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    1. All of a sudden the steam launch veered to its left and took our string of boats with it as we passed the spot where it had just been I saw rocks just under the water so thank God the Coxswain had been on his toes

    2. Boatswains Mate Third Class Ericka Robinson served on active and reserve duty in the Coast Guard and was an experienced coxswain

    3. “Rarely are we the coxswain of our allotted path

    4. Descending the stairs he called the coxswain

    5. ordered the Coxswain to come alongside the smaller boat

    6. Coxswain was ready to receive him

    7. "Don't know what you mean, Sir,” lied the Coxswain

    8. to choose his own Coxswain, which was a privileged position

    9. It was his Coxswain with a covered plate

    10. Michael turned to the Coxswain, "I hope you have not come here to fuss me

    11. chops and a contented Coxswain who fussed about unpacking and storing the

    12. Michael was woken at the appointed time by his Coxswain

    13. change for him to fuss over his Coxswain; he was surprised to discover that it

    14. Keeping their backs to the closed door the Captain and his Coxswain battled

    15. Bleeding from a shallow head wound, the coxswain stumbled

    16. The longboat's coxswain took the tiller; his four companions leaned into their oars; the moorings were cast off and we pulled clear

    17. thwarts, and the coxswain took the tiller

    18. The sailors went back to their sculling, and the coxswain steered the longboat toward the floating barrel

    19. Cal was pounding the water white at a vigorous rate of thirty-six strokes per minute, but for more than two and a half miles Washington’s coxswain, Harvey Love, kept the stroke steady at a relatively relaxed thirty-one, doing only as much as necessary to keep his boat in contention, sending his boys surging forward by calling for big tens when he was in danger of falling too far behind, but then settling in, holding steady, conserving his crew

    20. With the roar of the crowd drowning out his commands, Washington’s coxswain, Don Grant, suddenly raised a red flag (cut hastily from a Cornell banner just before the race) over his head to signal his boys that this was the moment to give it their all

    21. Tom Bolles, wearing his good-luck fedora, bellowed last-minute instructions to George Morry, his coxswain

    22. They clambered out of the City of Seattle, onto the floating dock, and reenacted a universal ritual of winning crews: the dunking of the coxswain

    23. With their heads under the shell, they could see little except for their own feet and the back of the man ahead of them, so a coxswain ran ahead of them, waving his hands to warn oncoming vehicles to steer clear and simultaneously shouting out instructions in rowing terms: “Way enough, boys! Hard to port

    24. It was something of a breach of protocol, as ordinarily it is only the coxswain who is at all verbal in a shell, and it had the potential to confuse the stroke, especially during a race

    25. But it had seemed to work for the sophomores the year before, and George Morry, the usual sophomore coxswain, had put up with it good-naturedly

    26. It irritated the hell out of some of the older boys in the other boats, though, particularly Bobby Moch, the savvy little coxswain of what seemed to be shaping up to be the best of the JV boats

    27. The coxswain (nowadays often a female even in an otherwise male crew) must have the force of character to look men or women twice his or her size in the face, bark orders at them, and be confident that the leviathans will respond instantly and unquestioningly to those orders

    28. Ulbrickson had swapped a senior, Wink Winslow, for George Morry, as coxswain, to capitalize on Winslow’s greater experience with river rowing

    29. At five foot seven and 119 pounds, Moch was almost the perfect size for a coxswain

    30. George Pocock, in fact, designed his shells to perform optimally with a 120-pound coxswain

    31. “Typical coxswain abuse,” one Washington cox later said, laughing

    32. The first task of a coxswain is to steer the shell on a straight course for the duration of a race

    33. But it’s the least of what a coxswain must worry about

    34. From the moment the shell is launched, the coxswain is the captain of the boat

    35. ” In short, a good coxswain is a quarterback, a cheerleader, and a coach all in one

    36. He had displaced a well-regarded boy his new crewmates had been rowing with for two years, and they initially refused to give Moch the respect a coxswain absolutely depends on

