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    Usar "cow" en una oración

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    1. Mind you, I stil chose to send her to the wrong one – after all, what did the cheeky cow think I was? ; A walking information booth?

    2. It is richer in nitrogen than either cow or hog manure, and ferments much more quickly, therefore being referred to as “hot manure”

    3. The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of perfectly stitched cow hide, walnut veneer and deathly totem

    4. It was similar to a keda the way a cow was to a horse

    5. She’s a complete bloody cow,

    6. “How about when you fell into a pile of cow shit over the field in

    7. cow eyes at one of the police constables

    8. When a cow brushes up against the wire in an

    9. except open fields and the occasional cow

    10. The silly cow had hoped that Masa would let her off once she told him of the lucrative contract she had been offered at the big theatre round the corner

    11. If she hadn’t been such a little cow, he’d never have got into trouble

    12. Gates hang loose, buried in bramble runners and the first spurt of cow parsley

    13. "Why do you do that to me? I could actually see a poor cow blowing up

    14. Of course, that was after they’d milked all thirty some of his cow, and emptied the pasteurizer, for the dairy driver to take to town

    15. " Good thing his arms were around her, or her heels, wouldn’t have been the only thing covered with cow chips

    16. the constant tinkle of cow bells

    17. bells, give me cow bells! Why is it that they’re so calming

    18. Among his inventions and creations were the wooden cow he constructed for the queen of Knossos, the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, artificial wings for himself and his son Icarus, and he was even said to have invented images

    19. There he constructed a wooden cow for the queen to hide in to satisfy her amorous longings

    20. the cow pats), I waved for Lindy to follow

    21. Cow? Tortured a fly? It’s hard to imagine what could

    22. master is a house, a small garden for pot-herbs, as much grass as will feed a cow, and,

    23. A piece of ground which, when he wrote, could not maintain one cow, would in former times, he was assured, have maintained four, each of which would have given four times the quantity of milk which that one was capable of giving

    24. five ox hides at twelve shillings ; five cow hides at seven shillings and threepence ; thirtysix sheep skins of two years old at nine shillings; sixteen calf skins at two shillings

    25. The price of cow hides, as stated in the above account, is nearly in the common proportion to that of ox hides

    26. term charity throughout the Quran, especially in its first and longest Surah, The Cow

    27. With the slaughter of a cow, that is

    28. When a cow lowed softly Jesus turned His head, then swiftly returned to eating

    29. Every time he would cut a strand the bloody bully beef tins would rattle like a load of cow bells

    30. Cow and bull invade territory together, bull already in field stamps his feet and roars

    31. And if I remember correctly she started it over a cow

    32. But I doubt if the real reason your Queen Maeve had to fight, was over a cow at all

    33. But I doubt if I ever killed anyone over a stupid cow

    34. There were lots of cow herds about and the soil looked rich and the grass lush and sweet there were forests and some quite steep wide ravines as we passed by them but we were not destined to rattle along for much longer

    35. “Why didn’t she just tell me? I even told her to leave the bloody munitions factory in fact I begged her to the silly cow

    36. “She was more interested in Billy Boy than she was in me making eyes at him all-night like a sick cow

    37. “Listen my love we are all eating steak but it comes from a horse not a cow”, and they both laughed

    38. Boy cow, not to be confused with cowgirl, which is of course, a girl cow

    39. And just because a feline seems lazy doesn’t mean it can’t up and scat in a moment’s notice, with someone saying, “Holy cow, what was that?” Answer, of course: “Princess again, I think

    40. I understand why she might have known minimally about the sex life of cows, since Grandpa’s Jersey cow was walked down the road to a neighbor’s farm when it was necessary to continue milk production

    41. I knew that Helen still loved me with all of her heart as I did her and that when she went into the Sanatorium Mrs Shaw had been intercepting my letters and hers to make it look like we didn’t care about each other anymore the evil cow

