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    but then again oraciones de ejemplo

    but then again

    1. " That sounded rather small, but then again, she had managed to dig up what happened to Tdeshi on a trail that was twenty decades old, this was only fourteen

    2. But then again, she had gone along with him without any qualms about handing the Chip over once they got it

    3. He doesn’t look at all tired, but then again, he didn’t spend yesterday running away from men through miles of lemon groves

    4. but then again maybe its all I seen

    5. This was never true for me, but then again, I've always had a healthy appetite

    6. But then again, one can’t

    7. But then again, if that had been the case, then surely it would have reached the ears of the authorities … there would have been visitors at the barracks

    8. Not seen that before, but then again, you’ve never known her involved with a man before, and it looks very much as though she’s involved with this one

    9. Mike was slow to respond to her entrance, but then again making his way around the crowded kitchen, was a feat in itself

    10. It wasn't quite the romantic story she’d expected, but then again she figured most marriages back then where more for convenience, not love

    11. I don't think the sandwiches at Arby's are as good today as they were back in 1965 and 1966 but then again many things aren't as good as they were back in 1965 and 1966 like cars

    12. But then again, considering what it could have become, even though it still survived, it would never be anything more than a monstrosity; its hollow, rotting and near-lifeless trunk the ultimate metaphor for the remnants of the elven race

    13. ‘But then again…’ Jean couldn’t help feeling

    14. But then again, she isn't one to question

    15. I looked up and saw a Fusilier walking down our stretch of trench and I had the strange feeling that I had seen him before but then again I had seen a lot of them since being attached

    16. ” Looking at him I noticed that his chest was heavily bandaged and blood had seeped through the dressings and to me his wounds looked quite serious but then again I was no medic

    17. Well we did not care what it was because we had a few days fly free but eventually either they or there relatives turned up again to make our lived miserable but then again the whole peninsula was covered in flies so we were not alone in our suffering

    18. She broke down crying when I told her this and I was sorry that I had to be brutal but then again war was brutal and the sooner she understood this the better it would be for her

    19. As I looked over the land I thought what a crying shame because the fields of wheat, barley, potatoes and beetroots had gone to ruin and rotted because there was no one to look after them but then again there was a war on

    20. She crooned at me and whispered in my ear as though I was her child but then again we were both children really when you weighed it up

    21. Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again, too few to mention

    22. ” I was startled for I never knew that he had done all this but then again that was typical of the man he just got on and did things

    23. I looked at him thinking and you believe that bag of shite that he sold you I could not understand it but then again the first one to tell his story was believed and I had no one now to back up mine

    24. But then again all my friends had joined up so I could do no less though I must admit there were very few of them left alive now

    25. But then again I had been through the full range of emotions from anger to fear to finally acceptance after all I could have been killed at any time either on Gallipoli or here in France and even surviving the first day of the battle was quite a feat

    26. You might not believe it, but then again ya might

    27. But then again, it twisted and hissed and scratched us with its feet and the tail made two of the policemen sea-sick from swinging around or so they said

    28. But then again, she didn’t hate Sheena, did she

    29. Doing the odd push-up is part of training and to be expected but then again, SAP COIN had a push-up called a Chinese push-up or something where you stood with (you know what) in the air leaning on your hands and it was really tiring

    30. Or having your own bathroom as long as you wish without worrying about leaving hot water for your mates or walking back to you bed with your rifle in one hand and soap in the other! But then again I have no complaints, for I really loved that life-style and shed no tears when arriving at SAP COIN Pretoria with my kitbag after a few months away

    31. I thought that there was something seriously wrong with the world at large at that point, but then again, who was I to judge people, never mind guardian spirits of the after-world no less

    32. But then again, Langdon wasn"t a cop anymore

    33. Hilderich was mysteriously silent, but then again his injuries made it that difficult to speak his mind

    34. He thought to himself with bitterness that he might have been spared such skills, but then again, how would the army live and breathe without notices, requisition forms, and orders in triplicate?

    35. But then again, Ursempyre thought as he smiled bitterly and shook his head, who said reason had any part in all this?

    36. “But then again she might be in the United States with Alexander

    37. But then again, I haven’t interacted with many young Erudite

    38. I regard this as scientific pornography, but then again, who am I to make such statements) However, lets just for argument sake accept that this dinosaurs bones were extremely old

    39. (interestingly though, just observe when you attend a funeral in church, the pastor always say the deceased is now in heaven – where they get the authority to do this I am not sure, but then again it does sooth the ears of the relatives, doesn’t it?)

    40. I trust your brother and cousin but then again I don’t because of all the past incidents they have been in,” he said sipping his cup of coffee

    41. But then again, being me, she probably wouldn't care at all

    42. But then again they must still be going through the motions of mourning his father

    43. Hobbs was caught off guard, he was supposed to say that but then again, his little minion was allowed to speak if it meant they both prospered from it

    44. Harry smiled and took it the French reporter from the FT had woven a good deal of half truths amongst most of them, but then again, they didn’t have another point of reference to go by

    45. At this point in our relationship, I didn’t think saying I was a vampire would help my hotness factor, but then again I wasn’t sure what Levi was anyway

    46. Akua was not where he should have been, but then again I had rung him several hours prior

    47. But then again, had he fed me contaminated blood?

    48. It wasn’t achievable, a vampire who didn’t know he was one, how could Levi control his hunger at such a tender age if he was a vamp? His desire for blood would be far too great to control, but then again, recalling his reaction to the way I had bled earlier, that could be construed as a little off

    49. It all sounded rather prehistoric to him in the twenty first century, like something out of a ninth grade history book, but then again, nothing was normal about the girl he loved he mused, and to top it all off, they were in the middle of what the local residents had termed “The Creepy Woods”

    50. sway him one way or another at the time, but then again, like he said, he was only

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