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    diffusion oraciones de ejemplo


    1. NASA calls them electron diffusion regions

    2. Diffusion of water to area of freezing creates additional pressure

    3. “The divine soul will be aware of all variation of being, consciousness, will and delight as the outflowing, the extension, the diffusion of that self-concentrated Unity developing itself, not into difference and division, but into another, an

    4. Diffusion of the One into the many, which the Kabbalah calls the

    5. are scattered reflections of the divine, diffusion of the One into the many, simply

    6. While there’s no compelling evidence to lead to such conclusions, there is reason to note widespread social interaction and cultural diffusion, as Odyssey bears a number of parallels to the Mesopotamian adventures of Gilgamesh who also visited the land of the dead on his journey to the end of the earth

    7. I know that your program is trying both gaseous diffusion and electromagnetic separation methods, both of which are extremely complex and inefficient methods

    8. This expresses, in some sense, diffusion of spiritual sunlight into the heart of the world

    9. Heaven has absolute light impulses derived through diffusion

    10. When a man sees the diffusion of God through all the various sates of

    11. This diffusion of responsibility

    12. Special thanks for Enea Ruzzettu and his wife Paola that are taking care to create a foundation for the diffusion of my books on the website

    13. Diffusion is the atomic movement which

    14. This looks approximately in the same way as physical diffusion: force interrelations that appear between molecules of two different-qualitative substances enable them to gradually penetrate into each other on the border of their interaction

    15. The history of Christianity’s slow diffusion amongst the poorest of the poor, how it lost its moral power, its slow corruption… as its tenets were watered down to accommodate people who were too affluent and not willing to give up everything; is all clearly told in the many accounts of it’s earliest congregations

    16. How, then, are we to account for the late diffusion of this gospel, and its remarkably late quotation by writers of the east and west; and how shall we account for the improvement in the Greek as compared with the Apocalypse?

    17. The fact of its later diffusion, now brought forward as an argument against its apostolic authorship, was rather in part the result of its late composition, and the effect of the peculiar character of its two main lessons

    18. This, however, is not to deny that, as the practical improvements of modern life depend on a scientific knowledge of nature, so a far higher spiritual life is built upon the foundation of a true theology; and no zeal can be excessive which is devoted to its ascertainment, defence, and diffusion, provided it be that zeal which is love in action, and which guards itself from the exaggeration of restricting all the Divine favor to its adherents

    19. The mind, left to its own auguries of the probable future of early Christianity, would unquestionably have foretold the universal diffusion and solid establishment of apostolic doctrine

    20. The wide diffusion in this day of scientific and semi-scientific materialism cannot be prevented; there are millions who, led on by Spencer and Maudsley, will not listen to the old doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul, and the more you preach it to them the more fiercely, they revolt, and point to the phenomena of cerebral formation and cerebral decay; but to us the extension of these ideas, however lamentable, is not so fatal a hindrance as it is to the advocates of natural immortality

    21. In other cases, the doctrinal spirit has been evolved without a corresponding activity leading to the diffusion of the gospel

    22. Let the Gospel be preached in India and China as the message of Life to the dead, as the gift of Immortality in body and soul, to a race sitting in the death-shade of atheism; let it be preached as the message of a God who is intelligibly beneficent, but intelligibly and justly 'terrible’ to wicked men; let it be proclaimed that the times of pagan ignorance this righteous judge 'overlooked,’ but now, on peril of the 'greater condemnation,’ commands all men everywhere to repent; let the words of the apocalyptic angel become the topic of the missionary, 'Fear GOD, and give glory to Him! For the hour of His judgment is come! ’—And one cannot but believe that a new power might attend in the East, as in the West, the diffusion of Christianity

    23. The second reason I chose it is because, according to the Law of Diffusion of Innovation13, once an idea has been adopted by the innovators (the first 2

    24. He poured into two teacups two level spoonfuls, four in all, of Epps's soluble cocoa and proceeded according to the directions for use printed on the label, to each adding after sufficient time for infusion the prescribed ingredients for diffusion in the manner and in the quantity prescribed

