Usar "centralize" en una oración
centralize oraciones de ejemplo
1. Gradualism is nothing more than the concept of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, in which he stated, “The state should wrest, by degrees all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state
2. The black mages want to topple the established order of things; want to centralize everything through a central Government that would be headed, of course, by one of them
3. ‘’May I suggest that the services of INTERPOL[1] be used to centralize all future requests for assistance, and this for all the member countries of INTERPOL, and not only Belgium
4. tried to centralize control of their satrapies, including
5. You will find it of the greatest value to centralize your thoughts on health
6. Long before we actually began living in settled villages, tool innovation forced us to centralize ourselves: Tools were forcing modern humans to come together simply because our tools had become specialized
1. There was one hoary old cinematic university out there somewhere, but all in all, Zhlindu had one of the more centralized basins
2. This arrangement was a concession to skeptical opponents of centralized forms of government
3. Liberalism‘s gradual departure from traditional conventions and quasi/moderate viewpoints coupled with its uncanny fascination with centralized authority has engendered an utopic, foolishly optimistic worldview based on imaginary global assumptions rather than practical means
4. The origin of Modern Conservativism lies in Liberal traditional principles that respected religious and individual freedom and property rights, supported free and open markets, were suspicious of big government and encouraged a strong national defense up until the time a band of influential (socialist) thinkers began embracing centralized forms of government
5. The Office of Interception Centres provides a centralized interception service to law enforcement agencies involved in combating threats to national security
6. Consciously or unconsciously (I prefer the latter) a Leftist believes in centralized power in spite of the history lessons
7. the centralized tracking spreadsheet that Jasmine had set up
8. Something like the European Union centralized in Brussels, Belgium
9. In fact, everything about this administration revolves around a single subject, a single goal: the acquisition of centralized power as absolute as can be achieved
10. The War now has a centralized, coherent plan, and an undisputed Field Marshall in command, with the others “we have been waiting for” at his side
11. This can be located anywhere, so long as all administrative items are centralized
12. All the divisions report their financial data through the centralized computer located here
13. But the biggest problem was that Siberia had a centralized
14. But what would happen when the power of this centralized state falls into the hands of a man far less noble than Frederick? What happens when the time comes that “Pharaoh no longer knows Joseph”?
15. Maintaining a centralized state was to the benefit of most Jews because national identity as “subjects of the Emperor”
16. He overturned each division’s autonomy, believing management should be centralized in Ithaca with specialists under his management experienced in sales, leasing, and operations
17. Other than certain modifications to suit the morality of The Just Alliance, we are directly emulating Zarkog’s practices, including much of his system of childcare and the housing of the populace in large, centralized, easily defended barracks, particularly those from outlying and isolated places
18. The bird still supported Special Forces camps and remote outposts as part of the centralized USAF airlift system set up by MAC (Military Airlift Command) in Vietnam
19. or centralized sensory organs in the astral body
20. There was a desperate need for the formation of a centralized
21. All these services slowly disintegrated when the British introduced a system of centralized tax collection and distribution
22. The rationale was that the centralized IT department would serve units which had similar needs across the organization
23. Centralized IT supported the LAN, the WAN, and the communications systems, while SAP was all decentralized
24. The current director of the centralized IT function was reassigned during the project, leaving his slot open for a new appointee
25. Until the reorganization, the centralized IT group provided little support to the line departments
26. The main attraction was a natural copy of the home of the average American worker with moquette, TV in the living-room, two bathrooms, a centralized heating plant and a kitchen with washing machine, dry tumbler and refrigerator
27. Their plan is to keep the people uninformed by promoting poor educational systems, and by keeping them dependent on centralized governments that they control
28. Nestled between the trusses, the passenger ship portion would be gutted to provide common galleys, schools and the kinds of support that would be more efficient centralized rather than distributed among three freighter modules which were lacking in amenities
29. It gained power by adopting a system of Bible interpretation that centralized its clergy’s authority
