Usar "chinaman" en una oración
chinaman oraciones de ejemplo
1. “Good morning Mandy,” he began, “and how have you been getting on with the chinaman and squaw?” he said with open contempt for the Livingsons
2. "Are you clazy?" the Chinaman screamed and ran to the door much too late to catch the thief
3. "You come to eat?" the Chinaman wanted to know
4. red-haired Chinaman in the city, and he’s sought after by many
5. Did you see that Chinaman with the long pigtail?” he asked
6. little Chinaman was sitting on around ten million quid in
7. The guy said, “We don’t know if the somebody is a Chinaman
8. When Zigler reaches for his wallet, the Chinaman shakes his head
9. Certainly not a horrid little Chinaman
10. ‘I’m a little Chinaman and a business rival, and he’s a government consultant
11. Here there was a Chinaman who ran a decrepit bus; the Australian had noted this place on various journeys through Maran; they plied regularly up and down this road
12. It was just as well to have an alibi when they ran out of fuel, having parted with six gallons to the Chinaman
13. I am sorry not to see you but the Nip won't let us stop so I have given this to the Chinaman at Maran and he says he will get it to you
14. That evening, in the house that they had been put into at Pohoi; a little Malay boy came to Jean with a green canvas sack; he said that he had been sent by a Chinaman in Gambang
15. "It's not Green Glade Cemetery," said the old wax Chinaman nearby, reading my mind
16. The old Chinaman comes out of the sea and flap-flaps across the street and up past the Palace
17. The old Chinaman came up out of the sea with his dripping basket and flip-flapped up the hill
18. At five-thirty the old Chinaman flap-flapped down the hill, past the Palace
19. Goodness is one thing with me and another with a Chinaman, so it's a relative thing
20. We may say the same of the Hindu, the Chinaman, the Roman, and the Mohammedan
21. The opera ball was unusually brilliant, experts said, and nothing made the Parisians aware that on the night of January 12th, 1840, Felix d'Aubremel had passed sentence of death on Chinaman Li, son of Mung, son of Tseu, a literate mandarin of the 114th class
22. That makes it very unpleasant, and he feels the loss of their friendship very much; because it is a general thing among our people in this country that, when a Chinaman first comes here from China, he is a dependent on his friends and relatives, who provide him food and shelter, and then find him employment until he has earned some money; then he pays them back what seems to him right
23. When they received this news, they wept and made many inquiries, and worshipped all the gods they knew of, praying them to use their spiritual power to turn their son back to be a Chinaman again, so that, when they die, they will have some one to take care of their bones and feed their ghosts
24. When the young man heard of this, he wrote home to them, telling them it was true that he had become a Christian, but it was not true that he had cut his queue and wore the foreigner’s clothing, and said that he was a Chinaman still; he would honor them just the same, and perhaps more
25. One of our pastors, entering upon temporary service with an inland church, wrote me as follows a few days since: “On my first Sabbath here, a poor Chinaman came to church to hear me
26. —The Three Despised Races in the United States; or, The Chinaman, the Indian, and the Freedman
27. All roads lead to Paris, and all subjects of discussion lead these astute Solons to John Chinaman
28. Kick the Chinaman
29. Cuff the Chinaman
30. Pull the pigtails of the Chinaman
31. Arrest the Chinaman on suspicion
32. 3—THE THREE DESPISED RACES in the UNITED STATES; or, The Chinaman, the Indian, and the Freedman
33. —THE THREE DESPISED RACES in the UNITED STATES; or, The Chinaman, the Indian, and the Freedman
34. And for years no Christian Chinaman has recognized any obligation to either of these companies in any way
35. But, brothers, let us cherish no such idle notion as though James Powell had now forgotten, or has ceased to be interested in the Chinaman, the Indian and the Negro, in America