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    1. colonize Sonora with Southerners from Mexico, and he actually

    2. Mexico, but was unsuccessful in fulfilling his plan to colonize

    3. ‘I know you've been part of a conspiracy of member-state representatives to clear the way for aliens who want to colonize this planet

    4. They came to trade and to colonize

    5. That does backfire when another species is looking for a new planet to colonize

    6. “The Mayans also came here to colonize, and they did interact with Egyptians

    7. The Aquilonians were driven back across the marches, and have never since tried to colonize the Cimmerian country

    8. They were led by a new Overlord who sought to colonize and extract the planet’s resources

    9. Elizabeth had absorbed the data and had prepared an analysis of the kinds of factors Rachel usually considered when deciding which planets to colonize or which needed their help the most

    10. She was especially interested in planets he had visited or helped colonize

    11. “I want you to colonize that city under the name of Lord Borros Onn and our Queen

    12. To think they could have simply allowed us to colonize their country, and we could have offered them freedom just as we did the people of Tartian

    13. The remaining suravians in the solar system, for their efforts, were recognized as a new independent species, and awards ships and planets to colonize, and the blueprints for the process of growing more of their kind

    14. Thereafter, we proceeded to colonize this hemisphere, as

    15. inhabited European city in the United States, and France gave up attempting to colonize the Atlantic Seaboard

    16. ‘’Madam Tsu, with what I presently have at my disposal, I could colonize Hell itself!’’

    17. And now I’m beginning to think it was the winds of hurricane force that has decimated most of the life on this planet, and has sent the survivors racing to once again colonize Ar

    18. allow them to colonize a planet within your Federation, giving them access to warp technology so that the rule structures that the non-corporal beings currently play under can not interfere with their developing culture?”

    19. They were very concerned at the rate of expansion and believed that at the rate the Federation was growing there might not be anything remaining for them to explore and colonize when they advanced to the

    20. About one hundred years after Columbus arrived, the Spaniards decided to colonize the

    21. One reason it had been so easy for the Spaniards to colonize the American

    22. Use Colonize by Dr

    23. Foster and Smith - claims to colonize your water with the necessary

    24. Then they assembled into multi-cellular creatures, and these creatures crawled out of the ocean to colonize land, and maybe the next step will be space, as humankind sends out its first rockets beyond Earth

    25. the other planets in their solar system so as to colonize them

    26. This fact alone makes any attempt to colonize any planet or moon not only wrong on a Universal level of morality and ethics but physically impossible to sustain

    27. The attempts of Science to colonize Mars or our moon are worse than a waste of money and energy: they’re a waste of focus and a crime

    28. Why did aboriginal Africans never colonize the Veldt? It had more animals

    29. Because they were afraid of a few lions? When there were millions of grazing animals? Why didn’t the North American natives colonize the land where millions of bison lived? It was a veritable paradise of easy hunting

    30. Why didn’t modern humans colonize Europe first? The reason we did not colonize Europe first is that we are tectonic animals

    31. It showed how the fort was not built as an attempt to colonize at all: it was a hasty, ill-planned get-rich-quick scheme by the shareholders of the London Company

    32. It was never an attempt to colonize anything

    33. They no longer needed to invade and colonize other Nations to do it

    34. The first investors who sent these people to the New World never planned to colonize anything

    35. Why was she so terrified of what kind of reception she would meet? Was she terrified of being socially rejected? Why was her inclusion in the project as a special guest, kept secret from all of the other committed colonists? Why was this sprung on them at all? African people were not the first settlers to colonize North America

    36. That is why Europeans managed to colonize, rape, pillage and oppress the rest of the world’s existing cultures… because they did not consider any new, strange, barbaric cultures as even being human

    37. Europe forced the dispossessed Jews to colonize a land that did not belong to them

    38. There: Hitler wanted to exterminate the Bolsheviks and empty the land of the peasants so Germans could colonize it

    39. The idea that Europe could colonize the entire world: in spite of the fact that billions of people whose homelands they invaded did not want to be colonized…

    40. arrow represents the genocide of native populations that occurred to colonize the original 13 states

    41. He thought that the Russian people whose task it was to colonize and cultivate vast tracts of unoccupied land, consciously adhered, till all their land was occupied, to the methods suitable to their purpose, and that their methods were by no means so bad as was generally supposed

    1. Some of them had resided in server vaults in big cities before the asteroids were colonized by robots under Angel control

    2. America was colonized predominantly by Protestants, many of them believers in predestination

    3. If we had been colonized under a tyrannical Spanish aristocracy and the intolerant Roman Catholic Church of the Inquisition, our liberty would not exist

    4. The universe should therefore have countless numbers of technologically superior civilizations, any one of which could have colonized our galaxy ages ago

    5. first colonized by the French though in the early 1700s

    6. When it suits humanity even the South Pole is colonized

    7. where they would not be welcome, their simply were no other colonized systems in the area to

    8. Our history files indicate that they had bypassed all of Z’va Prime’s colonized planets and outposts, and struck Z’va Prime first with an entire stealth fleet

    9. “These are the three main areas that have been colonized

    10. “The same intelligence service that delivered my family to the Swordsmen to be tortured and whose information about the planets to be colonized was so bad that my mother gave up on them?”

