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    1. The chief reason for this ironic condition is commonly termed as the duality or dichotomy of life

    2. The dichotomy is the single greatest challenge that we have on Earth

    3. Mastering the dichotomy of life eventually contributes to the growth of our soul and humanity on Earth

    4. Further, the concept of the mind-body dichotomy, a sort of ghost in the machine, is fallacious from its inception

    5. Can we avoid the old mind-body dichotomy of Descartes? Are thoughts and memories no more than the electro-chemical interactions between cytoplasmic extrusions of the individual neurons of the cerebrum? And what are the physical processes in the brain that result from deciding to think about one subject rather than another? This entire subject remains something to think about, does it not?

    6. stretches over a broader terrain than that contained in this false dichotomy

    7. The illusionary-real dichotomy is a means of ordering belief, of resolving conflict, where

    8. "You see the dichotomy here? We can't have it both ways, so we put two people in a fast airplane

    9. In this paradoxical way we can transcend the usual dichotomy (the division into two; the binary split) between emptiness and form, or existence and non-existence

    10. "Dichotomy" is a technical term, defined by Webster's New World Dictionary as meaning

    11. Dichotomy is most often used to "disqualify" something (in the sense that the term is used in

    12. recognize that homology and dichotomy are just two ends of the continuum of identity

    13. either homology or dichotomy? Questions like this, if carefully formulated and directed,

    14. What makes this dichotomy more interesting is that

    15. Instead, be thou forewarned by each, for these particular reports do indicate the presence of a dangerous dichotomy

    16. restrict their movement to maintain the illusion of dichotomy

    17. Merlin Stone's When God Was a Woman (1976) and Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade (1988), who have also accepted this dichotomy and, as with the concept of relatedness, simply reversed society's traditional evaluation

    18. lt is just something that is done at certain ages or in certain situations, not a reification of sorne homosexual/ heterosexual dichotomy

    19. But within her young body she had many things hiding: the dichotomy that was her father--a diabolical but righteous man; a mother that disapproved of her choices; and sisters that clamored to her for answers

    20. Chance stared at the floor, knowing their futures held a harsh dichotomy of interests

    21. Because the essential nature of our being continues to exist behind any illusory constrictive identifications, it follows that it remains transcendent to the health/illness dichotomy at all times

    22. The behavioral dichotomy makes sense,

    23. illustrate this dichotomy, consider the following: most individuals will never see an oil well in their home towns, but the local university probably has quite a few individuals who are

    24. The card speaks to this dichotomy

    25. The dichotomy that Shoop had been battling raised its ugly head again,

    26. He became more relaxed about his dichotomy

    27. Nick couldn't help but wonder about such a strange dichotomy, that he had just spent a night in the house of by far the best looking woman he had ever met, slept on the sofa alone, and was now taking her into protective custody

    28. It makes me cringe to hear you talk about a dichotomy between secular and sacred, Church and the real world, but that is how this sort of person would think

    29. This dichotomy would raise its head many times again in my life

    30. And this at a time when Islam is branded as a religion of terrorism and publicized besides! That Islam, in spite of its bad brand image, should be the fastest growing religion on the globe is something that should alarm the world, and indeed this book, in the main, is about exploring the dichotomy of Islam

    31. Herein lay the dichotomy of Islam in that while it tries to bestow peace on the believers, it pours out scorn on the nonbelievers

    32. Herein lay the dichotomy of the Musalmans, as hadith, after all, is the record of the life and times of Muhammad, by no means an autobiographical account of his, but at best attributed to him by his followers, or at worst invented by the enamoured

    33. Well, there seems to be no end to the psychic dichotomy of the Musalmans, and Kemal Ataturks and Anwar Sadats, in their scores, are to be born in every Muslim galli to make it right for them

    34. While Krishna in the Bhagvad Gita sought man to shed his ‘fear of death’, Muhammad by the Quran made the Musalmans fall in love with ‘the hereafter’; and for a prophetic paradox, he pursued his passions with gusto even as he trivialized the ‘life here’ for his flock, which dichotomy would forever dismay his believers

    35. Briggs dichotomy of introversion versus extroversion

    36. We ignore the insane dichotomy of mixed messages that all Biological Science teaches and preaches

    37. Nobody points out the obvious hypocritical dichotomy of cooperating to gain an advantage over others

    38. You don't create any dichotomy

    39. Contemplate and then make love! Don't create any dichotomy, don't create any conflict

    40. There is no necessary clash, no dichotomy between man’s reason and his emotions—provided he observes their proper relationship

    41. There is no dichotomy in spiritual and worldly life

    42. Then there is the dichotomy between the universality of all things being intrinsically useful, and the idea of having to earn usefulness

    43. It also created a huge dichotomy in the Catholic Churches Gospel

    44. But there exists a dichotomy regarding which of the methods of designing is better

    45. How else can you explain the dichotomy of Rome’s inquisitions with

    46. Quite an interesting dichotomy, I thought

    47. In value investing, this dichotomy is recognized

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