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    Usar "buildup" en una oración

    buildup oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Did you know lightning depends on hunger? Lightning happens when there is a build up of positive energy in the clouds and a buildup of negative energy in earth

    2. Lactic acid buildup is also increased for quicker overload without real overtraining

    3. While he despised Hitler, Long was also an isolationist, and so prior to Pearl Harbor would have avoided not just war, but even preparing for war as FDR did with a draft and military buildup in 1940

    4. Johnson worried about another crisis, and so ordered the US troop buildup and bombing campaign to be gradual

    5. He mentioned also a buildup of barnacles that was affecting her maneuverability and slowing her considerably

    6. Or it may have been seen as a consequence of the unnatural use of the land, as in irrigation, through which a buildup of salts in the soil ended in the collapse of its ability to produce plant life of any kind

    7. In looking for a possible cause, it was also noted that there was an alarmingly rapid buildup of an industrial chemical, fluorocarbon, in the atmosphere

    8. An engine left running on idle over a long period of time then would develop carbon clogging that at some stage would begin to interfere with performance in the median range where it was set for average efficiency and performance, something akin to cholesterol buildup in the body

    9. in the ever-expanding buildup of cultural hierarchy

    10. hydrogen travels to Reactor Three, we will have a much greater buildup of hydrogen

    11. Walking the animal slowly in a large easy circle, Moshe watched the now more rapid buildup of livestock as the evening wore on and he gained added assurance in his new skill

    12. "I think it's a buildup," Bannister said, "and so does Phil Travers

    13. The Wolf was on temporary duty (TDY) to the Mike Force for a few weeks to augment their intelligence gathering and assessment capabilities of a suspected buildup in War Zones C and D

    14. Nearing the club door he noticed the cloud buildup, a sure prelude to the usual afternoon thunderstorm

    15. He heard Spears tell Travers about a Major from 5th Group coming in to study the buildup around Loc Ninh and Route 13

    16. Walking the animal slowly in a large easy circle, Moshe watched the now more rapid buildup of

    17. No fear of a slippery situation so long as the buildup remained slight, and the fall wasn't heavy enough to interfere much with visibility

    18. The buildup of dark

    19. Someone suffering from this disorder deliberately and purposely sets fires on more than one occasion, and before the act of lighting the fire the person usually experiences tension and an emotional buildup

    20. Another long term contributor often linked with pyromania is the buildup of stress

    21. When studying the lifestyle of someone with pyromania, a buildup of stress and emotion is often evident and this is seen in teens' attitudes towards friends and family (Gale 1998)

    22. Thatch buildup should be controlled

    23. It is important to control the buildup of thatch in your lawn

    24. The filth being washed off the men the men’s faces by the rain was countered by a heavy buildup of mud on their feet and legs

    25. buildup began in 1965, the figure dropped to only 21 percent for 1966

    26. DKA is a buildup of ketones in the blood

    27. Untreated, this buildup can cause a stroke by cutting off critical blood flow to the brain

    28. Some say that Reagan is responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union because of his huge military buildup as well as the Afghanistan effort, but the Afghans may have received help from some other countries and thus brought down their enemy in other ways

    29. Capturing the family buildup isn’t easy if we try to capture it all on a single page, even if only for three generations

    30. ‘’What could you send quickly to the Philippines without hurting too much our buildup in England, General Arnold?’’

    31. Our army buildup is still only in midstride and what we have is a lot of half-trained troops, led by inexperienced divisional staffs

    32. After a buildup that included heavy Tiger tanks mounting the 88mm gun, the Afrika Korps shattered the Americans at Kasserine Pass and drove them back

    33. Certainly Stalin had sanctioned the buildup of troops on the Nazi- Soviet border

    34. for two to three years without the “hazard” of a buildup in stockholders’ equity

    35. All of Europe was on alert, but Germany’s unprecedented military buildup left others at a disadvantage; and having met little resistance and having been nearly free to plunder at will, German confidence was soaring and Hitler finally launched a massive attack on Belgium, the Netherlands and France on May 10, 1940

    36. President Kennedy and his staff were understandably alarmed by the buildup of

    37. Since the buildup of nuclear arms stockpiles during the Cold War, it’s been fortunate that mankind hasn’t turned them on one another and annihilated much of life on earth in the process

    38. As the seconds tick by one’s lungs begin to hurt from a buildup of carbon dioxide, and that pain spreads to the stomach, and a little while later the whole chest seems ablaze

    39. the buildup of snow wasn’t enough to shovel, but it certainly is enough

    40. Lengthy preparations and buildup would only let time to the Japanese to appreciate and understand the threat our helicopters represent to them

    41. which is an excellent goal, but it won't further reduce the heat buildup

    42. Atheroma occurs when a buildup of liquid and semi-solid products (similar in texture to gruel), including cholesterol and other waste products associated with inflammation, forms ‘plaque’ in your artery walls

    43. Cursed brains have unorganized conscious mind acting under the buildup of power in the unconscious mind what is organized pulls together into an antagonism of chaos with intention to storm the what correlates to order

    44. He HAS to have sex whenever he wants to, because it's a “biological buildup” that has to be released or cause him pain, suffering and other strictly “physiological” consequences

    45. buildup with regard to a number of the Hebrew and Greek religious compositions written thousands of

    46. Will cause the set to terminate prematurely because the buildup of lactic acid becomes too

    47. trap gases and grains that are too large can trap detritus and lead to organic buildup

    48. are enclosed systems that quickly become polluted with biological substance buildup and

    49. There's only the heat of her skin, and the painful buildup of pleasure as she clutches him tight, as she moves beneath him to match his strokes, as she gasps against his ear, sending tremors from his eardrum to his tightening chest

    50. · Otitis media effusion (OME): Occurs as a result of buildup of fluid in the middle ear and generally will not present with symptoms of an acute infection

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