventually he comes back and sits down with his breakfast, continuing his questions, "So what did he want?" And I try to act nonchalant with my answer, "He just wanted to ask me the time of the ceremony

    1. They breakfasted on tinned beans heated up in the fireplace, washed down with mineral water and strong black coffee

    2. Otherwise, he never would have come charging at them while she’d breakfasted with Homer

    3. I then headed straight for the galley where I breakfasted on water and bread

    4. We breakfasted in the morning and then started our steady march up to the front line as we got closer we could hear the crump thump of shells and trench-mortars and we also fancied that we could hear the rattle of machine gun fire

    5. He’d breakfasted with the guys at Mazerati’s at around eight that morning and had been feeling rather peckish

    6. Krishnan and Meenu usually breakfasted together though in their working days, it was rare to see them all eat together—even dinner

    7. 39 And when they had breakfasted Jesus said to Simon Cephas Simon son of Jonah love you me more than thesee He said to him Yes my Lord; you know that I love you

    8. The next morning we rose early, breakfasted, and walked to the train station

    9. Chris showered leisurely, dressed in some of his comfortable, new casual clothes then breakfasted and wandered off to work

    10. Chris headed back upstairs, breakfasted, showered, shaved and dressed in some of his new clothes

    11. Showered, shaved and breakfasted with an hour to spare before work, he retrieved his silver box from its hiding place and did a line of the powerfull coke

    12. The family breakfasted together in the dining

    13. Annie was already up, and so were the children, but they hadn’t yet breakfasted

    14. breakfasted early and 762 had transferred his baggage to the Shuttle which

    15. Hunter could only imagine how the witches had taken it all out on poor James while he was away being breakfasted by their boss

    16. I felt as though I had been let out of prison as I breakfasted joyfully on the verandah, the sun streaming through the creeperless trellis on to the little meal, and the first cuckoo of the year calling to me from the fir wood

    17. We left Göhren at seven the next morning and breakfasted outside it where the lodging-houses end and the woods begin

    18. They breakfasted late; so late that it was done to the accompaniment, strangely purified and beautified by the intervening church walls and graveyard, of Mrs

    19. Left to herself she would by preference never have breakfasted again

    20. She would have breakfasted on a cup of tea only, if it hadn't been that Lucy was going to need looking after that day, and the looker-after must be nourished

    21. As they breakfasted, Rowena informed Ingrid that her pack also carried the book she had mentioned

    22. He put on some clothes, and she told him everything she could remember as they breakfasted on coffee and bread with hard-boiled eggs

    23. And driving his ass before him he begged his master to follow, who, feeling that Sancho was right, did so without replying; and after proceeding some little distance between two hills they found themselves in a wide and retired valley, where they alighted, and Sancho unloaded his beast, and stretched upon the green grass, with hunger for sauce, they breakfasted, dined, lunched, and supped all at once, satisfying their appetites with more than one store of cold meat which the dead man's clerical gentlemen (who seldom put themselves on short allowance) had brought with them on their sumpter mule

    24. People could not understand either why Mere Rollet breakfasted with her every day, and even paid her private visits

    25. The family had breakfasted, all but William

    26. We breakfasted, and the tea things were scarce removed, when in were

    27. breakfasted with us, and leering archly at me, gave us both joy, and said,

    28. towards London, we left the inn as soon as we had breakfasted, not

    29. "Yes; this morning we breakfasted with him; we rode in his carriage all day, and now we

    30. breakfasted with the count

    31. Pumblechook and I breakfasted at eight o'clock in the parlor behind the shop, while the shopman took his mug of tea and hunch of bread and butter on a sack of peas in the front premises

    32. Earls and countesses breakfasted at five in the morning, on salt beef and herring, a slice of bread and a draught of ale from a blackjack

    33. But I alighted at the Halfway House, and breakfasted there, and walked the rest of the distance; for I sought to get into the town quietly by the unfrequented ways, and to leave it in the same manner

    34. "Yes; but then he breakfasted with me—indeed, he made his first appearance in the world

    35. He breakfasted heartily, and caring little, as he said, for the beauties of the Eternal City, ordered post-horses at noon

    36. man who has breakfasted on salt beef and strong ale

    37. The journey into the country being now entirely out of the question, and orders having been given overnight for turning the horses' heads towards London, we left the inn as soon as we had breakfasted, not without a liberal distribution of the tokens of my grateful sense of the happiness I had met with in it

    38. Next day she breakfasted in bed as usual, read the papers, telephoned to her friends

    39. The early mornings were still sufficiently cool to render a fire acceptable in the large room wherein they breakfasted; and, by Mrs Crick's orders, who held that he was too genteel to mess at their table, it was Angel Clare's custom to sit in the yawning chimney-corner during the meal, his cup-and-saucer and plate being placed on a hinged flap at his elbow

