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    Usar "deep brown" en una oración

    deep brown oraciones de ejemplo

    deep brown

    1. the deep brown smoulder that, by the end of the evening, turned into nothing more

    2. Hair - long, tangled, dark, hardly showing the dried blood staining it - wafted across the nearside rail, one moment draping the black-grey smoothness with deep brown tendrils, the next flying back whence it came, its roots firmly attached to the scalp that engendered it

    3. Still, looking into her deep brown eyes was like staring into the abyss of wolverine death

    4. Her face was burned a deep brown and wrinkles only added to her loveliness

    5. His deep brown eyes glittered as he stood, watching the spectacle

    6. His deep brown eyes were magnetic

    7. His eyes were the same deep brown, too, like her mother's

    8. deep brown eyes, thick curly dark hair, golden brown skin

    9. He gazed into those deep brown eyes, her face serious and giving him respect

    10. Each of them glared with the same intensity from deep brown eyes

    11. At his left side was an ainatunari man with short, curly, dark hair and deep brown eyes

    12. clasped together, her deep brown eyes staring longingly into his

    13. He looked up at her with deep brown eyes that made him seem younger than his greying hair let on

    14. His eyes were a deep brown that often appeared black

    15. I was obviously expected to say something, but what? On an impulse I placed my hand on top of his and, looking into his deep brown eyes said sincerely,

    16. G was a splitting image of her mom, with the roundest of blue eyes, their color enhanced by a subtle shade of bronze eye shadow and deep brown eyeliner

    17. He was a very handsome man with salt and pepper brown hair and deep brown eyes

    18. John Strait, tall and gaunt, with deep brown, almost black eyes, was in his fifties and very experienced

    19. He was about the same height as Jane, thin and good looking, with dark, thick hair, deep brown eyes and chiselled features

    20. Its shoulders and head had deep brown coloring

    21. Alexander was a cute baby he had his mother’s deep brown

    22. He glared down at James with dislike in his deep brown eyes

    23. "His eyes are deep brown and have this crazy intensity I can’t describe but when he looks directly at me he has this deadly serious look, as though… as though…"

    24. those deep brown eyes of hers, distracting the man with the gun

    25. Or she would notice a pair of lustful deep brown eyes watching her

    26. With perfectly white even teeth, a smattering of freckles, and deep brown eyes, Hal thought she could be quite pretty sometimes

    27. with the most amazing deep brown eyes you've ever seen

    28. dark hair under a headscarf, deep brown eyes

    29. His deep brown eyes pierce my soul, and I feel that, just by looking at me, he can read my thoughts, my intentions and my feelings

    30. Like Tamlyn, he had his father’s deep brown eyes

    31. straight into the deep brown pools where her eyes once resided

    32. He wiped his tanned face with his hand, passing over his deep brown eyes that were still hooded and disturbed

    33. A girl as tall as Eugenie, with deep brown hair pulled back tight and fastened with a simple clasp

    34. I looked into his eyes, deep brown eyes that seemed black

    35. of walnuts which would yield a deep brown color

    36. A proud Mother, deep brown eyes are matched only by her long

    37. A little way back above the lake they found a deep brown bed of last year's fern

    38. Mostly, though, my eyes were on Kayla, usually on her eyes, which were deep brown, beautiful, and intelligent

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