Usar "cowardice" en una oración
cowardice oraciones de ejemplo
1. I hesitate for many reasons, most of which has something to do with cowardice
2. That was his greatest fear of all wasn't it? Nothing but pain or the threat of pain could cause his most abject acts of cowardice
3. quickly forgot his cowardice of the previous night
4. For all of his cowardice and stupidity, the advisor had one remarkable talent -- his ability to become invisible, even from the eyes of his Lord
5. Didn't his cowardice deserve this? Shouldn't he be erased for what he had done? The dark throbbed too quickly and too painfully, then a last brightness and he was inside a lightning flash
6. mortal failures, yes, with duplicity and cowardice and greed, but he cannot run away at the tale’s end
7. This lie she told herself about staying alive to preserve her loved ones memories… it was the worst form of cowardice
8. And then, in these long moments, demoralizing thoughts of his own cowardice had forced almost a whimper from his throat
9. In the height of their grandeur, it cost them two great wars, and three great battles, to subdue that little kingdom, of which the conquest would probably have been still more difficult, had it not been for the cowardice of its last king
10. “Cpl Lamb you are being charged with cowardice in the face of the enemy and deserting your post in time of war you will be summarily Court Marshalled
11. This amounts to cowardice in the face of the enemy and should you be found guilty the sentence of the court will be death, my mouth was open wide in denial but I was at a loss for words
12. Given the proclivities of our current national administration, and the cowardice of the national media, I think we have fallen into a field of Hobson"s Choice, wherein neither of the above is desirable
13. he is charged with deserting his post in time of war and cowardice in the face of the enemy
14. “This caused a number of his comrades to be killed but not content by the travesty he then saved his own skin and ran leaving his comrades to fight on this Sir is cowardice in the face of the enemy and must be punished by the correct sentence which is death
15. “Thank you for your many kindnesses to a stranger and for taking pity on me especially when I have been found guilty of cowardice
16. I read on as she described that Wendy’s father William had been shot for cowardice in the war but that he was never guilty of this and that someday it would be proven, and Helen would be able to rest with him for all eternity
17. Any cowardice would be dealt with by him personally
18. Cowardice is certainly not one of his attributes, for as he rode across the Rio Seco, a party of guerilla opened down the ford
19. The second answer is designed to cause resentment to us for it shows racism and moral cowardice and a serious failure of leadership on your part
20. Just try and convince Higher Authority that it’s useful, and not just cowardice!
21. “To retreat was not cowardice in his mind, but I have no idea what he was thinking
22. “We believe that preparation eradicates cowardice, which we define as the failure to act in the midst of fear,” says Four
23. “Stage two of training is weighted more heavily than stage one, because it is more closely tied to overcoming cowardice,” he says
24. “Did you think overcoming cowardice would be easy?” he says calmly
25. There had been studies that indicated that violent tendencies could be partially traced to a person’s genes—a gene called ‘the murder gene’ was the first of these, but there were quite a few more, genetic predispositions toward cowardice, dishonesty, low intelligence—all the qualities, in other words, that ultimately contribute to a broken society
26. “Your cowardice sent our plans into ruin!” She began to grow angry
27. that cowardice is to blame for the world’s injustices
28. that pain and death are better than cowardice and inaction, because
29. "You were cowards," said Jerry with judicial scorn, "and you gave way to your cowardice
30. He was staying there to punish himself for cowardice in that affair of the Warren ghost
31. But perhaps bravery is better than cowardice, even if it is brought on by stupidity
32. 19 And they stood opposite, and filled the enemies' host with confusion and cowardice; and bound them with immoveable
33. Though I cannot see how the themes of the Second Legend can fit with my own simple tale—one of childishness and cowardice, I should warn you
34. He stopped at once, not that his customary cowardice mattered
35. The words family, love, cowardice assault me from every side and, from instinct, I raise my hands to fend off what I cannot see and cannot touch
36. The Gathandrian who has, albeit by default and cowardice, pursued the path of temperance as best he can, has friends he did not look for
37. 19 And they stood opposite and filled the enemies' host with confusion and cowardice; and bound them with immoveable fetters
38. 20 It would be disgraceful if we should live on some short time and that scorned by all men for cowardice 21 and be condemned by the tyrant for unmanliness by not contending to the death for our divine law
39. May the gods and stars forgive him for his cowardice and his desire, and have mercy on those he caused to die
40. “Even after all your cowardice? Then you are truly a fool beyond all fools
41. cowardice – the very thing that the Elders had endlessly
42. “heartfelt prayer is undoubtedly the most potent instrument that man possesses for overcoming cowardice and all other bad old habits
43. Non-violence is quite often equated with cowardice, a way out, or cope out
44. I have very little to tell about what then happened, it could be that pushed by the newly acquired courage for the exaltation of the spirit, or that the cowardice, weary of dwell under my reverie, decide to dress up for the first time under the guise of the fearlessness and venturing in full for the distant roads of the audacity, the truth is that without thinking about it, I kissed him
45. So tiny that I could not find it on my conscience, it was drained by the rails of my cowardice
46. But Americus is not one of those persons that surrender easily in the battles of tongues versus cowardice, so he asked again:
47. Once more, before the warm caress which was Americus’ word, my tongue revived and in a fragile insurrection attempt it got away from the cowardice lace and at last was able to whisper:
48. It shows cowardice and Terry made sure he drilled in his sisters' head that same thing his mother drilled in his: We Cottons ain't soft
49. Is it ignorance? Cowardice? Fear? What is indeed
50. He was one of the most inexplicable combinations of courage and cowardice that ever lived on earth