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    Usar "cupola" en una oración

    cupola oraciones de ejemplo


    1. other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their

    2. It was a long walk down from the mountain to his one-time home on the coast, a place that he barely remembered other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their little church

    3. I entered through these and found myself in the entrance hall of this round towered part of the building there were another three of these and each one had a glass cupola that covered it

    4. Corridors led off this tower like spokes off a wheel and these led deeper into the building and light flooded down form the cupola above

    5. Then the blimp’s cupola door swung open and I saw this tall black fellow pop out, dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black tie, wearing a pair of black glasses coming my way, hands easily visible, his posture cool, and calm, business-like and natural

    6. “When I was still young as a god, an elf with almost no magic sought to build a small shrine to me on a remote mountaintop, a shaded and wind-sheltered cupola with a wonderfully comfortable marble chair

    7. It sat at the very tip of the mountaintop, and in order for climbers to sit in the seat it was necessary for them to grasp the base of one of his slender columns and pull themselves up into the cupola

    8. In the centre of the community, almost hidden by snow-laden trees, was an unmistakable blue and white Russian Orthodox church, complete with a large onion-shaped cupola and all the intricate but gaudy baroque trappings of a bygone era

    9. ����������� �But, this idea about putting eight periscopes on the commander�s cupola is an extravagant waste

    10. The second part of the debate had apparently centered on whether the cupola atop the tower should be counted in the measurements of the building’s height

    11. The style, oddly Victorian with two turrets and a cupola, was not typical for the area and contributed partly to its mysterious image

    12. A lean angular cupola jutted out of the center of the front

    13. Inside the mosque, the decoration is sparse but rich, with tall columns and arches of unsurpassed elegance and a large cupola with stalactites

    14. ture with its charming third story cupola adorning the

    15. In the middle of the graveyard stood a stone church with a green cupola where he used to go to mass two or three times a year with his father and mother, when a service was held in memory of his grandmother, who had long been dead, and whom he had never seen

    16. The cupola of the cathedral, which is seen at its best from the bridge about twenty paces from the chapel, glittered in the sunlight, and in the pure air every ornament on it could be clearly distinguished

    17. flowers, bare shoulders and arms and long gloves, there was discreet but lively conversation that echoed strangely in the high cupola

    18. The effect of the frontage is completed by the cupola of the auditorium, topped with a cap of bronze sparingly adorned with gilding

    19. A horizontal line drawn through the left and right shoulder of the Cupola suggests the roof of a second story

    20. These movements suggest a cupola or a small dome on the top of a building, hence the formation is called a Domed House

    21. The entire 3PDh formation is capped by a small head-and-shoulders pattern that resembles the cupola of a house

    22. This larger decline from the right shoulder of the Cupola precedes another short recovery

    23. “Note that the First Floor Wall is balanced by the drop from the final right shoulder, and the rise from the First Floor Roof is offset by the decline from the first right shoulder in the Cupola

    24. Even if a trader misses the top of the Cupola, he or she still has plenty of time to profit from shorting the market, given the size of the move ahead

    25. cupola The top of the Three Peaks and a Domed House pattern that resembles the cupola of a house or head-and-shoulders top

    26. Cupola, Domed House formation, 75–77

    27. Douglas, spending a last night in the cupola tower above Grandma and Grandpa, wrote in his tablet:

    28. Douglas in the high cupola above the town, moved his hand

    29. It was a tornado, funneling, driving, whispering, murmuring, feeling of the street ahead of it with big whirl-around brushes like sewer lids with rotary brushes under them, spinning, with a big rolling-pin brush turning under all the scattered trivia of the world's men, the ticket stubs from that show at the Elite tonight, and the wrapper from a chewing gum stick that now rested on top of a bureau in one of the houses, a small chewed cannonball of tasteless elasticity, and the candy wrapper from a bar now hidden and folded into the small accordion innards of a boy high in a cupola house in a magic room

    30. A gravel path led back into darkness and within the gate stood a Gothic Victorian house with six gables and a cupola

    31. For as in landscape gardening, a spire, cupola, monument, or tower of some sort, is deemed almost indispensable to the completion of the scene; so no face can be physiognomically in keeping without the elevated open-work belfry of the nose

    32. A cupola of fire hung over the whole city, the air was alive with sparks and burning embers

    33. path, and you, mother, I remember clearly only at one moment when I was taken to the church there, and you held me up to receive the sacrament and to kiss the chalice ; it was in the summer, and a dove flew through the cupola, in at one whidow and out at another

    34. It was a fine day, and I remember to-day, as though I saw it now, how the incense rose from the censer and softly floated upwards and, overhead in the cupola, mingled in rising waves with the sunlight that streamed in at the little window

    35. It stands upon an eminence in the midst of ornamented grounds, and with its white walls, its lofty cupola, and high, square portico, presents a properly imposing appearance

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