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    criticizing oraciones de ejemplo


    1. During those five days of vacations, Helen didn't stop for a minute criticizing or belittling me over trifles

    2. He took to criticizing what she wore to class, which was relatively staid by local fashion, things suitable for a duty-hours meeting on Gordon’s Lamp

    3. To be self-conscious about how others may see us is another form of judging or criticizing ourselves

    4. I ask you to please stop imitating the longhaired liberals by criticizing the police (SAPS) all the time

    5. Greenberg‘s column (―Poll-itically Incorrect‖) criticizing the unsportsmanlike manner of some college football coaches who perennially run up scores against weaker opponents in order to impress pollsters, (and thereby secure higher national rankings), inconsistent with previous viewpoints expressed in earlier columns addressing the same issue

    6. Both were targeted purely for their political beliefs and for their art criticizing their governments

    7. Even Spirit of 76, a film about the American Revolution, was censored for criticizing the British, now US allies

    8. Wallace was appointed Secretary of Commerce by Truman, then fired two years later for strongly criticizing Truman's Cold War

    9. her about anything without her criticizing or judging me

    10. and the Girls Sewing Society, and include in the audience all and any Methodists who have been criticizing the Merediths--although I do think if we Presbyterians stopped criticizing and excusing we would find that other denominations would trouble themselves very little about our manse folks

    11. Rather than blaming and criticizing, which only add to the misery; where possible, we respond with compassion and help those suffering, so that ultimately all will benefit

    12. Akito then proceeded to lead me around the room criticizing half the artifacts and how humanity had misinterpreted them

    13. Debs was arrested in Canton, Ohio, for criticizing the war effort and sentenced to ten years in prison under the Espionage Act of 1917

    14. But my father was still picking at every detail, finding fault without recognizing accomplishments, ignoring what the plant was like in the past while criticizing the present, and offering no hope for a better future

    15. correct than the brothers or sisters we were criticizing!

    16. that criticizing is infinitely easier than offering solutions

    17. Bennie loved it was teasing and criticizing Devon on every little thing, from his large buck

    18. I am not criticizing anyone because of the misconceptions

    19. never any point in criticizing or questioning an outcome where the predominant source of change

    20. He instead of criticizing Lord Curzon, ‘thanked’ him for educating and raising awareness of Indians about the British policy of ‘divide and rule’ and arrogant, uncaring attitude

    21. Some people with narrow tunnel vision have judged Gāndhiji harshly, criticizing him for almost everything he did

    22. Unfortunately the negative attitudes of people are still looming, but I am sure that they have realized that I had no interest in all the gossiping, criticizing and blame shifting and that was now the challenge of

    23. And to you who stand about criticizing me in your hearts because I have come here to make merry with these friends, let me say that I have come to proclaim joy to the socially downtrodden and spiritual liberty to the moral captives

    24. up the impossibility of criticizing this paradigm from within its own confines

    25. criticizing them? Was I?

    26. you are criticizing nor to inflate your ego; instead it is offered in a spirit of

    27. criticizing, you are really just having a bitch session that‘s going to leave

    28. that the person criticizing you has raised and over time unresolved conflict

    29. A professor of genetics at the University of British Columbia, he has written books on nature and the environment, is known for criticizing governments for their inactivity in protecting the planet and is a long time activist for bringing about a reversal of global warming

    30. Zorokin, who was no fool, had refrained before from publicly criticizing the Moscow leadership, lest he ended up with a bullet in the back of the neck, but this last order was just too much for him

    31. Funnily enough, the ones who were still vocal about criticizing her were some of the leaders of the various Christian faiths represented in Jerusalem

    32. We already have too many so-so generals who only know how to lead a desk in the Pentagon but keep criticizing Dows or complain about her lack of seniority for her rank

    33. Also, a severe loss of face for us in Iraq and Syria due to a failed air campaign may just embolden the extreme conservative Wahabi factions in Saudi Arabia into openly questioning or criticizing their King’s alliance with us

    34. writers were forced to use a number of ploys to circumvent censorship such as overtly praising what they intended to criticize, publishing under pseudonyms, setting lessons in the form of dialogues among characters in a story, and criticizing customs of other lands that resembled 87

    35. We have noticed as well that some have taken to publicly criticizing you on your media channels

    36. President! You are criticizing ZSCIA unreasonably

    37. That is, animal nature tries to preserve its power over the human by rationalizing the phenomenon or criticizing it, when all that is necessary is simple childish faith

    38. Sophie scowled at Hunter’s little criticizing speech, but said nothing in return

    39. criticizing, he stopped the play, suggested possible alternative

    40. On the other hand, our Master Ibrahim (pth) could through his thinking in the universe wonders (signs) be himself led to know the Almighty God and to witness that there is no god except Allah, which means that there is no controller and actuator in the universe except the Almighty God, after that he urged his people to attain this true belief through their thinking of the universal signs, as previously had done, out of his love and compassion towards them, therefore our Master Ibrahim (pth) asked them, criticizing their false creed of worshipping idols, hoping to activate their thinking through his question, the Almighty God says: {When he said to his father and his people: “what are these images, to which you are devoted?”}

    41. It may also be added that freedom of speech vand expression viz-a-viz criticizing religion is not something new to Islamic history

    42. Fatwas have been issued by progressive clerics against terrorism (as has been mentioned in the previous chapter), favouring girls’ education[129] and against cow slaughter to maintain communal harmony, but unfortunately, these don’t get as much media publicity as much as regressive ones like those declaring women working alongside men as being un-Islamic or even to kill critics of Islam like Salman Rushdie (and by the way, Rushdie has used very offensive language against Ram and Sita in Satanic Verses, but the saffron brigade has maintained silence over the same, since the Rushdie episode was disgracing Muslims) and Taslima Nasreen, and these fatwas instructing to kill have given a wrong impression to many as regards the very meaning of the word ‘fatwa’ (the idea of there being a fatwa on an individual, implying some sort of religiously ordained death-warrant, is a misnomer)! In fact, instead of endlessly criticizing regressive fatwas and drawing attention of Muslims towards them, the media should report progressive fatwas more, though our liberal intelligentsia, particularly Muslims, should not close its eyes to regressive fatwas, and ought to counter them strongly

    43. She wasn’t criticizing me

    44. arrested without evidence and criticizing the

    45. We have too much information, a universe of shit-kicking factoids and a cosmic deluge of infonisms: threaded opinions of blogs commenting on blogs criticizing other blogs, creating an endless self-proliferation of information about information, e

    46. repeatedly apologized to the girl she kept brutally criticizing him in her intellect, surmising that

    47. about that voice,” she instinctively pointed accusatorially towards Doguru, as she had so often times before when criticizing his philosophy on her call-in webcast, Who Luvs Their Baby Most? “Sounds too serious

    48. understand why the woman was telling someone that he looked well instead of criticizing him,

    49. Cookham, the more warmly that he seemed to be criticizing it

    50. and mentally criticizing the ugly ones

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