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    catechism oraciones de ejemplo


    1. That worthy hypocrite insisted that I first undergo a catechism class

    2. Later he confronted me angrily after I’d just sung to raise money for his church: why wasn’t I at his catechism class? I walked away without a word

    3. This belief is based on the liberal catechism that holds all problems are solved once we feel good about our intention to solve them

    4. This city had deep religious meaning for Roger who taught catechism in St

    5. It's been a log time since catechism for me, Ha-huh!”

    6. a catechism for Buddhist children

    7. Colonel Olcott wrote the first catechism of

    8. write an introduction to it for children, and to reserve his catechism, which

    9. He asked in that catechism: “Was

    10. He was teaching him the catechism as he shaved the necks of his roosters

    11. and thank my Catholic catechism classes for these nuggets of wisdom,

    12. Early in the morning of 12th November Thirty two Lancaster’s took off on the final raid against Tirpitz, aptly named Operation "Catechism"

    13. It is no wonder that Hitler's Lebensraum colonial movement - Nazism - possessed all the hallmarks of an institutional religion: priesthood, rites, rituals, temples, worship, catechism, mythology

    14. Care not so much for their being mighty in the catechism, as for their being mighty in the Scriptures

    15. The Church Catechism says that baptism contains two parts,�the outward and visible sign, and the inward and spiritual grace But the Catechism nowhere says that the sign and the grace always go together

    16. This is the only sense in which we can teach children the Church Catechism

    17. " Yet no man in his senses would say that all children who say the Catechism are really "sanctified" or really "elect," because they use these words

    18. No infant is of itself worthy to receive grace, because, as the Catechism says, it is "born in sin and a child of wrath

    19. The Church Catechism asks the question, �Why are infants baptized?" But it does not give as an answer, "Because they offer no obstacle to grace,"�but "because they promise repentance and faith by their Sureties

    20. John's First Epistle, most certainly means a great deal more than being admitted into a state of ecclesiastical privilege! To say, for instance, "Whosoever is baptized doth not commit sin,�and overcometh the world," would be ridiculous, because untrue,- Moreover, the Church Catechism distinctly teaches that the inward and spiritual grace in baptism is not a mere ecclesiastical change, but "a death unto sin and a new birth unto righteousness

    21. They can safely defy anyone to prove that their views are not in harmony with Scripture, with the Thirty-nine Articles, with the Prayer Book, with the Catechism, with the Homilies, and with the writings of many of the best divines in the Church of England

    22. The views and principles of the Church of England are to be found in her Articles, Communion Service, Catechism, and Twenty-seventh Homily

    23. How many parts are there in the Lord's Supper? The Catechism of the Church of England rightly tells us that there are two parts

    24. The answer of the Church Catechism is the best that can be given

    25. Their souls, as the Catechism says, are "strengthened and refreshed" by inward spiritual communion with the body and blood of Christ, after the same manner that a material body is strengthened by bread and wine

    26. Does not the Church Catechism say that the "body and blood of Christ are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper"? Do not the words "verily and indeed" mean that, in the judgment of those who drew up the Catechism, there is a real corporal presence of Christ's natural body and blood in the consecrated bread and wine?

    27. [28] The Assembly's Larger Catechism begins with this admirable question and answer

    28. He would have the catechism and the confirmation service on his side, as well as the laws of right behaviour and filial love

    29. Another paraphrase on the Lord’s prayer, in the words of the assemblies shorter Catechism

    30. Another prayer drawn out of my plain Catechism for children (which was first published in the year 1703) which will be easy to those children who have learned that Catechism

    31. Another paraphrase on the Lord�s prayer, in the words of the assemblies shorter Catechism

    32. It expands and contracts (exhalation and inhalation)” (Catechism of the occult, taken from “The Secret Doctrine” by HP Blavatsky)

    33. “What is that which was, is, and will be, whether there is a Universe or not; whether there be gods or none?' asks the esoteric Senzar Catechism

    34. And the answer made is —SPACE” ("The Occult Catechism", taken from the Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky)

    35. Besides, the ringing over a little earlier warned the lads of catechism hour

    36. Then, picking up a catechism all in rags that he had struck with is foot, "They respect nothing!" But as soon as he caught sight of Madame Bovary, "Excuse me," he said; "I did not recognise you

    37. He thrust the catechism into his pocket, and stopped short, balancing the heavy vestry key between his two fingers

    38. As formerly, Monsieur Bournisien dropped in every day when he came out after catechism class

    39. Then I put her through the following catechism: for a girl of twenty-two it was not injudicious

    40. A complete Wordsworth stood at one end of the lowest shelf and a copy of the Maynooth Catechism, sewn into the cloth cover of a notebook, stood at one end of the top shelf

    41. FIRST WATCH: It is not in the penny catechism

    42. Care must be had, nevertheless, to put the child to due and stated examination in the catechism, at thy hands or Master Dimmesdale's

    43. “Is this the catechism?” she said petulantly

    44. "He handed me the very paper which I have here, Watson, and this is the strange catechism to which each Musgrave had to submit when he came to man's estate

    45. ‘Yes, but faith without works is dead,’ said Stepan Arkadyevitch, recalling the phrase from the catechism, and only by his smile clinging to his independence

    46. So much for prayer; What's the next thing?" I gave him the catechism to take away

    47. He learned large bits of the catechism by heart, and the Lord's Prayer, and the Hail Mary

    48. What's more,' he added, 'Cordelia's got me so muddled I don't know what's in the catechism and what she's invented

    49. I suppose learning the catechism, making my first confession, and all that world-without-end stuff literally put the fear of God into me, but nobody did it to me

    50. He thrust the catechism into his pocket, and stopped short,

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