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    Usar "capitalist" en una oración

    capitalist oraciones de ejemplo


    1. In this regard, the capitalist system proved to be

    2. Government poisoned the operation of the capitalist economy, then stepped in to cure the illness with ever larger doses of the same poison

    3. ‘They have spies in our government offices, and cybermercinarys who have fallen under the influence of their ultra capitalist dogma

    4. Then admit to yourself that the Bolshevik butcher must have been laughing to himself when he encountered the pantywaist so-called capitalist at Yalta

    5. Lenin"s characterization of those in the capitalist countries who would provide the ropes that would hang them

    6. to their new capitalist system, whether they resented more than

    7. A far cry from the old systems, designed for a global population, divided between the market-driven capitalist West and the mainly socialist Eastern Alliance countries, retaining stability for decades, as did its population

    8. “What if he wants to kill the emperor and put a figurehead on the throne, not because he wants a leader who’s sympathetic to capitalist interests but because his government wants someone who can be manipulated into working for them, maybe even helping to set up an invasion? The Nurians might not hate us as much as the Kendorians or other nations we’ve conquered, but they would certainly gain a lot from our fall

    9. Not only was this intended to undermine the Soviet Union, the plan insisted aid would be only through capitalist markets, never through state run enterprises

    10. Wallace was not only strongly anti racist, he was anti colonialist and anti capitalist

    11. That evening both men even visited the university tent where there were 24-hour lectures on China and the demise of the capitalist model

    12. They were speaking in terms of private ownership and the capitalist system, whereas they should be preparing for a communal and sharing world

    13. Nonetheless, in places where tourism flourishes, the Chinese have learned all the capitalist tricks of the West

    14. And all this they did in the name of their greedy white-male God! In the name of Christianity, in the name of their white-male religion, and in the name of white-male capitalism, these rich Christian pigs tried to obliterate every other race, every other culture, every other religion, every other living creature! These rich greedy Christian fascist Nazi-scum pigs tried to exploit and subjugate everyone and everything! Death to all Christian rapists! Death to all Christian fascists! Death to all Christian mass murderers! Death to all Christian Nazi scum! Death to all rich greedy Christian capitalist exploiters!"

    15. I can only accept capitalist communism…”

    16. by the capitalist mode of production with manufacturing indus-

    17. When trying to determine if a country is socialist or capitalist

    18. diately overthrowing the capitalist state and replacing it with small independent communities

    19. board and this destruction to our society is the fault of the capitalist

    20. hatred of capitalism and liberalism expressed as hate for the world’s great model of capitalist success, the United States, with its free-trade policies, its free institutions and fee-speech traditions

    21. is the only capitalist system that gives its citizens the freedom to earn what he can, to buy what he wants, and to live free as man should

    22. , feudal and capitalist) society

    23. According to Marx, the working people in a capitalist society “necessarily think socialistically

    24. In her zealotry she was actually behaving like a good capitalist

    25. The clash between thesis and antitheses evolved the higher stage of synthesis or –as Marx concluded--communism, which unites capitalist technology with social public ownership of factories and farms

    26. The founders of this country established a capitalist nation

    27. capitalist or industrialist of the late 19th century considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting legislators, or other unethical means

    28. Galambos also pointed out that only in the United States is it possible to associate conservatism with Capitalism because “Nowhere else is there anything worth preserving in terms of a capitalist heritage

    29. ” A true capitalist does not seek to emulate the past

    30. Their certitude of the “injustice” of the capitalist economy requires a dedication to “social justice” (as they define it) and literal, material “equality of all” except for the ‘liberals’ and the academic intelligentsia who believe that they are “more equal than equal,” (Italics mine) as labeled by author George Orwell in describing the pig leaders in his Animal Farm

    31. “The capitalist is as much a neighbour of the labourer as the latter is a neighbour of the former, and one has to seek and win the willing cooperation of the other

    32. agreements as capitalist exploitation

    33. "It's the traditional capitalist establishment," declared a student teacher

    34. "Ha! You believe the propaganda of the Capitalist Press! The lackeys of the Imperialists with their machinations against the workers, the ordinary people," he cried angrily

    35. That is, live in a capitalist democracy where the rich are fabulously wealthy and the poor have little or nothing

    36. The issue is that we are a capitalist country and a great democracy

    37. This can be a good thing in a capitalist society, but a bad thing if many people that are ill cannot get medical coverage in the US

    38. After all we are in a capitalist society and all should be able to make more money producing products- right? But at what expense because these processed foods are what we are all buying and getting unhealthy

    39. I think many of the networks know what they show is filth, but in this capitalist society it is all about making money

    40. He escaped to California but wasn’t shocked enough to become a heartless capitalist

    41. When a venture capitalist takes the risk of investing in a high-tech operation, the payoffs need to be more rapid than in a low operating leverage scenario

    42. 'We must have assurance that this is not a capitalist ploy designed to strike at the heart of international communism or Chinese interests anywhere in the world,' he said

    43. Niles Weiss betrayed the capitalist covenant he was obliged to protect by birthright

    44. It’s a fundamental plank of the capitalist system and one which the Republic of CaliModerna whole heartedly embraces and- - “He ground to a halt as his eyes met the horrified visage of his once strong ally, the Confederate

    45. competition for scarce resources is the driving force behind evolution is the obvious conclusion that a capitalist would come to; just as the idea that things are the way they are because that is God’s will is the only explanation that a Jew, Christian, or Muslim needs

    46. As a budding venture capitalist it was a double blow

    47. In the truest tradition of a venture capitalist, I had bought early, participated

    48. This last kind is often granted to state companies and encourages them to invest in areas that are helpful to the country and that normal capitalist (profit making) companies might not invest in

    49. The capitalist West is simply thinking about

    50. Yet, in our tireless quest to win, to own, to rule we shield ourselves from the ever-cycling communication of the Earth's living system by housing ourselves even after death in gate guarded rooms that we rent below ground in waste-caskets, or by enshrining ourselves in gilded boxes within marble tombs encased by McMausoleums vulture-perched on eternally manicured cemetery hills – where the winners, owners and rulers of the capitalist system still seek to be the grandest of the dead, vainly trying to take with them the energy that comprised them, a present that is ever on loan from the always giving universe

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    capitalist capitalistic investor financier banker landowner businessman