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    Usar "codex" en una oración

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    1. His hands were steady and sure as they flipped through the pages in his codex

    2. “So, Galeron, you always have a plan in that codex of yours

    3. Galeron looked up from his codex

    4. Mayan Calendar from Madrid Codex

    5. the cover page for this entry is because this codex is the oldest complete manuscript of the Jewish

    6. in the Leningrad codex example)

    7. We shouldn't expect Hungarian hunting ethics to apply the world over, or that, where they do not, those regulations belong to a more rudimentary, and less ethical, hunting codex

    8. Today, the most important treasure of the library is the Codex Syriacus written roughly in 400 AD

    9. In the past, the monastery possessed the Codex Sinaiticus, the manuscript containing the Greek text of the Holy Bible, the Old and the New Testament, dated around the middle of the fourth century

    10. As seen in throughout the Gnostic Nag Hammadi codex, “Jesus” and other

    11. The first sumptuous uncial codex (in the Cathedral library of Verona), in which I have verified this reading by personal examination, belongs to the end of the fourth century; the second, transcribed by the hand of Eusebius, the bishop of Vercelli, also belongs to the fourth century

    12. The development of the Codex and blanks

    13. Then he took his Codex and strolled down to grab a breakfast of fruit and thick, hot Egyptian coffee in the common room

    14. It was five hours of relentless questioning, which ranged from history to geography (Jess had failed to memorise the locations of all of the daughter libraries, but the weight of that question had crushed three other students) and on to the proper usage of a Codex to conduct advanced research

    15. To steal someone’s Codex was to cut off access to the Library, and even under normal circumstances that would be a vile thing to do; now, with Wolfe’s class reaping a daily crop of failures, it was catastrophic

    16. But I didn’t lose my Codex

    17. Jess flinched and almost fumbled his Codex, because Thomas was right at his shoulder, and Jess hadn’t sensed his approach

    18. Jess yawned, stretched, and closed his Codex

    19. It was a smooth process: clip, Codex, desk, pop, gone

    20. The last title wasn’t in the Codex, so he took the time to take out his stylus and carefully enter the title and author on an empty page before sending it on

    21. The tags work on the same principle as the Codex; they exist both here and in the Archive, and through manipulation of the essence of the object, an Obscurist’s process can physically move it from one place to another

    22. The next morning, when the Codex instructions came, Jess still had no individual study

    23. I’m still working on memorising the core collection on the Codex

    24. The Codex was simply there, available, a living document mirrored from the original in the Library

    25. Why would the Codex not work?

    26. Mindful of what Morgan had said about the Codex, Jess reviewed the list of Core Collection titles

    27. He showed her a page in his Codex, and her mouth fell open in shock

    28. Wolfe extended his Codex and displayed the warrant

    29. ‘Interesting,’ Wolfe said, and tapped a finger on the cover of his Codex

    30. He didn’t know how it worked, but he assumed it was something like the Codex – mirrored in real time, only instead of showing a simple list of books available for duplication, it showed an item

    31. Even the headache couldn’t spoil the thrill of it, though it sank claws deeper with each necessary glance at the map on his Codex

    32. Jess didn’t feel himself collapse, but when his vision cleared from black to a thin, grey, ghostly mist, he saw the world had tilted on its side, and his prisoner was free, looking down on him and scratching a message into a Codex with a stylus

    33. He shoved it into his pocket, next to his Codex, because if he’d held on to it he wouldn’t have been able to resist the temptation to stare at the number on it, as if it was some mysterious fortune-teller in the market

    34. All his research, even that unrelated to this heresy, can be interdicted from the Codex and sent to the Black Archives

    35. You see, I’ve been thinking about how the Codex functions

    36. ‘The Codex functions through the Obscurists, and Wolfe made it very clear that the details of just exactly how it functions remain the secrets of Obscurists,’ Khalila said

    37. ‘The Codex is necessary

    38. Not rare works; he knew most of the titles, and checked the rest on his Codex

    39. Not ink on paper, the way that the Codex mirrored them from the original book in the archive

    40. They’re all connected to the Codex, by their nature; it’s the principle of similarity

    41. In the silence, the Codex in Wolfe’s pocket buzzed

    42. Wolfe checked his Codex

    43. Wolfe took in a deep breath, turned away, and used his Codex to send a message

    44. Glain began a steady drone of them, and when Jess didn’t know them, he used the Codex

    45. He froze for a second, then turned and grabbed his Codex

    46. Ciphered message sent via Codex

    47. The train attendant, Gretel, checked her Codex, which must have held information about the train

    48. She hadn’t sent it by Codex

    49. All those rare, valuable volumes, saved for the Codex

    50. ‘Supplement the Codex so that a citizen could order their own editions to keep in their homes

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