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    Usar "course of events" en una oración

    course of events oraciones de ejemplo

    course of events

    1. Ernesto was first officer and considered himself next in line for the captain's wife, as well as command, and none had been able to change that course of events

    2. the normal course of events

    3. setting in motion the course of events which had led to the

    4. mentality and the course of events, and so on

    5. Free Will, however, does not preclude God from influencing (or changing) the course of events, however, for His (own) intended

    6. change the course of events, but you can change your attitude

    7. road toward a classless society, then all efforts either to change or to accelerate the course of events would be senseless

    8. you had married my mother, then in the normal course of events I would have been a completely different person

    9. influence the natural course of events and never end up being born, but that doesn’t

    10. was natural forces that made the course of events inevitable

    11. extent to which cause and effect determine the course of events, and what real possibilities exist

    12. the era of "the natural course of events" ended with the agricultural revolution over six thousand

    13. The taller of the two specters gazed into the dark woods of Mystic Down as he contemplated the course of events

    14. It"s just as well adventures are sometimes thrust upon us, we"d never choose them in the ordinary course of events and our lives would be the poorer

    15. That would be great,” he replied boyishly as he stood up from her desk and straightened up, very relieved at the course of events

    16. the normal course of events much of it is converted into photons and

    17. direction to effectively turn the course of events

    18. Maybe the course of events will be very

    19. In the end it became more than Hitler could stand; particularly as the course of events continued to confirm Manstein's warnings

    20. Dare to win significant influences on the course of events – unique belief

    21. “We shall need to leave your brother where he is for the time being, until the police discover his body during the normal course of events

    22. Eventually, Jaya would nose ahead, but neither Amma nor Didi were in any position to change the course of events in Delhi

    23. You have the power to turn the course of events here, and

    24. What occur, there is no control agency to influence the course of events

    25. activities asa revolutionist cannot have greatly affected the course of events

    26. — on the way, in the course of events;

    27. country as to how to stop the course of events sweeping

    28. And one weal, belated warning or a prediction or foreboding does to change the course of events enough to save living humans from the unseen undead evil that surrounds them and lives inside them, and has done so ever since they came into the world as innocent babies

    29. The hand behind the black Hand, which guided the course of events of the assassination was Dragutin Dimitrijevic: the butcher of Serbia, and behind him were invisible undead ghouls bent upon ruining the best of everything that region had to offer, bent upon ruining the best of everything in Europe, bent on ruining and destroying every new GOOD impulse that was flowering all over the industrialized world

    30. A pervasive hum rebounded within the cavern and the zarlons looked around in alarm at the unusual course of events

    31. Public opinion denies miracles and the interference of Heaven with the course of events, encouraged by the attitude of many of the leaders of study

    32. eff ecting (either actually or imaginary) upon the course of events that

    33. I do not dispute that he may have contributed to accelerate the course of events by the moral influence, so to say, of the affront; but as to the general conduct and moral characteristics of that personage, I am in agreement with you

    34. Danglars, surrounded by deputies and men connected with the revenue, was explaining a new theory of taxation which he intended to adopt when the course of events had compelled the government to call him into the ministry

    35. But the course of events followed its own evil own logic when a criminal group – the Spiders – entered the drama

    36. Sotillo governed Esmeralda with repressive severity till the adverse course of events upon the distant theatre of civil war forced upon him the reflection that, after all, the great silver mine was fated to become the spoil of the victors

    37. Tracing the course of events afterwards, I conclude that I must have been insensible for about two hours

    38. What could Charles Gould have been thinking of when he brought her out there! It was outrageous! And the doctor had watched the course of events with a grim and distant reserve which, he imagined, his lamentable history imposed upon him

    39. "It had been hoped that the proceedings would end there, and that a vote of thanks and congratulation, moved by Professor Sergius, of Upsala University, would be duly seconded and carried; but it was soon evident that the course of events was not destined to flow so smoothly

    40. Whereas, in this historic narrative, everything else will be normally explained, however abnormal the course of events may seem, I can not give the reader expressly to understand what the Persian meant by the words, "It is some one much worse than that!" The reader must try to guess for himself, for I promised M

    41. retrograde movement An attempt to change the course of events in history that usually occurs before the expiration of the 40-year interval in Lindsay’s Technical History and serves to confuse the outlook

    42. An important point in the book revolves around the view that if the market price of a common stock is well above the reproduction value of assets, the company and the industry, in the normal course of events, will draw new competition which will result in diminished returns unless the company can build a moat to insulate itself from new competition (e

    43. After the carnage of the Great War people in all countries were determined that never again should the world embark on such a destructive course of events

    44. The course of events:

    45. Even in the normal course of events – without gaps – price slippage can occur in fast moving markets, such that by the time a stop order has executed, the price has moved on from the price at which the stop order was triggered

    46. Besides, suppose you did gain a brilliant victory, if even the Archduke Karl gained a victory, what effect would that have on the general course of events? It’s too late now when Vienna is occupied by the French army!’

    47. His idea was, first, to concentrate all the artillery in the center, and secondly, to withdraw the always near the commander in chief, closely following the mass movements and general orders, and constantly studying historical accounts of battles, involuntarily pictured to himself the course of events in the forthcoming action in broad outline

    48. The more he realized the absence of all personal motive in that old man- in whom there seemed to remain only the habit of passions, and in place of an intellect (grouping events and drawing conclusions) only the capacity calmly to contemplate the course of events- the more reassured he was that everything would be as it should

    49. He understands that there is something stronger and more important than his own will- the inevitable course of events, and he can see them and grasp their significance, and seeing that significance can refrain from meddling and renounce his personal wish directed to something else

    50. At the approach of danger there are always two voices that speak with equal power in the human soul: one very reasonably tells a man to consider the nature of the danger and the means of escaping it; the other, still more reasonably, says that it is too depressing and painful to think of the danger, since it is not in man’s power to foresee everything and avert the general course of events, and it is therefore better to disregard what is painful till it comes, and to think about what is pleasant

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