Usar "criticism" en una oración
criticism oraciones de ejemplo
1. Children resent harsh criticism or being snubbed and the grandparents can apply soothing balm
2. Even constructive criticism can sting when it is delivered at the wrong moment, for example immediately after the mistake
3. She saw whatever work she did as being beyond criticism, ephemeral, and then destroyed more than she kept
4. But he ignored them and kept up his habit despite their criticism
5. Back in London, Defoe was saddened by a severe criticism of him by a contemporary Irish writer, Jonathan Swift
6. Jean, unable to keep the implied criticism out of his voice
7. Ironically, Quentin Tote is facing the same sort of resistance to his discovery as Wilbur Chuff did over a century and a half previously, even down to the unnecessary criticism of his nose
8. To be fair, much of this criticism is justified: his laboratory comprises a workbench in the corner of his garage, and his training consists of a City & Guilds in woodwork and a Bronze swimming certificate
9. was surprised to hear himself say this, after all his criticism of her decision to go to the Chastity
10. It is Evil‘s custom to shield itself from criticism in the (artful) manner it encourages (a) Moral Neutrality by obfuscating notions of Good and Evil, a condition of the mind susceptible to individuals who have failed in their efforts to cultivate a proper spiritual and moral awareness of the fundamental agencies separating the two and therefore likely to arrive at the conclusion that such differences are either objectively unverifiable or the product of social convention(s)
11. Why they felt the need to do this within South Africa is interesting to me for it shows they detected enough criticism of their policies to be worried
12. They tended to have thin skins, and resented any implied criticism of the system which paid them the big bucks unquestioningly
13. How long will it take for Republicans to wise up to the fact that (all) the entitlement and discretionary spending in (all) the world will never earn them the gratitude of Democrats and that every spending initiative that they (Democrats) would have otherwise supported, were they in power, further invites criticism? President Bush, the man who would be loved by all, continues to set himself up as an easy target by his political opponents looking for every plausible excuse to discredit him
14. The bigger criticism of Libertarianism generally is that there has never been a nation or society where it is shown to have existed, let alone worked
15. In any case, how could anyone have gotten the US public to back war earlier, given the failed effort to halt war and imperialism with the League of Nations? That failure was, again, one caused by US conservatives' own prior isolationism, yet strangely their criticism was aimed at peace activists on the left
16. No one said that criticism more loudly than Reagan, backed up by his later Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick
17. A more disturbing criticism is who PEPFAR largely excludes because of its focus on abstinence
18. criticism as he would, because of the dissipating effect
19. These were men who were not uncritical of the Church of Scotland at various times, but their criticism was always balanced and came very much from within
20. My main criticism of such an approach is that frequently it presents a romanticised view of what the early church was like
21. pleasant, when you learn how to handle criticism in an effective way
22. the emotion, allowing us to observe the criticism objectively
23. There are Seven Steps to Handling Criticism Effectively …
24. that is receiving the criticism
25. Now it's vital that you evaluate the criticism that has been given
26. You'll need to establish which aspects of the criticism you agree
27. when confronted with the criticism of family and friends, they found
28. protect themselves against criticism or to criticize others
29. I think she thought of me as the smartest of her children, and it was hard for her to accept that I could be so merciless in my criticism of her only son despite my attempts to help him
30. ” There has been criticism of that document
31. The simple fact is, Bush has been so tolerant of his opposition that he has lost some of his own supporters, and one psychiatrist even labeled him “mentally ill” because of his blandness to criticism
32. Read about President Wilson and his response to criticism to get a better idea of fascism
33. then I say this is not constructive criticism, or refinement
34. from the League of Nations in 1933 over criticism for her actions
35. criticism was not tolerated and foreign influence (mainly French) followed international investment in the Mexican economy
36. A criticism of social learning and cognitive theory is the theory often do not have the
37. only this, but criticism arose due to the way the Jewish population was increasing
38. Or do they dread being judged racists, bigots, or homophobes if they insist on objectivity in reporting news that might offend vested interests intolerant of criticism? Or, Seligman wonders, are the top editors simply fearful of standing up to “the new militants in the newsroom?” McGowen’s book, says Seligman, leaves the impression that media managers are
39. Criticism here in the States is sometimes vicious, but criticism abroad can
40. That means that in any fair report criticism from the opposition will be heard
41. He informed me that I probably wasn't the man for their opening as I couldn't stand up under fire and there wasn't any place in his organization for people who couldn't accept a little criticism
42. He is an interesting man who conquered his alcoholism, and he also had tremendous criticism for my actions
43. investigation, resigned in December after months of withering criticism
44. When I was object of praises without severe criticism
45. building is likely to sit largely empty upon completion, because the Mollohan-created organization that it was built for, the Institute for Scientific Research, is in disarray, its chief executive having resigned under a cloud of criticism over his $500,000 annual compensation,
46. of experience states that he “absolutely disagrees completely” that local textbook selection is better than statewide selection, because publishers, teachers unions and other organized interests would block out parental interests “Publishers are advantaged by local adoption because they have more personnel” to overwhelm possible criticism
47. Even the greatest of leaders is not perfect and has shortcomings, but what separates great from mediocre is a willingness to listen to constructive criticism, to learn from experiences, to acknowledge mistakes and avoid them in the future
48. Leadership is a sought after position, but it comes with its various dangers, problems and risks, and of all these, the hardest one to endure is probably criticism
49. Everything a leader does is subject to inspection and scrutiny brings criticism from friend and foe alike
50. Constant negative criticism can have a devastating effect on a person’s morale and emotional well-being – it can turn a brave and dependable leader into a nervous wreck, into one who is always looking over his shoulder with dreaded expectation, waiting for the next blow, his life spent 'tiptoeing on eggs' listening for the next crack of the whip