    40. (The younger dairymaids, including Tess, breakfasted with their hair loose on Sunday mornings before building it up extra high for attending church, a style they could not adopt when milking with their heads against the cows

    41. She made a halt here, and breakfasted a second time, heartily enough—not at the Sow-and-Acorn, for she avoided inns, but at a cottage by the church

    42. She did not enter any house till, at the seventh or eighth mile, she descended the steep long hill below which lay the village or townlet of Evershead, where in the morning she had breakfasted with such contrasting expectations

    43. The four breakfasted by the thin light, and the "house-ridding" was taken in hand

    44. His re-entry awoke her; and they breakfasted on what he had brought

    45. If they weren’t bathed, dressed, and breakfasted by ten to eight, the better part of valor was just to put them in a cab

    46. Casaubon was in one of his busiest epochs, and as I began to say a little while ago, Dorothea joined him early in the library where he had breakfasted alone

    47. Tantripp told her that he had read prayers, breakfasted, and was in the library

    48. eternally, and where she usually breakfasted if the weather were fine

    49. They breakfasted now off the remainder of Tom's provisions, meant for their supper, with additions that Tom had brought with him

    50. After they had breakfasted Gandalf decided to go on again at once

    1. breakfasting with Joe and Fred she stayed silent

    2. We climbed into overalls and sorted out a few tools before breakfasting on slabs of bread and cheese, washed down with chlorine-free rainwater from the tank

    3. The shower beckoned and after showering, dressing and breakfasting, it was off to work again

    4. Papa sits opposite me, breakfasting pleasantly on eggs, for he explains he is doing things

    5. 'Aren't you--' I looked at the other two unresponsive breakfasting heads--'aren't you glad?'

    6. He slept so heavily that eight o'clock found the Professor and myself still at Glowe, breakfasting at a little table in the road before the house on flounders and hot gooseberry jam

    7. I was breakfasting at the Ellisons,--and her letter, with some others, was brought to me there from my lodgings

    8. "I have already enjoyed that treat when breakfasting with you," said Morcerf

    9. "What you have just said induces me to hope that you intend breakfasting with me

    10. Beauchamp was breakfasting when he read the paragraph

    11. 'While you were riding about the country in expensive motor-cars, and galloping proudly on blood-horses, and breakfasting on the fat of the land, those two poor devoted animals have been camping out in the open, in every sort of weather, living very rough by day and lying very hard by night; watching over your house, patrolling your boundaries, keeping a constant eye on the stoats and the weasels, scheming and planning and contriving how to get your property back for you

    12. Jekyll had returned to his own shape and was sitting down, with a darkened brow, to make a feint of breakfasting

    13. He reappeared the next morning as she was breakfasting in her room, And, getting up, he put on his clothes and left the room despite her startled protests disheveled, quite drunk and in his worst sarcastic mood, and neither made excuses nor gave an account of his absence

    14. Feeling it necessary that she should be gradually accustomed to the idea of their quitting the house in Lowick Gate, he overcame his reluctance to speak to her again on the subject, and when they were breakfasting said—

    15. While breakfasting he considered whether he should ride to Middlemarch at once, or wait for Lydgate's arrival

    16. The officers were hurriedly drinking tea and breakfasting, the soldiers, munching biscuit and beating a tattoo with their feet to warm themselves, gathering round the fires throwing into the flames the remains of sheds, chairs, tables, wheels, tubs, and everything that they did not want or could not carry away with them

    17. de Beausset the honor of breakfasting with him, they heard, as Napoleon had anticipated, the rapturous cries of the officers and men of the Old Guard who had run up to see the portrait

    18. A few moments later he was breakfasting at the very table at which Jean Valjean had sat on the previous evening

    19. All nature was breakfasting; creation was at table; this was its hour; the great blue cloth was spread in the sky, and the great green cloth on earth; the sun lighted it all up brilliantly

    20. "This is what I call being good: being nice and coming and living here,—there are birds here as there are in the Rue Plumet,—living with us, quitting that hole of a Rue de l'Homme Arme, not giving us riddles to guess, being like all the rest of the world, dining with us, breakfasting with us, being my father

    21. I was breakfasting at the Ellisons,—and her letter, with some others, was brought to me there from my lodgings

    22. While they were breakfasting they went on talking:

    1. ~ Avoid breakfasts containing large amounts of sugar as it give an initial energy boost, but leaves one feeling drowsy within a few hours

    2. I know it isn’t always easy especially if you go out to business as the mornings are filled with rushing about, and breakfasts and bath water, and if something has to be left out—well that’s Yoga isn’t it? This is one of the main reasons, I find, why would-be devotees of Yoga do not pursue the subject