    11. Cities that were not destroyed were colonized by the Orderrans, and it was those people who the Orderrans had as slaves there who suffered the most

    12. , the colonized planet of Nessenous, by the raizean and lazhinians, were doing experiments to create a new species of fighters

    13. , in response to a message of help sent by their home worlds and colonized moons, the plant Nessenous deployed 20,000 Suravian troops to their fellow race in Upsinodron

    14. It was said that they followed the exeons to the colonized planet of the rapturans, but there never came a reply from the few soldiers left in the attacking fleet if they were successful or not

    15. our forefathers and foremothers had colonized other parts of the

    16. The Phoenicians didn’t just trade with foreign populations, they also colonized their vast trading network, establishing cities in Spain, Sicily and Sardinia

    17. After defeating Ireland in the Nine Years War ending in 1603, the English confiscated Irish lands and colonized them with English citizens to farm as plantations of England

    18. She had studied the cultures of the other three cities on Ar and from what she could remember Newnippon had been colonized by a people most of whom looked like Samsung

    19. Unlike the people who had colonized Newusa, there was very little variation in physical features among the people of Newnippon

    20. multigenerational ship was then moved to the second world to be colonized, and ten years later, the world Oran was settled, leaving the now empty Yonada spaceship in orbit as a monument to their legacy

    21. recognition of his formal line started way back when the Kelvans first colonized

    22. There’s an apocryphal story about a couple of slaves who were never found and who escaped to a part of the planet our masters haven’t colonized

    23. bearing plants colonized vast stretches

    24. If there had been no anger in freedom fighters of colonized countries, perhaps their freedom would not have been possible

    25. The first living cell on Earth could be wiped out by the tiniest disturbance, but it multiplied, it colonized the ocean, and so it became less and less likely that any natural phenomenon would just wipe out all of the copies

    26. enough to cut trees only when Rome colonized northern

    27. for certain once this planet is colonized with the technology that we now have

    28. Colombia, since Argentinawas colonized and settled later than the others

    29. Yet no African humans ever colonized it

    30. They became aggressive eco-systems… that mostly colonized, or infiltrated other ecosystem areas like the Indonesian jungle, the jungles of Borneo, Malaysia, and the Amazon rainforest

    31. In modern times: what has been the human cost in suffering, violence and death from drawing an imaginary line and splitting up countries into two segments… like Ireland? Or the American Civil War? Or South and North Korea? Or North and South Vietnam? How much suffering and further wars has been created by the re-drawing of arbitrary boundaries such as the treaty of Versailles after the 1st World War? Or Palestine and Israel? Or the destruction of all tribal boundaries in colonized Africa… now frozen into nation states with no unifying language or culture? All because humans draw abstract lines, and worship and sanctify these dead abstract lines more than living things and living boundaries

    32. Europe was the last to be colonized as a subcontinent of Asia by Stone Age humans

    33. It was also colonized from the center out just like Asia was later geographically: this does not make sense

    34. We colonized the continents in the order of their creation and their age

    35. This is the exact order of continents we migrated to first, and colonized

    36. If this were not true: the first Africans would have, and should have colonized Europe first

    37. If closeness and convenience of colonization were what determined where we went: Australia should have been the last continent to be colonized: not the first

    38. As Europeans conquered and colonized so-called savages, barbarians, and primitive tribes, living in what they considered to be the most primitive, uncivilized, living conditions

    39. They only colonized the Philippines, Panama, Costa Rica and Hawaii

    40. All these areas once were empires… and were later invaded and sacked and colonized by other Empires

    41. Today the only true industrial super-powers in the World exist in the only two areas that were not colonized by an Empire, or developed an Empire before: Northern Europe and North America

    42. Their enemy was the roman Empire that had colonized them, and oppressed them, and taxed them for hundreds of years

    43. This was the exact, same reason America and Africa was colonized so easily by Europeans

    44. Try invading and colonizing a continent that was already invaded and colonized by apes who were bigger and stronger than you, and 1,000 times more numerous than you…

    45. The last humans that colonized, supplanted, replaced, and destroyed the last existing Neanderthals in Europe

    46. Because they could use these colonized lower classes to make them richer, and more powerful, while still practicing decapitation even more cunningly… by destroying all the authority figures of the lands and people they invaded and conquered

    47. They were the last barbarian culture that were better killers, and had not been colonized yet by an older civilized culture

