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    Usar "crossbar" en una oración

    crossbar oraciones de ejemplo


    1. As He moved, the crossbar rubbed open wounds and blood dribbled down His back

    2. As they placed the crossbar on the man"s shoulder, he almost collapsed

    3. Two soldiers then picked up Jesus and the crossbar He carried

    4. just before the end of the quarter, Reilly went in on a keeper and stuffed the football over the crossbar at the end of the run and was mobbed by teammates

    5. He grabbed the rattle hanging from the crossbar and surprised her by examining it rather than shaking it

    6. Unfortunately the crossbar intervened and the ball

    7. After the fourth, he got an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for smashing his stick in half over the crossbar

    8. and neatly tucked it under the crossbar

    9. But the tunnel itself climbed steadily as it angled to the east and ended in a two-hundred-foot-long perpendicular gallery, like the crossbar on a capital “T,” directly under the outermost of Gorthyk Nybar’s defensive earthworks

    10. Matrix switching, also called crossbar switching, uses a grid of input and output connections, such as that shown in Figure 4-18

    11. Still running, I looked over my shoulder and up to see the strings stretching high into the sky, where they met a crossbar held by white-gloved hands

    12. I swiveled my gaze to fix it along the great stretch of crossbar where an arm and a wrist and a hand could be spiked

    13. He stretched his hands out, one to the north, one to the south, to grip the crossbar as if to fly

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