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    Usar "crown jewels" en una oración

    crown jewels oraciones de ejemplo

    crown jewels

    1. The agreeable thing was we could jump whatever way we pleased, just as long as we held our feet nicely together to protect our crown jewels

    2. And to make absolutely certain we jumped (whatever way we pleased as long as we held our feet nicely together to protect our crown jewels), another PT Sergeant stood beside us waiting to toss the reluctant ones off if they showed signs of not wanting to die young

    3. I vaguely wondered why the PT Sergeant did not intervene when we ceased holding our feet nicely together to protect our crown jewels, but he was an exceedingly clever fellow

    4. Many a cadet ran laps holding his crown jewels with one hand and his rifle in the other above his head telling the whole world “this is my gun and this is my rifle, blah blah blah

    5. “What’s in the box, the Crown Jewels?” Collins asked

    6. ” Collins had known before Max spoke, it was going to be a lie, but why lie unless it really was like the Crown Jewels

    7. Suppose I tripped and fell, or dropped it, or knocked its lovely tubes against a rock? No, it would be like carrying the crown jewels through a mine field

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