Amalek, from which the Amalekites came, was a descendant of Esau
No descendant of theirs survived in flesh
Instead it was Lesahr, the brooding descendant of Elven kings who was left with her on these nights
In all of them, indeed, as in all other free countries, the descendant of an old colony family is more respected than an upstart of equal merit and fortune; but he is only more respected, and he has no privileges by which he can be troublesome to his neighbours
Levi was a direct descendant of Edward
Sun Tzu�s descendant, Sun Bin, also became a famous scholar of the military arts
Sun Bin's �Military Methods� was written by a descendant of Sun and was lost since then
He invited me in asking if I was a descendant of the Immortal Raven
you don't even have an heir do you? Being the direct descendant of the forebearers
To get the possible accusations of anti-Semitism out of the way ASAP, let’s just say that Mathews House had a large number of Jewish guys from NYC with very sarcastic tongues and prejudices of their own, their never having met up close and personal a live descendant of the Sons of the Confederacy
The life of Abram is a good example – his goal was to become a father, to be able to leave his fortune to a direct descendant, but his age was against him and time was running out
“He is Amad’s descendant? That would explain his size then, for none of the Neshar who were born in the North Regions ever grew to what he is
10 O aged man of more power than tortures elder more vigorous than fire greatest king over the passions Eleazar! 11 For as father Aaron armed with a censer hastening through the consuming fire vanquished the flame-bearing angel 12 So Eleazar the descendant of Aaron wasted away by the fire did not give up his reasoning
Article Two specifies that any descendant of the ship's company of the Fair Winds can with reasonable need have a portion of the ship
Where is his descendant that was to become a great nation?
There was no synagogue school in this little village; however, as he was a priest, Zacharias was fairly well educated, and Elizabeth was far better educated than the average Judean woman; she was also of the priesthood, being a descendant of the "daughters of Aaron
`The prophecy said she would die in front of her female descendant
`Whatever she saw was that she dies before one of her female descendant
descendant from a wild herb
While it was true that my Soulmate was descended from Charles, Roy wasn’t a true descendant of him; Evan was
As each assess in their own minds this unlikelihood, all eyes slowly turn toward the only descendant of the King in their presence
They decided that this large blond blue eyed descendant of the Vikings would make the perfect clone mercenary
descendant of the Water Spaniel this breed was loved and traded
The Sheba is a descendant of the ancient dogs of Japan
He can’t renounce it any more than you can renounce being a descendant of Greg and Avi Solomon
Many misused the Bible to teach falsely that God intended for whites, as descendant of Noah’s son Japheth, to rule over people of African descent, whom they mistakenly labeled as cursed descendants of Ham
The present king of the Imperium, King Stan the Sixth, is widely acknowledged to be a fair, albeit ruthless ruler, and is a direct descendant of the British royalty of the 20th century
A descendant of a once great Byzantine royal family he was now in dire straights with the Merus
Goliath was a descendant
According to the ancient scrolls that we found on our journey, Nostradamus‘ first wife Henriette, believed to be a descendant from Joan of Arc herself, predicted with incredible accuracy every major historical event and character from the sixteenth century until the present day
They weren’t looking down upon the bird half of a crazily evolved two-armed four-legged two-headed creature, they were looking simply at a land troll and some anemic descendant of a mammoth
Grandpa said Bernard once told him he was a direct descendant of the
” “Next in strength to the Ascendant comes the Midheaven, then the Descendant, and finally the Imum Coeli
The disposition of the planets with respect to the circle of the houses gives rise to the dignity of Terrestrial State, or propinquity to one of the four angles of the birth chart: Ascendant (ASC), Midheaven (MC), Descendant (DESC) and Nadir (or Imum Coeli, IC)
Angular planets symbolize strategies of control, and the four angles symbolize four different types of social relationships: casual, face-to-face relationships (Ascendant); formal and group relationships (Midheaven); intimate relationships and partnerships (Descendant); and standing alone (Nadir)
That is a direct lineal descendant of Harold
But he could at least make sure Harold’s descendant had
would come who was a descendant of the old ones and rid the world of the evil one
To be a Sun Queen, you have to be a direct descendant of the Aesira bloodline
He realised that as a descendant of Abraham, he was entitled to blessings from Abraham, and so faith rose in his heart, and this is his prayer
Thus, there would have been no more to the tale of Ishmael, if not for the advent of Muhammad, his most illustrious descendant
“This man, was the descendant of Peng
“Alas Heaven, why did you ask me to be borne as a descendant of
This young girl no matter whose descendant is she, is after all a
returned, he told me that you are the descendant of Old Master “Heartless Sword”
Master Gu’s descendant and also the brother of this Sister Gu, Gu Hong
mention, is he the descendant of the Nangong Aristocracy Family whose wealth
The proof of spirit brought by Jesus is in the descendant of the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Christ
He is a descendant of Mohammad’s daughter Fatima
He taken up from earth and since then hidden from men but will return as the Mahdi to be the last imam descendant from Ali
Moses gave the Ten Commandments to Jacob descendant Israelites for response
virtue, and when they are unchaste, O descendant of the ‘Vrishnis,
It was reported that a king called Zu-Nawas a descendant of the Hemiars ruled Yemen before the Prophet’s mission
With confidence and pride, the man answered, ‘Oh Sir! I am the descendant of important ancestors
The school was just a means to an end; a calculated manoeuvre to encourage the descendant of Rose McFadgen to return to Kirkfale
Whether he was a distant relation or a more direct descendant, Aazuria did not know; but she had a hunch