    48. The reason Hitler saw Western Russia as a land of opportunity which could be colonized was because the Bolsheviks had been committing mass genocide against their own people for 20 years, and Steppes of Western Russia were almost completely depopulated because of it

    49. profited directly from the genocide that occurred in all conquered and colonized lands

    50. and the Near East, and later into all other conquered and colonized lands

    1. His daring foot is on land and sea everywhere, he colonizes the

    2. Etienne’s huge study colonizes the entire fifth floor, alternately deeply quiet or else full of voices or music or static

    3. ” That captured it beautifully, I thought: something happens, I worry, and that concern instantaneously colonizes my future

    1. colonizing effort, and that the people receiving cards were being selected to be part of it

    2. However, it would certainly have to be more satisfying than traveling about with nothing better to do than colonizing dead worlds, extracting from them the very essence of your survival

    3. The Swordsman Church has agreed to defer his sentence if you take him with you to the next planet you will be colonizing

    4. On a colonizing expedition, they would carry the farm animals

    5. The briefing officer droned on with details about climate and topography, but did not mention the native species that convinced the captain on station that colonizing this planet might not be appropriate

    6. We have yet to see any more progress being made with colonizing the Yuxu region

    7. So please forgive your dear Queen when she just skips to the chase and ask what’s the status on colonizing the rest of the continent?”

    8. “We are obviously here to prevent the Gorn from colonizing

    9. I have decided to make it a mission of mine to save this planet from its terrible state of limbo, so I'm urging some life-forms to begin colonizing this planet

    10. doing most of the colonizing

    11. porous and provides a great location for colonizing bacteria that aid in the aquarium

    12. This course media is a colonizing area for

    13. “We have been colonizing Arton for over eight years

    14. The colonizing migrations and movements of the human species matches exactly; the migrations and movements of the tectonic plates of the Earth and the migration of continents splitting off from the super continent Pangaea

    15. Colonizing America was easy because the native people living there hadn’t yet developed the concept of abstract ownership to the same insane abstract degree as Europeans had

    16. Organized religion also had this cultural mystique in colonizing other lands; where every conversion, every new fort, every conquest was done for the Greater Glory of God

    17. In every colonizing venture, the English built military, triangular forts because the soldiers and settlers knew they were invading someone’s land and regardless of their superior guns and technology feared the natives

    18. The historical fact is that the motives for colonizing were the worst, lowest, most cunning evil motives possible

    19. Why? Because they were too busy colonizing and raping their own undeveloped western lands

    20. Instead what I learned was that the entire history of Europeans colonizing the New world, all of its greatest heroes and icons and myths, the entire march of Western civilization into the New World from 1500 to 2011 can be simplified into a nutshell, and when added to the rest of the history of the Human Species and it all fits perfectly, with no exceptions

    21. Only one colonizing attempt in a hundred ever paid off

    22. For any colonizing attempt to ever show a profit, usually it took a slow-steady investment of money, ships, men, over a long period of time

    23. Instead of waiting for their government to first establish a colony, and corner most of the wealth in royal monopolies and patents: they became impatient, they became even more greedy: they wanted to profit from these colonies by getting in there at the beginning, even before the Crown had a chance to establish itself as in control of the lands they were invading, er robbing, er colonizing, er exploiting…er, profiting from…

    24. the colonizing of Palestine by Zionist Jews was the final last gasp of the evil called European colonialism

    25. When Europeans began colonizing the rest of the world… other cultures did not understand the new level of this insanity of impersonality

    26. Try invading and colonizing a continent that was already invaded and colonized by apes who were bigger and stronger than you, and 1,000 times more numerous than you…

    27. Who started the idea of colonizing foreign lands? Not the ancient Greeks

    28. And as the dominant killer of those two continents: did not brook any new upstart apes invading their ancient territorial boundaries and colonizing the two continents in their faces whether they liked it or not

    29. Colonizing Europeans infected hundreds of millions of natives all around the world… and killed them by the millions without firing a shot, and took over their lands: in their greed for territory, gold and silver

    30. The web site details the entire story of tectonic collisions, and centralizations, and colonizing of smaller island tectonic plates, as they traveled from one large continent to the other, as they collided onto bigger plates, as they centralized into huge major continents…

    31. The collisions between all these colonizing tectonic plates… match exactly the human collisions and wars that happened in North America, between these human colonies

    32. What is the difference between colonizing Tectonic plates and colonizing Teutonic humans?

    33. Once the lowland Dutch got the upper hand: once Holland became a colonizing power: they became the most cunning, craftiest liars and betrayers and double-dealing greedy money-mongers in Europe

    34. It was all about European empire building: it was all about European nations colonizing the rest of the world, holding billions of poor people in slavery for their amusement and enrichment

    35. Renounce the colonizing policies

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