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    bring along oraciones de ejemplo

    bring along

    1. light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her

    2. The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

    3. As all of us would have endured pain, anger, sadness, and trauma in our Earthly incarnation, we inevitably bring along such negativity to this realm

    4. OK, bring along that sweater or tea towel you’re

    5. Why don’t you bring along a change of clothes, then after your ride and the afternoon at the pool you could join us for dinner

    6. I would need to bring along plenty of water and horse fodder for passing through the desert although this was the best time of year to do so since there was often rain

    7. I suggested we bring along John and he agreed

    8. She wished she’d remembered to bring along a bottle of water

    9. worked for them) and to bring along with them a list of their current

    10. But that night, he wanted to buy something at the supermarket and wanted to bring along the kids with him

    11. Tony also decided to bring along one of his employees, Ernest

    12. For the war-chief to bring along a woman as pretty as you, while the others are alone and far from home, will lead to jealousy

    13. He inspected the weapons then loaded their respective magazines, remembering to bring along extras

    14. She had told her that they should ride out alone and not bring along the rest of the staff

    15. For those who really spend a lot of time away from home, bring along your charger as well

    16. Battery power is always a big worry when travelling for long periods so it is always a nice idea to bring along the DS charger

    17. The Minister agreed to an immediate, unofficial, secret search of the Containers and arranged for Customs and Excise to send a Special Agent to assist Rory and bring along the Customs sealing-apparatus to conceal this surreptitious search, which was to be done after office hours in the evening

    18. When on shore, bring along a backpack with a tote bag

    19. applicable), you should have the right to bring along a

    20. During the second year she had sent pressing messages to Aureliano Segundo and he had answered that he did not know when he would go back to her house, but that in any case he would bring along a box of gold coins to pave the bedroom floor with

    21. � That person happened to bring along numerous pieces of very high technology and a fantastically detailed knowledge of this whole war, plus knowledge about the political and military affairs of the decades to come

    22. Stu and Spock put their bags in the boot and asked the driver if they could bring along Dao and Moo and then return them to Pattaya, he bowed and said, “of course,”

    23. Next time, I'll bring along a vise, and put the gun in that

    24. Should you decide to download and read this book, it will bring along a new perception about Kepler

    25. The gravity it should hold in distributing movement will bring along a certain amount of linear gravity to maintain the circular gravity position it wants to hold in the cosmic balance

    26. Roger and Heather then asked if they could bring along

    27. I would pick her up at around nine, a few blocks away from her house, and we would drive to some deserted spot, drink from a bottle of whisky I would bring along and make love in the car

    28. As for food, we had been prudent enough to bring along sandwiches

    29. this skill to bring along a buddy who has a horse

    30. They wearily created three piles of inventory: things they couldn’t live without, things they wanted to bring along, and things that must be left behind

    31. The remaining horses would carry the things they couldn’t live without and most of the things they wanted to bring along

    32. Fourth, bring along additional prescriptions in case you leave your prescription somewhere or you are not able to locate it for whatever reason

    33. Why does that matter? It means I can bring along other oxygen tanks, and equalize them with the rover’s tanks without having to do an EVA

    34. He even pushed his attentions so far as to desire the aide-de-camp at his side (a thick-set, short captain with a Tartar physiognomy) to bring along a corporal with a file of men in front of the carriage, lest the crowd in its backward surges should "incommode the mules of the senora

    35. “Green Valley’s sitting on top of enough of our supplies to keep his entire army fed for at least a couple of months, and that assumes he didn’t bring along any of his own

    36. They had orders not to enter, but to bring along every soul they could find on the plain

    37. On learning this, the new party had made haste, during the dispute about Flerov, to send some of their men in a sledge to clothe the stripped gentleman, and to bring along one of the intoxicated to the meeting

    38. Who did she think I might bring along, uninvited?

    39. He is such a personality, such a titanic personality! To-morrow they'll bring along another natural scientist, I believe, an officer for certain, and three or four days later a journalist, and, I believe, his editor with him

    40. Of this sort of recollections there were, alas! but too many; and each one seemed to bring along with it a train of others

    41. She'd bring along clotted cream and grapes and everything,' added Eroshka (who always explained things practically), 'and she wasn't the only one

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