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    Usar "chaplain" en una oración

    chaplain oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He holds services in the local pubs and is chaplain to both the local college and the steam railway which runs nearby

    2. curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade

    3. The pay of a curate or chaplain,

    4. A short time later a Chaplain appeared he apologised that it was so late and that he wished he could have got here sooner but with the battle and everything and his voice trailed off

    5. When you have legal problems don’t call your psychologist or chaplain

    6. I joined Chaplain Swift a few minutes later

    7. This action of Chaplain Swift, and Dr

    8. Chaplain Brown conducted a service under fire over the grave of Captain O'Neil, and later assisted Chaplain Swift with a general burial in the valley

    9. Erelong bullets began to whistle around, but neither chaplain hesitated

    10. Then each chaplain seized a spade and filled the grave

    11. Am puzzled though on why all the pictures of his Son shows a man with long hair? Asked a Chaplain once who told me to “be like rokkof since I am in the f long haired liberal habit of asking stupid questions and they worry about my lost soul

    12. I still believe the Chaplain told the Colonel as the member had to make a confession on the Chaplain's urging (who thought he wanted to commit suicide)

    13. " Accordingly he too was fatherly sorted out and the Chaplain (visiting by chance) took both culprits away for their own safety before they could carry on with their fatherly education which is "f uncalled for from the Chaplain and shows f communist tendencies they did not expect from a SAP Chaplain

    14. but the Chaplain did not want to agree saying: "They should stop f acting like f liberals themselves

    15. Or rather, that is what the Chaplain said he said but they lost "f confidence in that Chaplain who obviously does not f understand SAP COIN's sacred ways and they sincerely suspect now is a f long haired liberal himself

    16. Man, I would have executed the culprits and the Chaplain for interfering in SAP COIN business! Thereafter I would have gone after any and all witnesses

    17. You just open the rear doors and take a running jump falling on your face if lucky: “What do you f mean you will fall to an early f death constable? Did the f chaplain not explain to you in College you cannot f die before your f time? Be like rokkof now and f stop your f liberal tendencies before we get fatherly concerned about you!”

    18. They were stored in a box next to the Chaplain

    19. Once, being obnoxious according to the perplexed Chaplain, I asked why the issued Bible repeated itself in the first four books of the New Testament and would it not be better just to choose one gospel and get done with? It was not as if you needed more than one statement on the same subject because the Apostles were fairly reliable witnesses and would not any of the gospels do? And then add something practical, like Proverbs perhaps? He had no answer, and just shook his head and muttered to himself under his breath about the obnoxiousness of Flying Squad members

    20. “Yes Chaplain, I do not earn enough money to support it

    21. ” Are we, the SAP then as wicked as the commies we were supposed to chase now and then? That really showed his lack of humour and I had to appear before the Chaplain to confess my sins

    22. Then one day a Chaplain proved to me that they actually had a sense of humour when he explained that “Adam was originally a black man who got such a fright when God caught him stealing apples from God’s garden that he turned white from shock and fear

    23. So I’d had to interrupt them by asking: “What is the reward for faith Chaplain?” Their answer was "To go to heaven sergeant, and eternal life

    24. " I replied, quite reasonably I thought, "Chaplain, what should I do in heaven? By the time I arrive, God would have sentenced all of the criminals and terrorists to life in hell

    25. He therefore would have no need for my skills! Who should I arrest or kill there? There can be no job or satisfaction for me in heaven, Chaplain

    26. But note, Chaplain, the poem was not originally written for her, but for his fiancée, who also died before her time:

    27. But note Chaplain, the poem was not originally written for her, but for his fiancée, who also died before her time:

    28. and she immediately paged the hospital chaplain

    29. The chaplain was

    30. in a hospital when the chaplain is asked to speak with the family

    31. conference room down the hall with the chaplain and Carolyn, the

    32. The chaplain left the room after giving us her

    33. We thanked the chaplain and social worker for their information

    34. Just about the time that we joined, the pastor, who had just been re-appointed by the District Superintendent to another two-year term, suddenly left our pulpit to become chaplain at a junior college

    35. She invited us, and we hit it off very well with their newly called pastor, a former USAF chaplain, Rev

    36. ” Because the younger one was a recovering cokehead, and my not being Roman Catholic anyway, I felt more comfortable talking with the older priest who was also the chaplain at Providence College and had been the same at Georgetown previously

    37. She invited us to attend, and we hit it off very well with their newly called pastor, a former USAF chaplain, Rev

    38. Bob Bartlett, the-then Protestant chaplain at L&M

    39. The duty chaplain, a married Methodist, stood behind Friedlander

    40. Jake Friedlander shifted his cigar and waved over the Methodist chaplain

    41. Chaplain: ordained member of the clergy commissioned as an officer

    42. Please tell her she‘ll have to call the Jail Chaplain so she can visit me as my minister and tell her she can bring her phone in here

    43. Installed Master or an ordained Chaplain who pronounces the words of

    44. “In the seven years that I have been a chaplain at the Academy, this is the largest group of Jewish cadets I have seen graduate

    45. of the church from the chaplain, Bill had said

    46. insignia of a chaplain

    47. Then a Unity chaplain suggested the crown

    48. It will instead go up through the chaplain chain of command and, if the complaint is deemed valid, will end up directly in Washington, where a mixed male and female Judge Advocate General board under my direct supervision will treat that case

    49. prisoner, "sucking up" to the chaplain by pretending to study the Bible (secretly finding more material for his sadist and sexual

    50. chaplain into thinking he has a true love for the Bible in order to gain privileges

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    Sinónimos para "chaplain"

    chaplain cleric minister pastor priest