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    digging up oraciones de ejemplo

    digging up

    1. ‘Burying versus digging up the bag, Jane,’ said DS Burrows, intrigued to find out why she was so convinced Tennant had dug it up

    2. He’s seen they’ve both been shot, and figures out that Tennant must have been attacked by the dog when he was digging up the bag, and had to shoot it, and whoever owned the dog must have killed Tennant and taken the bag

    3. started digging up the grass with their hoofs

    4. At the end of the minute of silence, the six modern humans poured back over the bodies the dirt and stones dug up, then piled on top of the mounds large rocks, to deter predators from digging up the cadavers

    5. "If you get the chance, how about digging up some paperwork on that cop in the picture

    6. When they got to the asteroid he grappled his hooks and started his hammer going, breaking apart rocks and digging up debris, looking for those crystals

    7. “Admittedly it doesn’t top digging up evidence clearing her of blame for what happened in Morton, but still, thoughtful

    8. Bows and arrows never worked but shortish stout spears were ideal for digging up yams and dislodging stones that were suitable as sling shot

    9. digging up pieces of a human skeleton with her bare

    10. But if they went digging up a Native American burial ground they would be facing some serious time behind bars!

    11. They do not tell you that they are trying to piece together this supposedly valid understanding of the past: by digging up

    12. Their digging up these dead things to understand the past; is equivalent of one million years from now, digging up a speck of dust from the Hearst Castle in California; and by analyzing this speck of dust…trying to understand what kind of Culture humans had in California back then… Only there would be no way for you to know that the speck of dust came from a huge monolithic one-of-a-kind architectural monstrosity… and that there existed millions of other homes that were much more representative of that Time-period

    13. What was the government’s answer to this problem? To spend millions of dollars digging up this one tiny wetland pond, and store all of the poisoned earth, and muck in a landfill used for poisonous chemicals

    14. began to lean, the shifting foundations digging up gouges of

    15. My father sat on a chair, digging up mud in one of the flower pots

    16. digging up the memories that scarcely meant a pebble to him now

    17. digging up, and spearing every groundhog they could get their hands on

    18. "These squires," returned Dona Rodriguez, "are always our enemies; and as they are the haunting spirits of the antechambers and watch us at every step, whenever they are not saying their prayers (and that's often enough) they spend their time in tattling about us, digging up our bones and burying our good name

    19. He thrust, thrust, thrust at the ground with the pointed stick, digging up little clods of earth as if he were in a fever of irritation

    20. something if there was foul play…it's just so strange that we start digging up information on

    21. She was a tacky little voyeur poking about the Internet, digging up photos of Ziggy’s father

    22. I’m thinking about you and me and what could happen to us if we keep digging up Paul’s secrets

    23. ) and it was quite common for unskilled labourers - fellers who did nothing but the very hardest and most laborious work, sich as carrying sacks of cement, or digging up the roads to get at the drains, and sich-like easy jobs - to walk off with 25/- a week! (Sensation

    24. There had been a time when she was known up and down the country as a complete lunatic, and this enemy was certainly skilled at digging up information

    25. Still digging up the bones of Strummer and Jones

    26. But there are a lot of dorks who spend every waking hour online digging up the best interest rate and switching to it immediately

    27. Mack and the boys knew Eddie was digging up a keg

    28. The members of the family (as almost all men of this class) remain in the country from the beginning of the urgent work,—hay-making,—not to the end of it, indeed, because in September the sowing goes on, and the digging up of potatoes, but till labour begins to slacken

    29. Moreover, having once lit upon my precious idea of “frankness,” and being bent upon applying it to the full in myself, I thought the quiet, confiding nature of Lubotshka guilty of secretiveness and dissimulation simply because she saw no necessity for digging up and examining all her thoughts and instincts

    30. A CERTAIN great corporation was digging up New York and setting microbes loose in quarters too aristocratic to suffer inconvenience with patience, and so there were a general boarding up of front doors and windows, a rush to Europe or to watering places; and my elders, who were just recovering from the grip, decided that Southstrand in the month of May was preferable to pneumonia in town

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