Usar "council" en una oración
council oraciones de ejemplo
1. Again using the addresses he learned via the merchant's council, he found a judgement posted against Tahlmute by the Kassikan just a couple years ago
2. His shunning was by the Kassikan, it wasn't a council decision, so it was not unethical for doostEr to do business with him, but this was reason for caution
3. He briefly toyed with the idea of convening a council meeting but knew how contentious that could be if aluminum was flashing in the area
4. He knew the Kassikan was important on the merchant's council of the Yakhan and the All Highlands Commercial Council
5. The Kassikan seldom sent a representative to the Annual Meeting of the council here in Gengee City
6. Most of the businessmen on the council looked more Elf than Troll, but most of them were mixed
7. The council in Gengee City frowned on that
8. He wondered if he should go to the council with this question? That would certainly expose everything of Tahlmute's past and doing that would likely lose him the job
9. revolutionary council, dead and buried
10. "The will of God," Moamar Graheb of the Council of Faith and Doctrine said, interrupting dangerously and looking at him like he thought this scientist needed some re-indoctrination
11. Though a pistol cannot kill in the afterlife, the pain is still as bad and all the members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine were quick to draw theirs, Moamar quicker than any
12. Khalid Al-Hassim, one of the Spiritual Council, spoke up
13. "The seedship part of the mission does not begin until the anti-aging virus is avenged, that is in the Haad License and I will call the council to witness it
14. The council slipped to another space to deliberate, they soon announced that they would need a continuance till next week
15. All the while Al-Harron decelerated ever closer to the rendezvous with that asteroid and the re-convening of the Haadij's assembly when the Council of Faith and Dogma would announce their decision
16. He no longer paid any attention because he could see how little reason entered into the discussions and the council would not even listen to anything the remainder of the crew decided
17. I fear the council believes they can make Moamar an Ayatollah, he would then outrank the Haadij
18. "The council fears that the cabal will evacuate in time if we destroy only the pyramid site
19. "Once the council has made an official proclamation to destroy Satan's World, were I to give the order to divert the hammer, would it be obeyed?"
20. Anyway, I came over here to ask about the council meeting, you're not on duty for this one are you?"
21. The members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine re-appeared on the stage of the amphitheater at Susa during another spectacular sunset where the crew had reconvened
22. When all were assembled and the hubbub died down, Moamar spoke, "Do I speak for us all?" he asked the council
23. He might be trying to impose martial law over the council, bringing on a final showdown
24. The Council of Faith and Doctrine was supreme, even to the Commander when they were unanimous and there was no military battle in progress
25. The council was unanimous at this encounter, the Hammer of God must continue on its way
26. What he did know was that he hadn't been brought up formally before the Haadij and/or the Council of Faith and Doctrine on charges of trespassing in the woman's universe
27. That would indicate that whoever was doing this was not the Haadij and was not someone working for the council
28. That would not narrow down the techs, none of the techs worked for the Haadij, were on the council, or worked for the council
29. Normally if anyone had this happen to them it would be reported and the Council would make everyone produce a backup and go over those backups looking for control of the scene Bahkmar had experienced
30. Instead he had to go completely on his own, keeping no council and avoiding attention whenever possible
31. He looked around and saw the council was gathered around him, their robes flapping in the raw wind
32. Using just as much theatrics, Moamar read the long list of charges, the council shouted 'witness' on cue in unison if not quite on key, and then Moamar shouted 'GUILTY' and that was about the extent of it
33. All thru it the crew sat and watched, the men of the council all had their pistols out and kept an especially sharp eye out for whispering among the rank and file
34. The man who had assumed the revolutionary name of Marat was, according to the press and the revolutionary council, dead and buried
35. It’s a lot more fun than council tax management, I can tell you
36. Of course the Shempala Lakes Tourist Council that had published these highly symbolic maps four centuries ago could have exaggerated the size of the lakes by a whole lot and the lakes might really be thirty eight and twenty nine miles long instead of the hundred ten and seventy that was shown on this map
37. And there, sitting under a spilled dollop of chicken jalfreezi was the object he was looking for, his parent’s council rent book
38. Within a month the paperwork was done, the local council searches were completed and contracts were signed
39. During the telephone call the businessman decided not to remark on the fact that he had seen the fisherman sitting on the beach with his rods and his lines on more than one occasion during his recent trips down to the south coast to seal the deal on his new factory with the local council planning authorities
40. ” Tarak smiled at Naria, “until then I will keep my own council on this matter
41. 'According to legend, somewhere in this gorge is an oracle where our ancestors came and sought council or prophetic predictions as to what their future held
42. Ken and Eileen Roach lived on what had once been a decaying council housing estate in a small post-industrial town to the north-west of Birmingham, an estate that was by degrees being regenerated by a mixed bag of home owners, buy-to-let investors and housing trust managers
43. This told Duncan immediately that Rayne was correct in her assessment of the Warrior Queen, and he was glad he had listened to her council
44. The only one who really knew Lord Boras was Lord Tarak, and he was keeping his own council, revealing nothing
45. “Why don’t you seek council of Denair on this; he helped you when you went after Serena
46. jalfreezi was the object he was looking for, his parent’s council rent
47. Simon laughs ‘You’ve got to be joking! I’ve been right out of it up until now but I understand that there is a council of war this evening at my brother’s so that happy state of affairs is going to change!’
48. That makes me chuckle, ‘What time is this council of war tonight?’
49. She told him not to worry; she would council with her Eloi senses before approaching them
50. She's married to Bob who works for the council - can't quite remember in what capacity - and they have a couple of kids