Usar "come to mind" en una oración
come to mind oraciones de ejemplo
come to mind
1. For some reason I associate it with horses hooves, don’t know why … I recall some brown crystals … funny the things that come to mind
2. Dreaming spires come to mind and seem strangely appropriate
3. But his actual words would not come to mind
4. Does any rabble-rouser, community organizer, just plain crook come to mind? I find myself wondering why this professor, in a major university, could have any peace of mind, unless he is nothing more than unmitigated evil
5. Countries such as Libya come to mind as one
6. “For behold, I [the Lord] create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind
7. What did Noah do when he was in pain? Hummed commercial jingles? She tried to think of jingles, but not a single one would come to mind
8. A face didn't come to mind
9. Two things come to mind when I think of the United States Special
10. The use of birth control, advances in agriculture, global distribution of goods, world wide communications, better education and great advances in health and medicine, are some that come to mind
11. Three occasions come to mind: At Cornell, after bombing out with the Freshman Queen, I struck up a close relationship with another very popular and attractive coed who had a great sense of humor
12. Has anything come to mind that
13. Annyeke thought she must have known at some point who Talus’ teacher was, but it wouldn’t come to mind
14. ridge again, reviewing the first plan that had come to mind while
15. I started saying whatever it was that would come to mind, the instant it
16. Bad ass would be the words that come to mind
17. As I look around the table, two primary candidates come to mind, Jared and Timothy
18. him, bolted horses and stable doors come to mind
19. I found it interesting that if someone read an account by a British reporter, the obvious question that would come to mind is how and where he got his information
20. Does Anthony Quinn or Demi Moore come to mind? By the addition of a few cougars and rhinos into the family – we’ll house train them later – we now have the possibility of cousins quite a few times removed living at the same time
21. James Michener and John Grisham come to mind
22. I had someone come up to me, and they were describing a certain problem, and I just had the word 'occult' come to mind
23. Perhaps it was an older aunt, a parent, or a friend who would come to mind
24. Other names that come to mind are:
25. There are a couple of clichés and a scripture or two that come to mind: “The grass is
26. come to mind, I’d have been
27. mouth shut for any period of time, but at this second, it is the only idea that has come to mind
28. Women generally are better nurturers of families and relationships, while men are generally physical task-oriented and suited to heavy lifting (taking out the trash and snow shoveling come to mind)
29. As long as they don"t hurt others, a person"s sexual behavior should be put in perspective that there are plenty of sinners in society who commit far greater sins than this—child abuse, murder, and rape come to mind
30. That is a question that had come to mind earlier in the day
31. Undoubtedly, a Godless explanation will come to mind
32. If no good memories come to mind create one
33. I was convinced that something would come to mind
34. South Central Los Angeles, Beirut, Mogadishu come to mind
35. Other associations come to mind and
36. habits, and nest types come to mind? What about the
37. All I can remember about Aunt Charlotte is that she used to give me candy every time I saw her, which was only maybe four or five times that come to mind
38. Phosphate Remover and PhosBan are two that come to mind
39. It was watching your sluice water that caused the man's endeavors to come to mind
40. Two incidents come to mind from that period, which relate to books and ballet: One afternoon I started reading a book by J
41. “It"s sad that the Tigers come to mind when one mentions Sri Lanka
42. [39]� If the exact clich� "Spare the rod and spoil the child" doesn't come to mind word for the word, the meaning perspective that draws its strength from that phrase does
43. Some names that come to mind first are Robert Bauval,
44. to come to mind
45. Thirsty as I was it didn’t make any sense, but the body’s need for fluid caused desperate thoughts to come to mind that should never have even been rationally considered
46. More than likely, Adolf Hitler was the first name to come to mind
47. better to do and his mother’s old adage had come to mind, “If someone invites you
48. There were a couple of places where the words he was searching for wouldn’t come to mind … [H]is closing statement didn’t come together
49. This is what it boils down to – incompatibility – and all those poor subs come to mind
50. What are signs? Probably the first examples of signs that come to mind are the signs we encounter daily when navigating the road to work or when finding our way around an unfamiliar building