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    classified ad

    1. After that, he confided in me he intended to buy a house in Glyfada (meaning he is wealthy) and then he asked: “When I read the classified ads, looking for a house to buy, I often see an advertisement saying ''Naxiotis real estate''

    2. On another attempt to develop my social life, about a month ago I answered to a classified ad for correspondence and friendship, placed by the 25-year-old Denia Chrysanthou

    3. When creating your classified ad you need to do four things: 1

    4. These are very basic, and are similar to the typical classified ad’ that you’d find in a regular newspaper

    5. It is at about the same time that a curious ad appears in the “Lost and Found” section of The Courier’s classified advertisements

    6. inquired as to how I might go about placing a Classified Ad

    7. com or any other online classified ad site

    8. I met my first love through an actual blind classified ad

    9. For print ads, try classified ads

    10. This is where you take out a classified ad in a newspaper

    11. If you are in the business to business environment, you take out a classified ad in the business

    12. Crazy ideas month, Craigslist boasts over 30 million new classified ads, making it the leader of both classified and jobs ads in are great, often the crazier the better

    13. the classified ads section

    14. will look at the subject of classified adverts

    15. What are classified ads?

    16. First a classified ad is a way of bringing to the attention of a large number of

    17. A classified ad for promoting most products should be around 25 to 35 words

    18. In other words you apply the same principles to your classified ads as you

    19. classified ad in a national newspaper, your ad will lead the reader on to your

    20. Now the above is the minimum success rate, a well written small classified ad

    21. So from a small classified ad you test a small box ad, if that proves to be

    22. The main reason why I included the last module, on testing classified adverts

    23. The number of publications where you can place Classified Ads offline is

    24. There are many free classified ads websites out there but the

    25. When posting on classified ad sites, you need to understand the

    26. Like last year, there’s not much you need to do to achieve this – no need to pore over classified ad sections in the paper or online

    27. Please don’t expect the floodgates to open just because you have a little classified ad out there

    28. Classified ads on the Internet? Where would you even start?

    29. This is where online classified ads have a huge advantage over regular classified ads

    30. Online classified ads remove the barriers and hassles thus giving people greater incentive to investigate your opportunity

    31. It is for this very reason most “netreprenuers” will never harness the full marketing potential of electronic classified ads

    32. This Goldmine of potential prospects will never be within their reach for one simple reason, manually entering classified ads is just to time consuming!

    33. One of the best places to begin is on web sites that allow classified ads

    34. Try to use classified ad web sites that rate high with the search engines

    35. classified ad to place in your local newspaper (or in magazines) and instructions on what to do

    36. and turn it around and sell it for a slightly higher price in the same classified ad section

    37. from small classified ads

    38. EBay also has a classified ad section

    39. These could include banners, headlines, sales letters, solo and classified ad wording, testimonials, samples, videos & eBooks

    40. EBay also has a classified ad section where you can list a limited amount of items for sale free of charge with no fees payable when you sell your products

    41. As for free classified ads, there is only one place where I have

    42. of running a classified ad on the online version of the newspaper

    43. charge if you place the classified ad in the newspaper

    44. spend hundreds of dollars on a single classified ad, tell

    45. The key to a successful classified advertising campaign begins with the title of

    46. The top classified advertising hot spots include:

    47. After months of research and testing, these absolutely FREE Classified Ad Sites were found to produce the best results for posting classified ads

    48. at three other methods: banners, text links and classified ads

    49. Offline, classified ads are relatively cheap little ads that appear at

    50. Turning back to his paper, he examines the classified ads he has circled, then crosses out the ones he deems inappropriate

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