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    Usar "charts" en una oración

    charts oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “Yes, I believe there is a rather large area with maps and charts

    2. ‘Do you now?’ Drens said, leaning over the charts he is working on, his smile broad

    3. The DJ introduced a new song by an unknown singer, a song that was, he said, all set to take the clubs and the charts by storm

    4. We will outfit your ship with supplies and the latest star charts showing where each of their ships is located at the present time

    5. instant hit, making number one in charts across the world and

    6. A nurse appears in the doorway, says hello and checks charts and displays

    7. Roman eyes were useless, but his sense of touch was off the charts because

    8. His face was perpetually blank, he spoke in a dead monotone, he was the kind of guy who wouldn’t know what Fun was if it gave a detailed presentation on its benefits with detailed charts and graphs

    9. Would his lighter give enough light to let him see the stair? According to the charts, this abandoned stairway went up twenty three floors before it became unsafe

    10. " Alan had studied the charts

    11. "I know them by coordinates on the charts, the ones I taught you

    12. I remember seeing it on one of Father’s charts

    13. “This'll be easier if I just show you on the charts

    14. For strength evaluation of hardened concrete by nondestructive methods calibration charts are used, which related by measured indirect evaluation to the compressive strength of concrete

    15. things that one can look at in a presentation [eg: films, maps, charts etc]

    16. rather short duration and was with the Wind and Current Charts

    17. The charts which have been sent to you are the best sailing directions which you can have

    18. The charts that were captured were most important because they showed all of the navigational

    19. charts used by whalers in the Pacific Islands, the Okhotsk and

    20. With these charts in his possession, Waddell

    21. These charts would be the most valuable

    22. continue his mission with the new charts and information on

    23. “I’ve spent a few hours reviewing the charts,” she said at length

    24. There’s a set of charts in the wheelhouse too

    25. He had taken to muttering to himself at intersections, cursing the uselessness of his lists and charts

    26. studied his notes and charts, muttering arcane syllables

    27. “I"m not positive about how they might have done that either – the forensic guys have a whole bag of tricks and charts – lividity, decomposition – that sort of thing

    28. Color charts covered the walls depicting everything from

    29. He had seen the likes of the Patriarch and the Castigator conspiring against the people, orchestrating deaths and mass executions as if people’s lives were mere numbers on charts, maps and reports

    30. Casella peeled a big-time spree, earning off the charts

    31. beans that i was using, i felt the coffee drink was off the charts

    32. The spiritual warfare was off the charts

    33. Melissa sharply gathered her charts and notes and returned them to her brief case

    34. Charts of the solar system and galaxies stretched across the ceiling, along with a world-history timeline

    35. They entered the lab and the story of life itself jumped out at Jason in the form of posters, charts, models and specimens

    36. Jason had retreated to one of the charts

    37. He was wearing his traditional white lab coat and holding a medical pad that presumably had our charts on it

    38. more through the charts on his clipboard, Hojo scurried after

    39. This will be the most significant reason and on the top of the charts

    40. They went over to their charts and measured off the distance and checked their notes, then said it would be possible

    41. I then looked at the charts and pointed to a spot that was well below Chiloe Island and should definitely be Chono land

    42. “It’s really quite simple,” I replied, “after looking at the charts, this appeared to be a better place to land

    43. So selection of charts has to be well understood and used

    44. Metrics Analysis support: The Metrics, its relevant template usage and interpretation of charts, understanding of data can be helped/supported by SQA

    45. Considering an SQA understand the numbers and charts well, he/she can help a project team to understand them as well

    46. Control charts are means of differentiating special cause of variation from common cause of variation

    47. Control charts shall be used on data coming from a controllable process and not on something which is not controllable

    48. Control charts shall be selected based on the type of data we have

    49. However in software industry considering the uniqueness and tailoring, mostly I-MR (Individual Moving Range/ XMR) charts are used for all kind of data

    50. Control charts helps mainly in statistical process control and the first step in establishing process control is to remove special cause of variation and ensure that process is stable

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