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    Usar "diagonal" en una oración

    diagonal oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “I live just up over there at Chazzi’s place,” she said, pointing up a lane that branched off at a diagonal just a little ways from where they stood

    2. Underneath was canvas after canvas from small ones a few inches on a side to some he had to turn diagonal to get thru the opening

    3. And I put in the #thing that looks like a tic-tac-toe diagonal board that send your tweets to a special site so all the Dell tweets with the thing in front of him appeared on this twitter page

    4. A diagonal crack about two feet long appeared in

    5. rabbits screwing, over-scored with a red diagonal line

    6. A diagonal track running from ore bins to the loading platform above the furnace offered her some cover

    7. It is always amusing to me to see pictures of a soldier with a few diagonal camouflage stripes across his face only

    8. Tris crouches on the ground inside, shoulder to shoulder with Christina and diagonal from Cara

    9. door, then the one diagonal from my mom’s, where the used-car-

    10. of the rigging that had blown when the gust front hit, a diagonal

    11. A wide concoction glowing with zones and fine diagonal stripes of orange, maroon, flame red and pink tied in a big Windsor knot cinched his collar

    12. The diagonal triangle type 1 occurs only in fifth waves and in С waves, and it signals that the preceding move has "gone too far, too fast," as Elliott put it

    13. Essentially a rising wedge formation defined by two converging trend lines, type 1 diagonal triangles indicate exhaustion of the larger movement

    14. A rising diagonal triangle type 1 is bearish, because it is usually followed by a sharp

    15. The diagonal triangle type 2 occurs even more rarely than type 1

    16. This pattern, found in first-wave or A-wave positions in very rare cases, re sembles a diagonal type 1 in that it is defined by converging trend lines and its first wave and fourth wave overlap, as shown in Figure 5

    17. diagonal triangle, which signals continuation of the underlying trend, in contrast to the type 1 's message of termination of the larger trend

    18. diagonal slash with it toward

    19. The old Street of the Turks was at that time an abandoned corner where the last Arabs were letting themselves be dragged off to death with the age-old custom of sitting in their doorways, although it had been many years since they had sold the last yard of diagonal cloth, and in the shadowy showcases only the decapitated manikins remained

    20. All the pilots winced when they saw his horrific injuries, especially the deep diagonal cut running across his face

    21. This diagonal view picked out pretty well all the office, and if the safe was open, its contents as well

    22. The cat was examining the awkward corner pole by the tree, its diagonal supports

    23. I immediately came back at him from the right, slicing at a diagonal

    24. This diagonal aspect has a latent form that streak past our mortal kinds since we could never grasp any term that is singular positive or just negative for as long as we grounded inside this universe

    25. Along this diagonal process a phrase that augers prosperity and security was composed into the term of `peacè, and at the other end a curse was spun to burden up anyone by the formation of the ònus` that stains and leave the mark of guilt upon anyone that defies out authority

    26. These diagonal versions had all been based over what we all expect to be done next that could spiral us forward or wind us all backwards towards where we had all came out from before

    27. Along this diagonal process a phrase that augers prosperity and security was composed into the term of `peace`, and at the other end a curse was spun to burden up anyone by the formation of the `onus` that stains and leave the mark of guilt upon anyone that defies out authority

    28. scallions when cut on a diagonal? How did He decide that cilantro would have one smell

    29. The objective of this problem is to place 4 queens on 4X4 chess board in such a way that no two queens should placed in the same row, same column or diagonal position

    30. Similar to 4Queens problem, in 8Queens problem also has the same objective that no two queens should place in the same row, same column or diagonal position

    31. The conditions to test whether two queens are on the same diagonal or not are to be found

    32. Thus two queens are placed at positions (i, j) and (k, l), then they are on the same diagonal only if

    33. The diagonal words are a simple clue

    34. This time he struck at the other side and was blocked by Donald"s sword, but immediately twirled into another similar manoeuvre but lowered his sword so as to strike in a downward diagonal direction

    35. When she was close enough to the water, she dived past the crashing waves out as far as she could reach in the cold water and swam at a diagonal against the current as hard as she could so as not to be slammed back into the bluffs

    36. It was bruised in a diagonal line

    37. the 'N'; the diagonal line in the 'N'

    38. And in the same way, when one speaks of a composition being hung upon a diagonal, it is seldom that a naked diagonal line exists in the composition, but the general swing is across the panel in harmony with one or other diagonal

    39. A good instance of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines to unite a picture is Velazquez's "The Surrender of Breda," here reproduced

    40. The use of the diagonal is another remarkable thing in the lines of this picture

    41. If you place a ruler on the slanting line of the flag behind the horse's head to the right, you find it is exactly parallel to a diagonal drawn from the top right-hand corner to the lower left-hand corner

    42. Another line practically parallel to this diagonal is the line of the sword belonging to the figure offering the key, the feeling of which is continued in the hand and key of this same figure

    43. It may be noted also that the back right leg of the horse in the front is parallel to the other diagonal, the under side of it

    44. The design is united to its boundaries by the horizontal line of the couch and the vertical line of the screen at the back, while the whole swing hangs on the diagonal from top left-hand corner to right; lower corner, to which the strongly marked edge of the bed-clothes and pillow at the bottom of the picture is parallel

    45. Eric stepped back, whirled the sword once around his wrist, stepped forward and carried the motion of the sword into a slightly diagonal forward slash

    46. She pulled hard on the diagonal strap of her handbag, as if she were adjusting body armor

    47. If they slant, the Nautilus follows the angle of that slant and, under its propeller's thrust, either sinks on a diagonal as steep as it suits me, or rises on that diagonal

    48. We kept rising on a diagonal, going along this shiny surface that sparkled beneath our electric rays

    49. Experience had taught him that a full frontal attack on this hill was liable to failure, so on this occasion he followed his usual plan of making diagonal movements, crossing the road repeatedly from right to left and left to right, after the fashion of a sailing ship tacking against the wind, and halting about every twenty yards to rest and take breath

    50. The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value (precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps (7 schilling, mauve, imperforate, Hamburg, 1866: 4 pence, rose, blue paper, perforate, Great Britain, 1855: 1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, Luxemburg, 1878), antique dynastical ring, unique relic) in unusual repositories or by unusual means: from the air (dropped by an eagle in flight), by fire (amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice), in the sea (amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict), on earth (in the gizzard of a comestible fowl)

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    Sinónimos para "diagonal"

    diagonal separatrix slash solidus stroke virgule bias aslant aslope slanted slanting sloped sloping transverse cross bevel oblique inclining askew biased