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    complain about

    1. After welcoming me, he began to complain about “a woman who left Janus three years ago, without even explaining the reasons for leaving; she left because she couldn't find a boyfriend, but neither away from Janus did she find a boyfriend; maybe it's her karma, maybe its her idiosyncrasy

    2. What's going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can't stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice's half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn't really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

    3. This is your culture and I can't expect to take you out of it and I will try very hard not to complain about it

    4. Ken did just that, croaking down the phone to his boss to complain about a twenty-four hour bug

    5. complain about a twenty-four hour bug

    6. I was still beautiful and sexually attractive to them, so why not? I wouldn’t, couldn’t complain about it

    7. Don’t complain about it or use it as an excuse, instead use it as

    8. Nearly all of us complain about not having enough time

    9. “When you have held a dying friend in your arms and had his life blood gush all over you then you might have a right to complain about the trenches but until then just keep bloody quite

    10. immaculate, I always feel he needs to complain about some trivial

    11. The new recruits have nothing to complain about

    12. Of course it will be denied and said, “Yes there may be a few horrible ones who do this type of thing but we have systems in place where you can complain about your legal bills and we don’t condone it either

    13. Why do I need to write this in a book? Why do my clients complain about this all the time when we first meet? Why is the system / red tape of such a nature that no-one wants to complain?

    14. So I decided the parachute would have benefited me more but luckily we always landed and had no cause to become long haired liberals to complain about their silly jokes

    15. The tribesmen certainly disliked the idea of white farmers taking over their lands and the broken traditions and had much to complain about

    16. Nevertheless as we all know racism from blacks on whites is a long hair liberal impossibility and cannot happen and thus it is not happening and thus no use to complain about it

    17. Bru couldn’t complain about the money

    18. He wrote the checks for the purchases, paid her and made all the shipping arrangements, something she used to do but, with her commissions unchanged, who was she to complain about having less to do? Previously, she had avoided Mike as much as humanly possible while maintaining an amicable relationship with his mother

    19. Those of his fellow soldiers who were married seemed to universally complain about the effect that the sparse Army pay had on their wives

    20. You couldn’t complain about the food, anyhow

    21. I have heard people complain about the lack of moral standards today

    22. It is proper to complain about the environmental groups that are leading the fight to stop this

    23. have and complain about small insignificant things

    24. I can’t complain about that

    25. Before Jason left Rosegard, Yvonne told him that Prince tried to get her to complain about him in class

    26. “Complain about you? I could do that

    27. “Actually several viewers called in to complain about the man who had his hand up poor Jennifer’s skirt,” she said to me, then turned to Shamansky and said, “I’m sure you meant well

    28. I know that I often complain about Sis, but she was my best friend

    29. home, I won’t complain about another reject again, I’ll order the

    30. Be happy you’re alive to complain about your car

    31. So, before you complain about the way your boss treats you, have an honest and

    32. ” One thing that most moms invariably complain about is the lack of correspondence originating from their sons or daughters away at college

    33. complain about the homeless in general, and how they

    34. in that she could complain about

    35. Then He turned to me and said, “These people always complain about how unfair their life is

    36. His personal life was going fantastic, nothing to complain about

    37. complain about dying of starvation all day? Of course you were hunkered too far down in the

    38. They complain about the harshness of the journey

    39. "When you complain about things you don’t excel at them & when you excel

    40. at things you don’t complain about them

    41. If, however, you see that there are things about the school that do need to be changed don't complain about it to the other teachers or staff

    42. Maria assured, “Now that's not necessary at all! Although a girl couldn't complain about such a

    43. They were not exactly satisfied, but they had run out of things to complain about

    44. ” Let him complain about that

    45. troublesome neighbours in Soledad, who’d complain about us pumping the pit, yet had never

    46. about her personal space and many a family vacations did she dread and complain about

    47. Please let me be absolutely clear on this and give you the stark truth if you are also tempted to complain about not having any ideas

    48. complain about environmental issues and so on

    49. Before Bryony could complain about her rough treatment, Zach pushed her to the ground and put a finger to his lips

    50. And then they complain about the fitting

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