    42. Johnson did all of the same things, only more so, starting with the bugging of Goldwater"s campaign headquarters at San Francisco"s Cow Palace during the 1964 Republican convention

    43. ” What were the odds she could cow him? It was not likely; imperial guards were not intimidated by enforcers, less so by women

    44. Horses, cows, sheep, asses, and dogs, with other animals useful to man, are destroyed by the tsetse; and so deadly is its poison, that if a cow is only bitten once by a fly it will die of the effects, although wild animals are quite safe

    45. of the tree, not quite so high up, where White Face, the cow, could

    46. transgressions oftentimes involved adolescent boys (girls, with few exceptions, are seldom mentioned) between the ages of nine and fourteen when most were likely to serve as altar boys? I wouldn‘t expect accurate reporting from the media and other members of the liberal community unlikely to risk a political fallout over the question of ―gay‖ (that sacred cow) priests although most people on the other hand would generally agree that Pedophilia is abominable and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

    47. "Hobart Tuttershed," she said, her voice cutting across the kitchen at him, "if you think I'm going out there to wrestle with half a ton of cow, you've got another think coming!"

    48. "You want me to stick this thing into the cow?" I checked with a queasy voice

    49. I stopped one of the soldiers and asked if perhaps they had a cow for sale

    50. They told me that they had a cow that had broken its leg and that that was the only one they could sell to me

    1. Across from where I sat one of them flopped onto the bench, breathless, sipping a fizzy diet drink from a can, panting beneath the weight of her robes and fighting in vain to keep her eyes open and to keep her mouth from drooping but her personal enthusiasm cowed before the pressures and the stresses and the strains

    2. from the blow and was genuinely cowed by Grinly's

    3. The Lieutenant wasn’t cowed by this as he replied

    4. As those Ashantis stood trembling, cowed and disheartened, looking one moment at the yelling crowd, then at the ever rolling expanse of the vast Atlantic, a sight few of them had ever seen before, a thrill of pity must have gone through all the hearts of those white people there

    5. Most other badgers were cowed by his size, doing as he ordered without argument, but he knew that mere strength would be no match against Grindel's cunning

    6. They might be much more cowed now, but that’s not what he needed to wage war

    7. Today, scientists in this effort are cowed and are afraid to come out

    8. An instant later, a wind flung Lord Skraetock aside and cowed the shrieking flames

    9. Through access to the Internet The Daily Bell predicts that in the near future more masses of people will begin realize how they have been “lied to, impoverished and cowed” by the power elite’s “dominant social themes”

    10. Startled, Youssaf reached out a restraining hand toward Moshe’s shoulder as a now thoroughly cowed Gad leaped to his feet, standing stiffly at attention while his downcast gaze was fixed in the general direction of Moshe’s feet

    11. Glaring at his commanders as he concluded his tirade, Myserrah hoped that he had cowed them sufficiently to assure himself of their allegiance, but the new boldness of the few disturbed him

    12. thoroughly cowed Gad leaped to his feet, standing stiffly at attention while his downcast gaze

    13. Glaring at his commanders as he concluded his tirade, Myserrah hoped that he had cowed

    14. Though whether this is because the villagers are cowed by the air of authority he possesses, or because they are eager to hear him out, Simon cannot tell

    15. But she wouldn't be cowed in her own home

    16. He turned to a thoroughly cowed Zeno

    17. resignation on their faces, all effectively cowed into submission

    18. He picked up his pack and gun, thoroughly cowed

    19. The pirates were too cowed and battered to have any thought except a desire to get away from that island of fear

    20. Perhaps Hu Lyang thought that he had broken her spirit and that she would no longer contemplate escaping – she would remember to act cowed when he again appeared

    21. But they are so cowed and helpless that they could give no aid to the invaders

    22. Alfred stood his ground and refused to be cowed

    23. He cowed to his dad

    24. It is a sorry fact that our MPs are frequently cowed

    25. Louie was not cowed by the fearless young woman

    26. Garcia cowed her into silence with a look

    27. Worf appears cowed by the comment

    28. Perhaps Nick's no-nonsense face transmitted just how far he had slipped towards the edge of insanity, but whatever the reason, Silvero appeared suitably cowed