    37. Over in the Cal boat, coxswain Tommy Maxwell did the same

    38. Washington’s coxswain, Fred Colbert, turned his crew loose

    39. Navy had inserted Lieutenant Vic Krulak of the marine corps as its coxswain

    40. Everything had converged: the right oarsmen, with the right attitudes, the right personalities, the right skills; a perfect boat, sleek, balanced, and wickedly fast; a winning strategy at both long and short distances; a coxswain with the guts and smarts to make hard decisions and make them fast

    41. Its oarsmen and its coxswain were the best of the British best, carefully selected from the ranks of many fine oarsmen at Oxford and Cambridge, where the boys wore tweed suits and ties to class, where they sometimes sported silk ascots around their boathouses, where they were apt to climb into their shells wearing white shorts, dark knee-high socks, and neck scarves, but where they rowed nevertheless as if they had been born for it

    42. At the heart of the outfit were two Cambridge men in the rear of the boat: John Noel Duckworth, the coxswain, and William George Ranald Mundell Laurie, the stroke

    43. Bobby Moch charged in right behind him, going not for the Yugoslavian coxswain but for the biggest man on the crew

    44. Riefenstahl had already captured good footage of the gold medal race, both from boats and from shore, but she wanted close-ups from the points of view of the victorious coxswain and the stroke

    45. The “typical coxswain abuse” remark is from Eric Cohen, as are a number of details related to coxes in this section of the book

    46. Unfortunately, he doubted that was an order the coxswain would obey, and Kylmahn was even more problematic

    47. But there never was a Roman galley coxswain at the table, leading the beat

    1. The coxswains of those quick shells started yelling as they passed

    2. Most of the LCVP coxswains were members of the Coast Guard

    3. The meager products of her kitchen could not begin to satisfy the appetites of two dozen tall, strapping boys and a handful of coaches and coxswains

    4. Great crews may have men or women of exceptional talent or strength; they may have outstanding coxswains or stroke oars or bowmen; but they have no stars

    5. The referee called, “Ready all?” One by one, the coxswains shouted a few last-minute commands to their crews and then raised their hands

    6. Ulbrickson told the coxswains of all four boats to go no higher than a beat of twenty-six

    7. Like jockeys, coxswains often went to extraordinary lengths to keep their weight down—they starved themselves, they purged, they exercised compulsively, they spent long hours in the steam room trying to sweat off an extra pound or two

    8. Both boats had savvy coxswains and powerful, experienced oarsmen

    9. the starter called out, “Are you ready?” Two coxswains raised their hands

    10. The starter waited a minute or two, then called out again, “Are you all ready?” This time three coxswains raised their hands

    11. He settled his crew in, rowing at a steady twenty-eight and began to watch the backs of his rival coxswains disappear down the river into the dusk

    12. Downriver, the thousands of fans packing the shoreline and yachts and other vessels in Poughkeepsie could not yet see the oncoming shells, but they could hear the coxswains barking like so many seals out in the river’s darkness

    13. “You made history today, you freshmen, junior varsity, and varsity oarsmen and coxswains

    14. When the gong sounded for men’s breakfast, Joe went to his assigned table and was disappointed to find that athletes were permitted to order only from a special restricted menu, designed, apparently, to feed canaries or coxswains

    15. Well behind the gangway, and oddly out of sight of the coxswains, the starter stood on a platform constructed atop the superstructure of a flat-bottomed boat

    16. Both coxswains could see the grandstands and the large black-and-white sign, “Ziel,” demarking the finish line up ahead, but neither was ready to make his move yet

    17. Riefenstahl cleverly intercut long shots of the progress of the boats with close-ups of Bobby Moch and the other coxswains barking commands point-blank into the camera

    18. coxswains of, 18, 48, 50, 78, 79, 85, 89–90, 92–93, 94, 98–99, 104–6, 110, 115, 117, 130, 140, 152–53, 157, 158, 167, 168, 182, 184–85, 188, 189, 197, 224, 231–33, 247–48, 265, 266–73, 278, 283, 324, 325, 329

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