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    controvertible oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Simon … he wants to marry me (darling daft man that he is!) and I want to be his wife … in fact I have said I will marry him … a statement of fact, incontrovertible and inarguable

    2. ‘I have incontrovertible proof,’ said Legrand quietly,

    3. A terrorist, for example, (read: William Jefferson Clinton) should never be pardoned based upon incontrovertible evidence that led to that conviction to begin with

    4. This constitutes ―believing‖ in light of incontrovertible evidence that requires neither Faith nor bold assumptions inasmuch as (even) the most skeptical among us must inevitably concede certifiable proofs whenever (objectively) presented to them

    5. to the one incontrovertible factor — that of being

    6. Intelligent and progressing life becomes then, in and of itself, an incontrovertible proof of the existence of a purposeful universe expressing the will of a divine Creator

    7. However, incontrovertible evidence proves that the destruction of cities and the slaying of civilians had not reduced essential German war production, nor had it prevented the German armed forces from continuing their operations in Africa, Russia, Italy and Western Europe

    8. This may seem astounding to you, but the fact that the Earth is situated in the exact center of the Universe is irrefutable and incontrovertible

    9. I have incontrovertible proof that my husband has been seeing other women

    10. 'Thus the future Methodism, as we assume, will feel the need of and will acquire for itself, under pressure of the most urgent motives, an incontrovertible exposition of the Scripture doctrine of the future administration of justice; but then it will not make this acquisition as if it could be held as an insulated dogma; for whatever is further ascertained on this ground will come to stand in its true relationship to much beside, which, in the course of the same argument, will have started to view, as the genuine sense of the inspired books

    11. At the same time, there is the incontrovertible fact that hundreds of millions of children in the

    12. Therefore Crass and his mates, although they knew nothing whatever about it themselves, accepted it as an established, incontrovertible fact that the existing state of things is immutable

    13. An autopsy yielded incontrovertible proof of black lung

    14. But this peril, this only incontrovertible truth in which they shared, seemed to act as an inspiration to their mental and bodily powers

    15. It was someone like her, someone who needed the reassurance of the incontrovertible

    16. This Time cover provided incontrovertible evidence that there was indeed a bearish crowd and that it was in all likelihood a mature one

    17. From the safe perspective of a half century, it seems incontrovertible that a new valuation benchmark had been established

    18. I had a man in jail with almost incontrovertible evidence against him

    19. Incontrovertible facts prove this assertion

    20. In what do these demands consist? On what are they based? In order that these principles should be incontrovertible, it is necessary either that they be proved philosophically, incontrovertibly, or that, at least, all educated people should be agreed on them

    21. Thus many think, but to that I can give this one answer: give us a firm, incontrovertible foundation why this or that is chosen by you, show me a society in which the two diametrically opposed views on education do not exist among the highly cultured people; where it is not eternally repeated that if education falls into the hands of the clergy, the masses are educated in one sense, and if education falls into the hands of the progressists, the people are educated in another sense,—show me a state of society where that does not exist, and I will agree with you

    22. And the men who think so adduce in confirmation of their opinion philosophic, historic, and even religious arguments, which to them seem incontrovertible

    23. And the men who think so also adduce in confirmation of their opinion philosophic, and historic, and religious arguments, which also seem incontrovertible to them

    24. And after that we send to them about two dozen missionaries, who prattle some hypocritical ecclesiastic absurdities and, in the shape of incontrovertible proofs of the impossibility of applying the Christian truths to life, adduce these our experiments at the Christianization of the savages

    25. After this we send some dozens of missionaries prating to them of the hypocritical absurdities of the Church, and then quote the failure of our efforts to turn the heathen to Christianity as an incontrovertible proof of the impossibility of applying the truths of Christianity in practical life

    26. I think this principle of political action is incontrovertible

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