30. Webster defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
31. You have ten minutes to put away all your weapons in a centralized storage area that will then be guarded by us
32. Thousands of tons of foodstuff were not centralized properly and were either abandoned or left behind
33. Stockpiled reserves of food had as a further result been moved from local Filipino warehouses and then centralized in Bataan and Corregidor, against the wishes of President Quezon
34. It was fought between the federalists led by Joseph Kasavubu, head of ABAKO, his Bakongo tribal party and the MNC, led by Patrice Lumumba, His Mouvement National Congolais stood for a unitary centralized state
35. A centralized information system will result in better prevention and more efficient treatment; raising quality and lowering cost by reducing waste
36. He had governed Gujarat as a virtual one-man show, with an excessively centralized chief minister’s office where bureaucrats were often more powerful than ministers
37. Freeman later learned that the Federal Air Force’s centralized command and control network failed shortly after the last Melioran plane was shot down, and there was no evidence that the system was ever repaired
38. But Wishful is centralized
39. Give your applicants a centralized location to apply for positions that holds all pertinent information about that applicant
40. In the centralized business model, there is a high degree of corporate-level control because revenue, reporting, and employee reward are fun-neled through the corporate management
41. With a centralized approach, clear lines of communication can result, enabling economies of scale and the ability to standardize the use of knowledge management technologies throughout the organization
42. What began as a social ideal of equality: became an Imperial oppression of pure centralized power
43. Nothing in the Universe stays permanently centralized
44. Even Black holes are not centralized centers of permanently accumulated energy
45. When there are no gas stations, no cars, no grocery stores, when there is no money, no global trade, no mass media, no oil, no electricity, no heated homes, no stores, no mass produced products, no jobs, no government, no centralized power, no higher authority to tell them what to do and how to live: when all their gods and idols and icons are smashed into pieces and are dead and destroyed: they will die simply because their purpose on earth is finished: poisoned humans who are controlled by undead things have no will of their own to live: when undead remove themselves from these drones: they die
46. The idea of small independent communities was reversed into an attempt at world domination by centralized power through every subversive, sly underhanded lying tactic possible… including trying to overpower all of the other capitalistic superpowers with an even worse brands of military dictatorship than the West supported… The result is today, the word; communism instead of representing the idea of small self-sufficient communities represents everything that is corrupt and vile
47. It was a totalitarian State of total centralized power: not a state of small self-sufficient independent communities
48. Both Stalin’s USSR and Mao’s China were totalitarian centralized states: the complete opposite of independent autonomous Communes
49. The USSR and China after WW2 were the worst forms of civilized centralized power ever to emerge and kill and starve and dehumanize millions of people on a mass scale of centralized inefficiency and stupidity
50. Yet history still calls these two monsters of centralized evil; ‘communists’
1. Therefore, the current monetary system aggregates whatever is fragmented, that is, centralizes the resources of the diverse familiar units and producing units for speculation in the market
2. No star centralizes Energy forever through a dynamic of one-Sided Accumulation
1. This force or to can is conquered by the accumulation and integration of the organizational resources, without each organization loses its autonomy and without there is delegation of power or centralizing pole about its actions
2. There was an uneasy peace in the empire, as nationalist sentiments struggled against the centralizing tendency in Vienna, capital of the empire
3. Then you try to place the roundabout version because it’s given off a resemblance of a centralizing sensation of life chirping
4. All space structures hold in every centre there is that is confirming their independence at that point of securing independence the centralizing of the most heat it is able to concentrate and from that centre holds all material captured or controlled in the domain of what that forms the independence of the structure
5. By weaving the evils all of all these thousands of years of past events of assassination and ritual sacrifice into one place, into one person and centralizing all of the undead filthy evil ghouls linked to these ancient pasts together… into one small street in Sarajevo in order to murder the healthiest, most bull-headed, obstinate young arrogant heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: archduke Franz Ferdinand… the ghouls of the undead managed to spark WW1