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    Usar "clean out" en una oración

    clean out oraciones de ejemplo

    clean out

    1. They cost more than a natural quilt, but can be kept clean outdoors

    2. And it blew every bad thing clean out of the body

    3. ‘Sorry, Dave, I spoke to Mum on Sunday evening and she suggested it then … I meant to mention it but it went clean out of my head

    4. Clean out the attic and look for things that

    5. Grandma and Grandpa, both individually and as a tag-team, have argued tirelessly that they will not let me come over to help them plant trees, clean out the gutters, put sealer on the driveway, climb ladders, clean their chimney, dig ditches, split firewood, or do any other type of labor for them, if I do not accept their money

    6. I had most of what I had wanted or needed by the time we started to clean out her closets

    7. (Reorganize storage, home or office layout, clean out the "clutter")

    8. ” I took the first week after her death off at home to cry my eyes out and clean out her belongings

    9. They should clean their own house before trying to ‘clean out’ the country

    10. John pulled out a pen, trying to clean out the crack

    11. COMUSMACV, General Westmoreland, said his search-and-destroy strategy would clean out the Cong one year from now by the end of '66

    12. Can't dig a ditch or even clean out a pig-pen

    13. “Oh, yeah! I blew her brains clean out, the ornery little snot

    14. Well, open up your ears and clean out

    15. “Why waste money? Clean out the upstairs room and you can sleep there


    17. A third method to clean out the waste in the colon is to schedule a series of three

    18. 'Why don't the citizens clean out these black dogs?'

    19. I gave it ten minutes and then snuck through the flat complex and to my car heading home to clean out my stash and money moving it to a storage place I had in Fyshwick

    20. I went to clean out the chicken coop

    21. Philadelphia to clean out his desk and be paid for thirty

    22. Just as she held her breath she caught a whiff of the disinfectant gas used to clean out the med ships after off loading potentially contagious patients

    23. Although he didn’t have a regular job, bar owners would let him clean out their bars, sharing a portion of their tips

    24. And Joey flung the bat in the Cyri, knocking it clean out of the air

    25. He felt a foot kick the bat clean out of his hand

    26. A few days later, in an attempt to clean out her courtyard, Petra Cotes exchanged the rabbits for a cow, who two months later gave birth to triplets

    27. Gone, attempting to clean out cobwebs in his basement, declined to use a broom in favor of a propane torch and caused a fire that burned the first and second floors of his house

    28. The fish did this, and then, with one joyous flip of her tail, jumped clean out the mist

    29. “Yes Pretty Boy, but not before I clean out that stinking

    30. “I had to clean out my mother’s things yesterday,”

    31. One of the others asked as of when and we were told, “Right this minute!” We were forced out the door so fast that I really didn’t have time to clean out all my belongings

    32. Janice’s parents hadn’t been able to get themselves to clean out her

    33. “Clean out the stomach and note the folds

    34. then he would be run clean out of town anyway

    35. “Do you know why there were six of you on the loading detail, and you had all that gold to load? Because Joshua said you and your five helpers could clean out the warehouse

    36. Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just

    37. but if you want to clean out the sewers, then you need to be deep in the shit

    38. After you clean out your own house or apartment, you can start with your relatives

    39.  cleanse the digestive tract of accumulated waste and putrefied bacteria, clean out the

    40. She would need to clean out his cage soon

    41. Oh, the blessedness of a bright spring morning without a lieutenant! And was there ever such a hopeful beginning to a day, and so full of promise for the subsequent right passing of its hours, as breakfast in the garden, alone with your teapot and your book! Any cobwebs that have clung to your soul from the day before are brushed off with a neatness and expedition altogether surprising; never do tea and toast taste so nice as out there in the sun; never was a book so wise and full of pith as the one lying open before you; never was woman so clean outside and in, so refreshed, so morally and physically well-tubbed, as she who can start her day in this fashion

    42. She arranged that Ilse should do her outdoor duties then--clean out the hen-house, milk the cow whether it wanted to be milked or not, and minister to the pig

    43. High nitrates? Vacuum the sand and clean out the filters, empty

    44. The produce wholesalers would give us stuff just before it was spoiled and I can remember working with the large frozen food distributors and offering to clean out freezers and walk-ins for anything that they could give to us to feed those who came to our shelter

    45. Clean out any unnecessary items in your car

    46. No, good old Alvin was next on the list, and if he succeeded in killing this dumb old man and successfully retrieving the canteen, then he would be run clean out of town anyway

    47. Then the slightest lay-offs will only clean out the executive boardrooms of each corporation, and those under them will come into power… until either a team of competent executives is found from the lowest ranks of workers at that company, or the entire business goes bankrupt and shuts its doors

    48. Chlorine detergent and a kitchen brush to scrub up my room, to clean out the cupboard and bathroom as best I could with so little water

    49. We can also clean out the directories when we are ready to deploy a new version: C:\CVS\

    50. “No,” she told him and planted her feet, “I'm not in the mood for this Kyle, I just want to clean out this

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