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    Usar "brush against" en una oración

    brush against oraciones de ejemplo

    brush against

    1. He reached out with his little hands, letting his fingers brush against the barrier of blue, lightning sparks arching across his fingernails

    2. brush against Andrastus at every opportunity

    3. She felt his wooly shoulders brush against her

    4. brush against my leg as he came in

    5. Before she had time to think on, she felt something brush against her throat and neck close to her ear

    6. ” I stretch my arms above my head so they brush against the wall

    7. There is more hidden in those they brush against than can ever be told in all their stories

    8. The snow-raven swooped down towards him and he felt the edge of the bird’s wing brush against his face, causing a jolt of power to flare upwards in his mind

    9. A few jagged corners of the PSP protruded into the blackness cutting into those unfortunate enough to brush against them

    10. Simon thought that if he dared to brush against the man’s mind again, he might be lost in a world of fire, pain and greed

    11. The breeze coming through the window caused the curtain to brush against Eva

    12. He had scraped the bottom of his toothbrush against the wall of his cell every night since he came back from the hospital ward until it was nice and pointy

    13. He moved close to her till she could feel his warm breath brush against her skin, he put his other arm around her and moved her hand to hold the sword

    14. them closed for another second or two, as he felt her body – or at least half of it - brush against

    15. happened to speak with him in the hall, or brush against him as

    16. They were as far apart in the king-size bed as it was possible to be, his straight, firm back repelling hers like a magnet and she felt sure that, if she edged closer, an invisible barrier would brush against her skin, so ingrained were the day’s events

    17. I leaned into him and breathed in the warm scent of his skin and felt his heavy hair brush against my cheek as he held me, even as I ached for him to turn around so he could kiss me

    18. Then, without warning, Julianne stood on tiptoe to let her lips brush against his

    19. She could hear his breathing get faster and she could feel his erection brush against her body

    20. I would just feel the air brush against me while she made certain signs and symbols in the air

    21. He felt someone brush against his shoulder, and he knew that

    22. Just as she’d finished, she felt something brush against her ankle in the water

    23. could feel his hands gently brush against the outside of her breast

    24. Once again she had that diffident, shy look on her face, and once again her hand happened to brush against his fingers – this time he wasn’t so sure it was accidental

    25. In the first days after the move, looking through boxes in search of something else, she used to brush against the raised sailboat logo, used to lift the stopper and breathe in the simple blue scent

    26. This is very common with zones; sometimes the market will brush against the beer belly and at other times the market will push into the beer belly

    27. You don’t even think to object when they brush against your junk; it’s just a thing that happens, sometimes

    28. The calloused pads of his fingers brush against Hassan's eyes

    29. During the entr’acte a whiff of cold air came into Hélène’s box, the door opened, and Anatole entered, stooping and trying not to brush against anyone

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    Sinónimos para "brush against"

    brush touch skim scrape shave rub