It was loosely possible that Trevain’s deceased sailor father had been a Ramaris descendant, and had given the ring to his wife
“She was the descendant of a Celtic warrior clan
But he can legitimize you, from his father's side he is still a descendant of a previous Sultan, and his mother is a foreign princess
No morning would ever appear without some descendant of his seeing the sun – Tom would have dissolved in the heavenly kiss
"Have you forgotten? She's a descendant of the Fyrsturae
You're his direct descendant with both of your parents from his line
Your fathers are brothers, so she's also a descendant of the Fyrsturae
"As it turns out, she is a descendant in a line that was removed from the throne, and she's working with the Moretti's
The she-camel came to a place where they used to dry dates and kneeled down, they came quickly to take his luggage, the nearest to this place was Abu-Ay'yoob Al-Ansary, he was the descendant of the leader of the scholars and his house was of two floors that was built for the noble prophet
He was the descendant
descendant ofthe great soldier, Alba, was one of Spain's greatest
He died at the hands of his father, who was also his descendant
She was wed to a sickly, weak, young boy… An Egyptian Prince, who was the only remaining living descendant of the old line of rulers
African male descendant of the Tribe of Juda, and serving in the very same role as Messiah of Truth
to the berg as a descendant of one of the victims
prophets had said He would be David’s descendant
He’s Captain Doppler, the descendant of Kraler
Why then would this eunuch be studying the Old Testament, and why would Phillip be sent to explain the scripture to someone who wasn’t Jewish? I believe that it can be best explained in that this powerful eunuch in charge of the treasury of Ethiopia was in fact Jewish, a descendant of the refugees of the twelve tribes of Israel
Chieftains, as only a direct descendant could rise and seek to reunite the tribes
Emily, “That child is the only other direct descendant of a heku though
“Do you, therefore, deny that Emily Russo is a direct descendant of the Winchester family and thereby
"When your days are complete and you lie down with your fathers, I will rise up your descendant after you, who will come forth from you, and I will establish his kingdom
Of the English poets of the last and two preceding centuries scarcely a descendant remains,--none have ever been distinguished
Besides he's mine, and I want the triumph of seeing my descendant fairly lord of their estates: my child hiring their children to till their father's land for wages
You see before you a chief of the great Mohican Sagamores! Once his family could chase their deer over tracts of country wider than that which belongs to the Albany Patteroon, without crossing brook or hill that was not their own; but what is left of their descendant? He may find his six feet of earth when God chooses, and keep it in
"Well," said Morcerf, "for three days I believed myself the object of the attentions of a masque, whom I took for a descendant of Tullia or Poppoea, while I was simply the object of the attentions of a contadina, and I say contadina to avoid saying peasant girl
'Major Cavalcanti, a worthy patrician of Lucca, a descendant of the Cavalcanti of Florence,'" continued Monte Cristo, reading aloud, "'possessing an income of half a million
"I am (as you have said) the Count Andrea Cavalcanti, son of Major Bartolomeo Cavalcanti, a descendant of the Cavalcanti whose names are inscribed in the golden book at Florence
The shadows of the tombs when churchyards yawn and Daniel O'Connell must be a descendant I suppose who is this used to say he was a queer breedy man great catholic all the same like a big giant in the dark
Then he had eaten some without saying a word more; Danglars, therefore, concluded that such luxuries were common at the table of the illustrious descendant of the Cavalcanti, who most likely in Lucca fed upon trout brought from Switzerland, and lobsters sent from England, by the same means used by the count to bring the lampreys from Lake Fusaro, and the sterlet from the Volga
But one evening, says Mr Dixon, when the lord Harry was cleaning his royal pelt to go to dinner after winning a boatrace (he had spade oars for himself but the first rule of the course was that the others were to row with pitchforks) he discovered in himself a wonderful likeness to a bull and on picking up a blackthumbed chapbook that he kept in the pantry he found sure enough that he was a lefthanded descendant of the famous champion bull of the Romans, Bos Bovum, which is good bog Latin for boss of the show
I am the lineal descendant of that infant—I am the rightful Duke of Bridgewater; and here am I, forlorn, torn from my high estate, hunted of men, despised by the cold world, ragged, worn, heart-broken, and degraded to the companionship of felons on a raft!"
The presence of guttural sounds, diacritic aspirations, epenthetic and servile letters in both languages: their antiquity, both having been taught on the plain of Shinar 242 years after the deluge in the seminary instituted by Fenius Farsaigh, descendant of Noah, progenitor of Israel, and ascendant of Heber and Heremon, progenitors of Ireland: their archaeological, genealogical, hagiographical, exegetical, homiletic, toponomastic, historical and religious literatures comprising the works of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud (Mischna and Ghemara), Massor, Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, Garland of Howth, Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto (S
His father, Sir Gerald, confined to bed now but hanging on tenaciously to life, had said: “I’m the descendant of an earl, and the father of an earl
Perhaps it was a descendant
When they had all done, Brother Sime handed him a black-and-white cat, and Caris recognized the descendant
A prominent and influential man, reportedly a descendant of the first shogun, Tokugawa was touring camps for the Japanese Red Cross
It is likely that the Musgrave who held the secret died in the interval, and by some oversight left this guide to his descendant without explaining the meaning of it
After all, with his English parentage and English upbringing, he perceived that he was an adventurer in Costaguana, the descendant of adventurers enlisted in a foreign legion, of men who had sought fortune in a revolutionary war, who had planned revolutions, who had believed in revolutions