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    Usar "despondently" en una oración

    despondently oraciones de ejemplo


    1. She saw it sag despondently

    2. Chris threw the stylus from his electronic pad despondently onto the table top, “I still think we are underestimating the importance of this thing

    3. He despondently dropped his electronic pad on his desk, stood up and walked to the only window in his small office

    4. was for real,” he mumbled, shuffling despondently out of the room, with each step,

    5. Hours later, she was still in the same position staring despondently at the moon when there was a knock at the door

    6. He waded despondently to the whirlpool and dumped the mound of eggs into the swirling vortex with a dejected sag of the shoulders

    7. It came about when Ahab heard these words, that he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and fasted, and he lay in sackcloth and went about despondently

    8. Robert nodded thoughtfully, left the interview room, ran to the toilets, dry-vomited, rinsed his face, and sat despondently in a stall until his heart and breathing slowed and cold fingers stopped grabbing at his entrails

    9. She read the sensor reports on her displays and said despondently, “I think we’re too late

    10. ” Suzy says despondently

    11. Brumvack sat despondently on his rock for a short while, watching the preparations

    12. A cross between a very disorganised refugee camp and an even more disorganised camping site, temporary washing and cooking facilities had been set up on and around the lorries, while barrels and crates had been produced from somewhere as the unshaven drivers sat despondently playing a disinterested hand of cards or sucking on their 100th fag, the remains of several days food, cigarette butts and litter around their feet

    13. Unfortunately in the aisles of somewhere that had all the hallmarks of a supermarket save for the lack of anything to actually buy, we walked up and down despondently revising our hasty surmise

    14. I cannot say—” Ivanka said, shaking her head despondently

    15. ” he said slightly despondently, but it was more an accidental sarcastic confession

    16. “Tea?” the man said weakly, staring despondently at the floor as Anne passed by him on

    17. “Thanks, Viso,” Aazuria said despondently

    18. Liz and her mother despondently dragged home the shopping bags that the food bank had generously stuffed full for them

    19. She shrugged, despondently throwing her arms wide in a gesture of hopelessness, “Everything! The more that we have resisted the higher the cost has been

    20. 'Will she? That's good,' he said, sinking back despondently

    21. “Is that all you have to go on?” Gavin asked despondently

    22. "If life is often as hard as this, I don't see how we ever shall get through it," added her sister despondently

    23. `Yes, mate,' he said despondently, after a while

    24. “All right,” Caris said despondently

    25. “Idiot,” she muttered, and smiled at herself despondently, as if to dismiss the idea and come back down to earth

    26. I press send and climb despondently back into bed, resolving to ask Christian about his relationship with that woman

    27. One morning, the old man had driven her to Hugh’s mill and she had found it idle, the negroes gone and Hugh sitting despondently under a tree

    28. For a few moments he sat despondently

    29. Here he sat despondently in the yard, looking like nothing more than a summer sun-parasol, green and discarded, abandoned for the season by the reckless vacationers who once sought refuge under its spread shadow

    30. Here he sat despondently, nothing more than a summer sun-parasol, green and discarded, abandoned for the season by the reckless vacationers who once sought the refuge of its translucent shadow

    31. " He turned despondently from the window

    32. Father Ferapont paused and, suddenly leaning his cheek on his hand despondently, pronounced in a sing-song voice, looking at the coffin of the dead elder:

    33. “Am I to understand that you can do nothing?” Nekhludoff said, despondently, remembering that the advocate had foretold that the Governor would put the blame on the Procureur

    34. Nothing quite so drab, so despondently dreary, or so damply dismal as “Jinny the Carrier” ever asked for a hearing and got it

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    Sinónimos para "despondently"

    despairingly despondently