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    Usar "defensive" en una oración

    defensive oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I don’t want you to explain to them the next time you are having an argument, that they are being defensive, being argumentative and being closed minded

    2. Liz’d got terribly defensive, baulking at the expenditure

    3. WRONG in the world!” is the typical defensive reaction the

    4. The missile program in South Africa can be used to instruct African nations to defend themselves from incoming missiles and engage in defensive battles

    5. He could see that she was on the defensive, but decided to call her bluff anyway

    6. The experience can be very thrilling but it’s important that you be on the defensive when you meet for the very first time

    7. It took many visits, but she became more and more open and less defensive

    8. indifference and Helen’s defensive walls would be breached

    9. Somewhere along the corridor the sound of a vacuum cleaner resumes its low drone and Carol's defensive brusqueness breaks as Dave's shirt absorbs the moisture that spills from her eyes and onto her cheeks

    10. defensive positions around the causeway

    11. Carol dams the flood of words threatening to overflow her defensive walls

    12. Only gZarvik had really seemed defensive, that was because he was known to have predicted favor for those who brought in a body for the ghost

    13. Such combinations, however, are frequently resisted by a contrary defensive combination of the workmen, who sometimes, too, without any provocation of this kind, combine, of their own accord, to raise tile price of their labour

    14. But whether their combinations be offensive or defensive, they are always abundantly heard of

    15. Apparently the defensive strategy, dreamed up by Rafe and Brice, involved turning the city streets into a 'death trap for the dead', as Rafe put it

    16. Drau’d was a genius builder, his talents easily adapting to defensive construction of the battlefield

    17. Ome was on the verge of directing the Elders and Chosen into defensive formations, maybe barricade themselves within the Hangar before the Dark Army found them, when suddenly a Chosen shouted out in warning

    18. It is a defensive reaction of the nature

    19. Perhaps the dream parallels a waking situation where it has put you on the defensive

    20. You need to be on guard and on the defensive

    21. "It looks lethal," we observe, and Pong instantly goes on the defensive

    22. ‘You mean to kill it?’ said Danny who wished immediately that his words had not sounded so defensive

    23. These would be used later on either on raids or as offensive defensive weapons when you used the bombs you would light the fuse and let it burn for a few seconds and then heave it

    24. ‘A mere defensive strategy is no longer acceptable

    25. And you don't have to be so defensive

    26. She realized Jeff was putting her on the defensive and she didn’t have to be!

    27. How can it be supposed that he should be the only rich man in his dominions who is insensible to pleasures of this kind ? If he does not, what he is very likely to do, spend upon those pleasures so great a part of his revenue as to debilitate very much the defensive power of the state, it cannot well be expected that he should not spend upon them all that part of it which is over and above what is necessary for supporting that defensive power

    28. ” A defensive Jack then told the

    29. Pomegranate and grape seed extract keep sunscreen in the very top layer of the skin, where their defensive action is needed

    30. “Our Division the 31st has been given the job of forming the defensive flank of the whole Fourth Army this will involve us driving east to capture the village of Serre and then turning north and consolidating our gains

    31. Now the Americans were in Russian territory they could be subject to the most extreme defensive actions

    32. And so it had been agreed, drawn up by treaty, not to deploy them as an offensive or defensive weapon

    33. Ushon Ping has signed an agreement to provide a military force of five hundred and twenty thousand to initially set up a defensive zone around the core European countries, effectively creating land and air confinement

    34. ‘This so-called defensive confinement is a clear strategy to provoke an aggressive response,’ he began

    35. There were just too many small differences regarding ‘what if’ scenarios, the defensive strategies if the conflict spread

    36. “This is Hawk Moth Flutters,” she said as she swung the sword through the air, twisting the two swipes around her form, another defensive move that was also deadly

    37. safety of her life pod as her ship had hurtled through the black infinity of space, the defensive array

    38. He is certainly the dominant defensive football player in football

    39. No huddle keeps the defense in their defensive look longer, allowing the QB to get a better look at what they’re doing

    40. The defensive players also have to stay in their stance longer tiring them out

    41. As a middle linebacker, he anchored and led the defensive team

    42. He was a very positive guy and he worked both sides of the ball in practice, encouraging the defensive and the offensive players

    43. This was supposed to be the job of the defensive coaches and they started out telling Tony to mind his own business, just run the offense, but he kept doing it and after awhile they just left him alone because it was a positive influence

    44. You show him every kind of defensive trick you have and keep unrelenting pressure on him and that’s what Baltimore had done

    45. But, when you blitz, you take defensive players out of their regular positions and charge the quarterback, leaving players in single coverage often mismatched

    46. Tony Reilly went in with the offensive coordinator to look at defensive formations and discuss second half strategy as they usually did

    47. something defensive about that, because from one week to the next you could never be sure where

    48. Minnesota defensive lineman put his hand up and tipped the ball thrown to the Tight End on a crossing pattern

    49. The ball hit the receiver in the shoulder, bounced up in the air and into the arms of the Defensive Back who ran it 30 yards into the end zone untouched

    50. He was a defenseman back in an era when the defenseman position was a defensive player

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