    29. Sheaar was sufficiently cowed into submission

    30. The materialists have such absolute power in academia and the media, and have so confused the issue with disinformation and cowed their critics with ridicule, that any criticism of materialism and its dictatorial tactics is touted as an attack on science itself

    31. “Yes,” Tammas said, looking at the floor, feeling a bit cowed

    32. McCoy gave Tammas a looked that cowed him back into line

    33. They were cowed and deeply shocked

    34. But Although Nangong Ping was very young, he was not cowed or

    35. Although these men were cowed by Lady

    36. cowed by dangers? Is there dangers in this world that can possible harm me?!” He

    37. God, how could he give up so easily? Was the rest of the town so easily cowed, so devoid of hope? If they were, she was fighting a losing battle, and the enemy wasn’t GrandGoods

    38. She is cowed

    39. The president was cowed

    40. One father for 200 million American dimwits or 350 million USSR cowed slaves

    41. I would not be cowed by a bunch of hypocrites

    42. She was silent, subdued and utterly cowed

    43. He just laughed at me, was convinced that I'd be so desperate to get the drugs he supplied that I'd be as cowed as the rest, only too glad to do what he said

    44. She doesn’t spend much time with them, except my sisters, but Ma’s done got all of them cowed into submission

    45. The black robed figure had ceased from berating the cowed soldiers in front of him and had wheeled his stallion around to stare in my direction

    46. Koke was jerked forward by a knot of pirates, who looked cowed by the insane fury of their leader

    47. He nodded weakly completely cowed and I let his head drop back towards the floor

    48. So cowed was their condition, and so long and hard their experience of what such a man could do to them, within the law and beyond it, that not a voice, or a hand, or even an eye was raised

    49. " By this almost all the Christians were on board, and the Moors, who were fainthearted, hearing their captain speak in this way, were cowed, and without any one of them taking to his arms (and indeed they had few or hardly any) they submitted without saying a word to be bound by the Christians, who quickly secured them, threatening them that if they raised any kind of outcry they would be all put to the sword

    50. The woman was cowed and went off disconsolately, hanging her head; and the governor said to the man, "Honest man, go home with your money, and God speed you; and for the future, if you don't want to lose it, see that you don't take it into your head to yoke with anybody

    1. He turned to his minions who were stil cowing by the door

    2. He was no longer holding the Ring, but it was there, a hidden power, a cowing menace to the slaves of Mordor; and in his hand was Sting, and its light smote the

    1. ‘I don’t have a problem with sheep, though I have to say that cows make me a bit nervous sometimes

    2. The first field we come to is full of cows, most of them lying down chewing the cud in the warm sunshine

    3. helping the village milkman milk the cows

    4. fingers when milking the cows and then imitate him later

    5. To eat flesh is to take vegetable food secondhand from another animal, and here it is interesting to note that man eats mainly the flesh of vegetarian animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and poultry, deer, and rabbits

    6. One of their regular early morning tasks was to milk the cows

    7. the cows along the correct route with the aid of a stick he had cut

    8. The cows seemed in no mood to be

    9. “Cows? Where the hell do you find cows in a city?”

    10. pack animals were travelling in both directions, the herds of cows and

    11. Clumps of primrose are already bursting through the early grass heads as cows lay down in fields under a changing sky

    12. The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa said, and then Tipene stepped on him as he left the room and went off to milk the cows

    13. When she reached for the hairbrush, he grabbed her hand and said, "That'll wait, but the cows won't"

    14. "Jim!" She protested as he towed her towards the door, "What cows?"

