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    Usar "cows" en una oración

    cows oraciones de ejemplo


    1. ‘I don’t have a problem with sheep, though I have to say that cows make me a bit nervous sometimes

    2. The first field we come to is full of cows, most of them lying down chewing the cud in the warm sunshine

    3. helping the village milkman milk the cows

    4. fingers when milking the cows and then imitate him later

    5. To eat flesh is to take vegetable food secondhand from another animal, and here it is interesting to note that man eats mainly the flesh of vegetarian animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and poultry, deer, and rabbits

    6. One of their regular early morning tasks was to milk the cows

    7. the cows along the correct route with the aid of a stick he had cut

    8. The cows seemed in no mood to be

    9. “Cows? Where the hell do you find cows in a city?”

    10. pack animals were travelling in both directions, the herds of cows and

    11. Clumps of primrose are already bursting through the early grass heads as cows lay down in fields under a changing sky

    12. The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa said, and then Tipene stepped on him as he left the room and went off to milk the cows

    13. When she reached for the hairbrush, he grabbed her hand and said, "That'll wait, but the cows won't"

    14. "Jim!" She protested as he towed her towards the door, "What cows?"

    15. When the cows he’d chosen were to arrive

    16. He also managed to get out of milking the cows, and collecting the eggs, as everyone else had to do

    17. I swear that even the cows were smiling as we

    18. (yes, more wildflowers), past bucolic, masticating cows

    19. luxuriant, and the cows were amongst the happiest and

    20. a dilapidated old house with chickens and cows wandering

    21. Sometimes the sky was filled with flying cows

    22. in the 19th century), raising corn and alfalfa along with some cows, pigs, and chickens on their quarter section (around 160 acres) of land

    23. He smiled as small children scampered about the greenery, pestering the cows and horses while adults chopped wood and sharpened weapons

    24. side of the water, full o' cows, couple of boozers

    25. with legs thicker than human arms, cows that

    26. I understand why she might have known minimally about the sex life of cows, since Grandpa’s Jersey cow was walked down the road to a neighbor’s farm when it was necessary to continue milk production

    27. The order that vampires were to feed on cows, bulls, sheep, goats, or even rats if they had to was given by Tairark, over twelve hundred years ago, when the amount of humans alive in the Southlands was dwindling

    28. On the other side of the farmhouses were stonewalled fences that held thousands of sheep and goats, a herd of cows, and three large chicken coops fenced off with meshed wire

    29. “I’d hate to have to put that many cows in that little barn

    30. California, to give the kids a place to play, learn about horses and cows, and grow up with a knowledge of something besides urban

    31. Horses, cows, sheep, asses, and dogs, with other animals useful to man, are destroyed by the tsetse; and so deadly is its poison, that if a cow is only bitten once by a fly it will die of the effects, although wild animals are quite safe

    32. "Why didn't you shut the gate after you came in from town? The cows got

    33. runnin' round after cows such a night as this

    34. "The old man told me to-night when I was up after the cows that he's sold

    35. On the way, we saw soldiers leading herds of cows

    36. economically profitable than raising a herd of cows

    37. The cows along the route were apparently not used to seeing this weird bicycle/human-in lycra-thing

    38. can be useful bringing the in cows from pasture

    39. We do seem to be connected to the animal kingdom, but how? And with such a tremendous gap, if there is a connection what is it? What members of the animal kingdom are we closest to? Would the prideful exclusionists rather be seen to be connected to dogs, or cows? There was a time when Man would have given almost anything to be like any one of his animal totems, so why not an ape?

    40. No matter where she looked, there were buildings, humans, men, women and children, dogs, cats, hens, cows

    41. 29 And honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of cows, for David, and for the people that were with him, to eat, for they said, The

    42. He affixed tiny images of wheat and cows to the former, and humans, to the latter, at least up to the number 16

    43. And cows can have kittens in North Dakota but can’t in Minnesota because Minnesota’s kitten tax was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1963

    44. Water buffalos and cows in the distant fields were helping to mow the meadows and harvest the crops

    45. Chapter 41 Pharaoh’s turn to dream, the famous dream of the seven thin cows

    46. and the seven fat cows, The thin cows eating the fat ones

    47. Health, Wealth, and Relationships-related products and services are known to be cash cows

    48. And again I saw with my eyes as I slept, and I saw the Heaven above, and note a star fell from Heaven, and it arose and eat and pastured among those oxen; And after that I saw the large and the black oxen, and note they all changed their stalls and pastures and their cattle, and began to live with each other; And again I saw in the vision, and looked towards the Heaven, and note I saw many stars descend and throw themselves down from Heaven to that first star, and they became bulls among those cattle and pastured with them among them; And I looked at them and saw, and note they all let out their privy members, like horses, and began to cover the cows of the oxen, and they all became pregnant and bore elephants, camels, and asses; And all the oxen feared them and were affrighted at them, and began to bite with their teeth and to devour, and to gore with their horns; And they began, moreover, to devour those oxen; and note all the children of the Earth began to tremble and quake before them

    49. What have you got to lose? (The cows won’t mind, I promise

    50. The family had a barn and kept cows

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