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    Usar "contrarian" en una oración

    contrarian oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Use of the MindMap will foster an attitude of Contrarian Thinking: there is no necessity to take

    2. If you want to play contrarian you could make a lot of money

    3. “I'm not!” she defended herself with the contrarian anthem of the age

    4. My contrarian impulses were heightened by the fact that I’d just watched a bunch of scientists here at Emory University fawn all over the Dalai Lama

    5. How can the contrarian trader recognize an information cascade in the making? What clues should he look for to detect an emerging investment crowd and the investment opportunities it creates? In the next chapter we start to answer these questions by building a detailed description of the life cycle of a typical investment crowd

    6. Every contrarian trader must learn how to identify the point at which an investment theme has exhausted itself

    7. This return to fair value is the investment opportunity that a contrarian trader seeks to anticipate and exploit

    8. For this reason the contrarian trader must be always vigilant, always on the lookout for mature investment themes and investment crowds

    9. But this is not a problem for the contrarian trader

    10. Locating price relative to fair value is only the first step in the process of spotting a potential contrarian trade

    11. It is the combination of a potential valuation mistake together with solid, affirmative evidence that this mistake is caused by a mature market crowd that is the key to a profitable contrarian trade

    12. Sadly, this wonderful theoretical concept is not very useful as a yardstick for the contrarian trader

    13. But nowadays computers and the Internet have made the price data aspect of contrarian trading so much easier

    14. The Internet has become a tremendously useful data repository for the contrarian trader

    15. The goal of every contrarian trader is to beat the market—to earn an investment return that exceeds the return earned by the buy-and-hold strategy

    16. ) There is only one kind of mistake a contrarian trader can make that will prevent him from matching or exceeding the buy-and-hold return: being out of or even short the market when it rising

    17. I am convinced that the difficulty of identifying periods of market overvaluation means that the contrarian trader, especially the novice, should focus his efforts on identifying and exploiting periods of market undervaluation

    18. I’ll have more to say about this matter in Chapter 11, in which I discuss “The Grand Strategy of Contrarian Trading

    19. I take it as axiomatic that the contrarian trader wants to avoid being caught in the stock market debacles of the sort that followed the bubbles of the 1920s and the 1990s

    20. This sort of extreme overvaluation does not occur very frequently, perhaps once or at most twice in the lifetime of a contrarian trader

    21. Being able to sidestep declines of this magnitude should be a goal of every contrarian trader

    22. I have just illustrated how a contrarian trader can identify situations of extreme overvaluation in the stock market

    23. But first a warning: I think only an expert, experienced contrarian trader should attempt to identify these less extreme periods of overvaluation

    24. I don’t think the effort is worthwhile for a newcomer to contrarian trading

    25. Obviously, the contrarian trader has to look for less extreme examples of undervaluation

    26. The most common bear market—and the one I think contrarian traders should become skilled in exploiting—is the short bear market that lasts about eight or nine months and drops prices about 20 to 25 percent

    27. I’ll have a lot more to say about how these short bull markets can be exploited when I describe “The Grand Strategy of Contrarian Trading” in Chapter 11

    28. This is indeed a fortunate situation for the contrarian trader

    29. Here, too, the basic rule that the media are profit-seeking entities that have to cater to people’s interests and prejudices serves the contrarian trader well

    30. Another illustration of how TV shows can give useful information to the contrarian trader occurred in July 2002, just as the S&P 500 index was approaching its bear market low at 768 (its low that month was 771)

    31. The forms and technology used by media will evolve, so a contrarian trader must be constantly involved in a media watch and be flexible and willing to adjust his procedures as needed

    32. It is the contrarian trader’s job to keep abreast of this evolutionary process, of the constantly changing nature of modes of mass communication

    33. It will be the content of these media that enables the contrarian trader to identify ideas and themes that drive information cascades

    34. While the mass media play an essential role in helping the contrarian trader identify information cascades and the investment crowds they create, these media are not the only grist the trader can or should use in his trading mill

    35. A contrarian trader must have extensive knowledge of the historical behavior of financial markets

    36. It is the job of the contrarian trader to stay abreast of informational resources so that when he needs historical information he knows where to look

    37. It is the job of a contrarian trader to know where he can obtain relevant information even as the world changes around him

    38. There is another source of information that can help the contrarian trader place current information cascades and investment crowds in their proper historical context

    39. To today’s novice contrarian trader these events no doubt seem to be ancient history, too

    40. But my personal experience as a market participant during the past 43 years informs everything I do as a contrarian trader

    41. It is essential for every contrarian trader to build his technique upon a body of experience, even if at the beginning of his career it is only secondhand

    42. A contrarian trader’s edge arises from two unusual skills

    43. It is his ability to translate observation and knowledge into profitable investment actions that distinguishes the contrarian trader from the run-of-the-mill devil’s advocate or naysayer

    44. How will your media diary do all this? How will it enable you to acquire the emotional balance needed for the high-wire performance of contrarian trading? The answer is surprising simple: Your media diary will objectify the emotional content of media messages and market movements by freezing them in time

    45. Only by learning how the media make you feel when a contrarian investment opportunity is at hand can you learn to act contrary to the media messages that urge the crowd onward to its doom and disintegration

    46. These deductions in turn will help you implement “The Grand Strategy of Contrarian Trading” (see Chapter 11)

    47. This is just about the hardest judgment any contrarian trader has to make

    48. This is one reason that statistical, survey-based approaches to contrarian trading tend to have little value

    49. ” I have another folder containing stories of contrarian interest that aren’t cover stories and are too long to put in my spiral notebook media diary

    50. I have found Hulbert’s columns very informative at times because he himself is a devotee of the contrarian art

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