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    Usar "cuirass" en una oración

    cuirass oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Here stood a guardsman in crested gilt helmet, silvered cuirass and gold-chased greaves, with a long-shafted battle-ax in his hands

    2. At her command they brought harness to replace Conan's chain-mail – gorget, sollerets, cuirass, pauldrons, jambes, cuisses and sallet

    3. True; there had been lack of time to don the heavy plumed casque, or to lace in place the side-plates of the cuirass, nor was there now time to snatch the great shield from the wall

    4. In an instant Conan's cuirass was full of blood

    5. The ax crunched through the steel cuirass and Volmana crumpled with his whole left side caved in

    6. He wore a cuirass of tanned snarlgrüber hide, much scratched and worn, as well as off-white trousers that looked to be made of old spinnakers, very baggy and loose and covered in stains that had long ago mouldered to black, but could once have been blood

    7. ” At this he hoisted up the cuirass and revealed a roll of flab with an old scar across it, just visible through the layer of grime that covered his belly

    8. The newcomer was fairly short and wore a complicated full-face helmet and a sort of molded cuirass

    9. Apart from her lance, she had a short sword at her belt and a short cuirass covering the upper part of her chest that was decorated with a gorgon head

    10. The men showed little interest in the tatami do armor, as their own okegawa do cuirass armor was much superior

    11. But the silver urn was put to use, and the Evenahlen contingent preceded the Ombenelvan one back to Ellyned, where Calragen stood brazenly on the quayside and waited until each black cuirass had boarded a ship bound for the Aclun and the South

    12. His cuirass was burnished to such a sheen that the 85

    13. The bodice was shaped in the latest cuirass style, which hugged my frame all the way down to my thighs, emphasizing my small waist and the curve of my hip

    14. We don't speak on the first floor as on the fourth; and the wealthy woman seems to have, about her, to guard her virtue, all her banknotes, like a cuirass in the lining of her corset

    15. All etiquette being laid aside on the occasion, General Montero was the only one there in full uniform, so stiff with embroideries in front that his broad chest seemed protected by a cuirass of gold

    16. a cuirass in the lining of her corset

    17. On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of

    18. Traversing the long and matted gallery, I descended the slippery steps of oak; then I gained the hall: I halted there a minute; I looked at some pictures on the walls (one, I remember, represented a grim man in a cuirass, and one a lady with powdered hair and a pearl necklace), at a bronze lamp pendent from the ceiling, at a great clock whose case was of oak curiously carved, and ebon

    19. This squadron was in command of a very haughty French captain, who seemed, in the light of the lorry's head-lamps, to have a bigger cuirass and helmet than his men

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