    3. These were not what his breakfasts used to be, these were special invitation-only and they were not supposed to be related to duty

    4. The Easter holidays mean that there’s no school run and the tourists are still asleep or locked in the paralysis of leisurely breakfasts and television kids

    5. A section of the seating area in the new cafe would serve the school's students as a lunchroom, for their special occasions and always for breakfasts

    6. The idea I had for this business was to create it as an information hub for everything to do with bed and breakfasts, but with a twist

    7. 52 top US bed and breakfasts in the US

    8. missed one of the best breakfasts of the whole trip – with

    9. The smell of that buttered toast simply talked to Toad, and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts on bright frosty mornings, of cozy firesides on winter evenings, when one's ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the stool; of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries

    10. But I loved those breakfasts, And I loved bar harping

    11. At the same time, beware of high-fat breakfasts

    12. shown that high-fat breakfasts, such as those that include bacon

    13. Despite my being the archetypal redneck southerner, they befriended me and invited me to Sunday morning breakfasts at their pad where I learned to love strawberry blintzes

    14. I blogged about local Bed and Breakfasts to stay at, attractions in the area, local history, and some topics that might be covered during the conference

    15. “I also had many enjoyable breakfasts and lunches with him in Ithaca as we discussed a number of business subjects over the years

    16. Bill bought me presents and hosted ‘Joan Sutherland’ breakfasts for friends, where he played her records and no one was permitted to speak

    17. that high-fat breakfasts, such as those that include bacon and sausage,

    18. Their plated breakfasts arrived, and there was a short break in the conversation while the young waitress fussed about serving the meals

    19. “You’d need two of those breakfasts to get you going” Matthew remarked as they headed for the Metro station

    20. Their breakfasts were very plain; they saved their best food for the evening meal

    21. Overflow from Memphis and Dollywood stayed in her charming Bed and Breakfasts and Granny sold a lot of herbs and canned goods to the tourist shops

    22. Paris opens the door as quietly as she can without dropping the tray of breakfasts

    23. After clearing their discarded clothes up, she went to prepare their breakfasts

    24. If I’m on a cruise in the middle of the Atlantic, do they serve continental breakfasts?

    25. breakfasts and knocking down beers around the pool

    26. � Ten minutes after finishing their breakfasts, the noise of multiple explosions made the guardsmen jump nervously

    27. They're all in use as bed & breakfasts

    28. breakfasts, such as those that include bacon and sausage, not only deliver lots of calories

    29. You could ride a few of the shuttle buses making sure you left some of it on the seats and floor, or better yet, just hang out at the Denny’s across from the airport, or in the hotels where they are serving the continental breakfasts for those up early trying to catch the redeye

    30. This included sombre breakfasts where the order of the day was a curt nod of good

    31. “Of course, your breakfasts are always so tasty!” Ailia said and sat down on a beat up, old wooden stool next to the crackling, hot hearth

    32. Tucking into there breakfasts, the room fell silent, apart from the occasional groan of delight as they all took their time slowly devouring there food

    33. absolute minimum the hotel would need a part-time cook for breakfasts and at least one part-

    34. want cooked breakfasts you’ll have to wait half an hour

    35. in fact I slept deeply and hated having to get up early to help with the breakfasts

    36. • If desired, either of the above breakfasts can be finished with an apple or pear slathered with raw almond butter or simply have some fresh fruit by itself

    37. pretended to forget to thank Windsor for his breakfasts a few days before she stopped eating

    38. Told Placid to pay for breakfasts as he was skint

    39. “That’s better” he growled and started to eat both breakfasts

    40. Bob pulled into the services to take a rest, and one of those all day breakfasts that really had been there all day

    41. Our breakfasts have almost arrived by the time Andy finishes his call

    42. 000 he gave the Democrats in an attempt to meet with President Clinton which never materialized, though he was invited to innocuous breakfasts and lunches with other important people but never managed to have an intimate chat with the President, Sen

    43. Nary a whisper was spoken between them as they picked at their breakfasts

    44. It is also useful to have ideas on what to serve for wedding reception breakfasts, lunches and dinners

    45. Amy was up at dawn, hustling people out of their beds and through their breakfasts, that the house might be got in order

    46. Two men, seated on the movable plank on which the victim is laid, were eating their breakfasts, while waiting for the criminal

    47. The patrons of the inn finished their breakfasts and began to drift out, heading across the square to the

    48. The smell of that buttered toast simply talked to Toad, and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts on bright frosty mornings, of cosy parlour firesides on winter evenings, when one's ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the fender; of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries

    49. And she could hear nothing from their houses breakfasts being prepared, for all the near neighbors except Mrs

    50. There's not many breakfasts wanted this morning

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