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    contradiction in terms

    1. But did he really comprehend what that truly meant? If he did there would be no longer any need for philosophical inquiry; a knowledge of non-existence – the immutable contradiction in terms

    2. ) The implication follows, of course, that a conservative idealist is a contradiction in terms

    3. Esther in the meantime had dragged her weary self into work as staying at home had given her too much thinking time, which for Esther was almost a contradiction in terms

    4. (Often noted as a contradiction in terms

    5. I say this because otherwise more matter and energy ‘must’ be spewing out of some singularity somewhere, located in the centre of infinity…which is a contradiction in terms

    6. Q: Is there no contradiction in terms? How can independence

    7. to choose – does that sound like a contradiction in terms? Even if it does, it is not – it is

    8. is not only a contradiction in terms, and therefore an utterly silly and

    9. Intelligence Service … Ha! There's a contradiction in terms, he mused

    10. , it would also have the power to create life that doesn’t have to kill (as many here don’t)! So—? What or who that’s good, kind and loving, gets off on seeing beauty tear other beauty to pieces? This is what’s called a “contradiction in terms,” isn’t it? A logical impossibility

    11. ” That seemed a contradiction in terms and I laughed

    12. To despise means to overlook willfully, but that’s a contradiction in terms - you cannot overlook something willfully

    13. not a contradiction in terms

    14. Aristotle’s book ‘The Republic’ is a complete contradiction in terms

    15. How can you be free, or happy: if you are doomed to never attain what you strive to reach? The pursuit of happiness is a contradiction in terms

    16. Thus, the diversity of the racial and genetic attributes of various Jewish colonies of today renders any unified racial classification of them a contradiction in terms

    17. He said, “The Valley likes irony, but you got to agree happy hour in a Soviet shrine is the ultimate contradiction in terms

    18. It was an absurd overstatement of opposites, a contradiction in terms

    19. It is almost a contradiction in terms to suggest as a feasible policy for the average stockowner that he lighten his holdings when the market advances beyond a certain point and add to them after a corresponding decline

    20. The term secure wireless network may be a contradiction in terms

    21. A dismounted montador wasn’t just at a disadvantage, he was a contradiction in terms, and not untainted with disgrace, to whatever small degree

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