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    2. “Ugh, I have a bad taste in my mouth,” she reached for her canteen

    3. canteen, there was only one topic of conversation

    4. After a few seconds grappling with another question he hurries forward and catches up with Sergeant Miller by the swing doors at the entrance to the canteen

    5. The canteen is in the basement of the hospital, not far from the mortuary

    6. Letting the medically insane into a canteen is, in her considered opinion, a tragedy in the making

    7. She still wants to scream at the useless bugger sitting opposite her, but she has no intention of giving him or anyone else in the canteen the satisfaction of watching her lose it

    8. Billy walks out of the canteen with a vague wave in the direction of Carol's table and turns left

    9. He walks past a man in scrubs who gives him an odd look but carries on towards the canteen

    10. If you've really got something useful you might find him in the canteen or you could come back at six

    11. Despite his rising antipathy for the lure of the press pack he couldn’t think of anything else to do but buy a paper in the hospital shop and now he is sitting in the canteen nursing another cup of coffee

    12. Alex sits back and checks out the canteen

    13. The rest of the pack has disappeared, canteen bound, not expecting any action until the intensive care unit chucks out at around eight o’clock

    14. corners of her mouth in a long swipe, like a cowboy finishing his canteen after a

    15. Kurt poured the remainder into his canteen cup

    16. She opened her back pack and pulled out several boxes and a canteen

    17. “No I’m fine Sarge Dusty Miller came along and took my canteen and he has been back and filled it twice since then in fact he came back about five minutes before you arrived so I have a full canteen again

    18. Two roofs down I saw Fred Elliot he was stood close to the edge of the building talking to Dust Miller who was probably asking him for his canteen again

    19. I and the rest of the walking wounded filed down the gangplank and there at the bottom were a group of FANNY’S running a canteen and handing us mugs of tea as we filed past

    20. I was carrying a full canteen of water and had my rifle with the bayonet fixed to it

    21. (We certainly told them as much when they whined in the police canteen about the whole thing, which stopped it right there

    22. Entering the canteen, McKee sat away from the other staff, listening to the news on the radio, drinking coffee

    23. “Tell the staff that there’s been a security breach and they must assemble in the canteen immediately

    24. And hot! One time he and Mush-Head brought a litre of juice, a can of pop and one canteen with a litre and half of water

    25. The door to the canteen swung open and Lee came in with a big smile on his face

    26. “He’s back in the canteen recovering

    27. Sending the girls into the canteen, Troy and Lee stripped Piers of his clothes to see if he had any more wounds

    28. Finding none they dressed him again and joined the girls in the canteen

    29. They had just sat down around the table to eat beans and spaghetti, when an explosion slammed the canteen door shut

    30. Running back into the canteen, he practically threw Troy from his chair

    31. Running back to the canteen, he rummaged through the stuff Troy and Lee had collected earlier

    32. As Conal turned to go back to the computer room, Troy barged into the canteen

    33. about, a canteen of water that slid easily into my saddlebag

    34. He stood quietly for a moment, going over everything he’d seen since he’d entered the building in his mind, then walked back to the canteen

    35. The woman’s footsteps passed by in the direction of the canteen and he stood looking through the sliver of a crack he’d left between the door and the frame

    36. Pushing the guard down the corridor the men marched him into the canteen and followed him inside

    37. “Where the Germans had their canteen,” replied Colling

    38. He quickly assembled a crew to unload the soda fountain components, uncrate them, and move them into the canteen

    39. Colling discovered that Klaus had used the six days that they had been gone to construct a long counter along one side of the large main room of the former canteen that Colling envisioned would be the PX dining area, if approval were given to establish one

    40. A notice had been posted on the battalion bulletin board, offering additional pay for any soldier interested in employment behind the counter in the canteen

    41. Mott simply shrugged and went to his backpack to fetch his canteen

    42. Mott on the other hand was scraping the last spoonfuls from his canteen, and was quite possibly going to refill it soon

    43. Mott was up on his feet once more, pouring some smoking hot stew in his canteen

    44. He did not add a verbal insult though, and kept trying to consume the broth left in his canteen

    45. Lanris left his canteen unfinished, broth and bread-pie still mixed inside

    46. He placed it near Mott, who surely would not let it go to waste once he emptied hiw own canteen once more

    47. Mott put down Lanris canteen empty and burped loudly, feeling his stomach with one hand

    48. When Colling opened it, he found himself in what appeared to be a canteen where American soldiers were seated at a half-dozen tables eating

    49. a canteen area could be seen

    50. with the dull drone of electricity, the canteen was occupied by a

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