    15. When the cows he’d chosen were to arrive

    16. He also managed to get out of milking the cows, and collecting the eggs, as everyone else had to do

    17. I swear that even the cows were smiling as we

    18. (yes, more wildflowers), past bucolic, masticating cows

    19. luxuriant, and the cows were amongst the happiest and

    20. a dilapidated old house with chickens and cows wandering

    21. Sometimes the sky was filled with flying cows

    22. in the 19th century), raising corn and alfalfa along with some cows, pigs, and chickens on their quarter section (around 160 acres) of land

    23. He smiled as small children scampered about the greenery, pestering the cows and horses while adults chopped wood and sharpened weapons

    24. side of the water, full o' cows, couple of boozers

    25. with legs thicker than human arms, cows that

    26. I understand why she might have known minimally about the sex life of cows, since Grandpa’s Jersey cow was walked down the road to a neighbor’s farm when it was necessary to continue milk production

    27. The order that vampires were to feed on cows, bulls, sheep, goats, or even rats if they had to was given by Tairark, over twelve hundred years ago, when the amount of humans alive in the Southlands was dwindling

    28. On the other side of the farmhouses were stonewalled fences that held thousands of sheep and goats, a herd of cows, and three large chicken coops fenced off with meshed wire

    29. “I’d hate to have to put that many cows in that little barn

    30. California, to give the kids a place to play, learn about horses and cows, and grow up with a knowledge of something besides urban

    31. Horses, cows, sheep, asses, and dogs, with other animals useful to man, are destroyed by the tsetse; and so deadly is its poison, that if a cow is only bitten once by a fly it will die of the effects, although wild animals are quite safe

    32. "Why didn't you shut the gate after you came in from town? The cows got

    33. runnin' round after cows such a night as this

    34. "The old man told me to-night when I was up after the cows that he's sold

    35. On the way, we saw soldiers leading herds of cows

    36. economically profitable than raising a herd of cows

    37. The cows along the route were apparently not used to seeing this weird bicycle/human-in lycra-thing

    38. can be useful bringing the in cows from pasture

    39. We do seem to be connected to the animal kingdom, but how? And with such a tremendous gap, if there is a connection what is it? What members of the animal kingdom are we closest to? Would the prideful exclusionists rather be seen to be connected to dogs, or cows? There was a time when Man would have given almost anything to be like any one of his animal totems, so why not an ape?

    40. No matter where she looked, there were buildings, humans, men, women and children, dogs, cats, hens, cows

    41. 29 And honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of cows, for David, and for the people that were with him, to eat, for they said, The

    42. He affixed tiny images of wheat and cows to the former, and humans, to the latter, at least up to the number 16

    43. And cows can have kittens in North Dakota but can’t in Minnesota because Minnesota’s kitten tax was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1963

    44. Water buffalos and cows in the distant fields were helping to mow the meadows and harvest the crops

    45. Chapter 41 Pharaoh’s turn to dream, the famous dream of the seven thin cows

    46. and the seven fat cows, The thin cows eating the fat ones

    47. Health, Wealth, and Relationships-related products and services are known to be cash cows

    48. And again I saw with my eyes as I slept, and I saw the Heaven above, and note a star fell from Heaven, and it arose and eat and pastured among those oxen; And after that I saw the large and the black oxen, and note they all changed their stalls and pastures and their cattle, and began to live with each other; And again I saw in the vision, and looked towards the Heaven, and note I saw many stars descend and throw themselves down from Heaven to that first star, and they became bulls among those cattle and pastured with them among them; And I looked at them and saw, and note they all let out their privy members, like horses, and began to cover the cows of the oxen, and they all became pregnant and bore elephants, camels, and asses; And all the oxen feared them and were affrighted at them, and began to bite with their teeth and to devour, and to gore with their horns; And they began, moreover, to devour those oxen; and note all the children of the Earth began to tremble and quake before them

    49. What have you got to lose? (The cows won’t mind, I promise

    50. The family had a barn and kept cows

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    cow moo-cow overawe beef cattle longhorn