    25. However, the range of communications is limited when compared to FHSS and DSSS, about 10 to 20 meters, and can function properly only in an indoor environment with surfaces that provide adequate signal diffusion or reflection

    26. One possible assumption is that prices follow a continuous diffusion process

    27. An example of a typical continuous diffusion process might be the temperature readings in a specific location

    28. The Black-Scholes model assumes that the underlying contract follows a continuous diffusion process

    29. If one were to graph with pen and paper the prices of an underlying contract that follow a continuous diffusion process, one would never lift the pen from the paper

    30. If a theoretical pricing model assumes that prices follow a diffusion process when in fact they don’t, how is this likely to affect values generated by the model? To understand the effect of a gap, consider a trader who sells an at-the-money straddle with the underlying contract trading at 100

    31. If a model assumes that prices follow a diffusion process, the model also assumes that one can continuously maintain a delta-neutral hedge

    32. As a result of the gaps that occur in the real world, both a trader’s experience and empirical evidence seem to indicate that a traditional model, with its built-in diffusion assumption, tends to undervalue options in the real world

    33. If we assume as the historians do that great men lead humanity to the attainment of certain ends- the greatness of Russia or of France, the balance of power in Europe, the diffusion of the ideas of the Revolution general progress or anything else- then it is impossible to explain the facts of history without introducing the conceptions of chance and genius

    34. Slow diffusion of private information across newswatchers creates underreaction and momentum effects

    35. When momentum traders observe trends, they jump on the bandwagon, hoping to profit from the continued diffusion of information

    36. This rather famous partial differential equation is called the diffusion equation

    37. The interesting feature of the modified drunkard's walk is that as the distance between the point and the time between steps decreases, one no longer obtains the diffusion equation, but rather the following equation:

    38. This equation expresses the idea that diffusion occurs in restricted regions, such that x2 < c2t2

    39. The first condition, where the probability is evenly divided between stepping to the right or the left, results in the trend mode, described by the diffusion equation

    40. A more complete model of the market can be achieved by recognizing the fact that there are times when the solution to the telegrapher's equation prevails and times when the solution to the diffusion equation applies

    41. There seemed a general diffusion of cheerfulness on the occasion

    42. The process of diffusion would often be very slow, depending on climatal and geographical changes, on strange accidents, and on the gradual acclimatization of new species to the various climates through which they might have to pass, but in the course of time the dominant forms would generally succeed in spreading and would ultimately prevail

    43. The diffusion would, it is probable, be slower with the terrestrial inhabitants of distinct continents than with the marine inhabitants of the continuous sea

    44. Yet, as we have reason to believe that some species have retained the same specific form for very long periods of time, immensely long as measured by years, too much stress ought not to be laid on the occasional wide diffusion of the same species; for during very long periods there will always have been a good chance for wide migration by many means

    45. With respect to distinct species of the same genus, inhabiting distant and isolated regions, as the process of modification has necessarily been slow, all the means of migration will have been possible during a very long period; and consequently the difficulty of the wide diffusion of the species of the same genus is in some degree lessened

    46. The gradual diffusion of dominant forms, with the slow modification of their descendants, causes the forms of life, after long intervals of time, to appear as if they had changed simultaneously throughout the world

    47. All these various societies which were afterward transformed by State authority into powerful organizations have really been the chief obstacles to the diffusion of true Christianity

    48. It is not true, because violence does not protect humanity, but, on the contrary, deprives humanity of the one possibility of a true protection through the establishment and diffusion of the Christian public opinion as regards the existing order of life

    49. Only with the abolition of violence will Christian public opinion cease to be corrupt, and receive the possibility of an unimpeded diffusion, and men will not direct their strength toward what they do not need, but toward the one spiritual force which moves them

    50. Thus, according to this doctrine, all the founders of religions, such as Moses and the prophets, Confucius, Lao-tse, Buddha, Christ, and others preached their teachings, and their followers accepted them, not because they loved truth, elucidated it to themselves, and professed it, but because the political, social, and, above all, economic conditions of the nations among whom these teachings appeared and were disseminated were favourable for their manifestation and diffusion

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    diffusion dispersal dispersion dissemination expansion extension radiation