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    Usar "diminishing" en una oración

    diminishing oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The loss of balance that leads to serious, injury-producing falls can be traced to age-related changes in the brain, diminishing vision, inner ear problems, weakening of the legs and trunk and/or the declining reliability of sensory mechanisms that let the brain know where the limbs are in space

    2. desired and diminishing what is not (which is better than simply cutting out

    3. He drinks red wine, the bottles coming from a diminishing store under the stairs in the farmhouse

    4. Categories of diminishing reflections of the whole: fractals

    5. the wall diminishing, Roman moved in on the handler with the patch

    6. The wages paid to journeymen and servants of every kind must be such as may enable them, one with another to continue the race of journeymen and servants, according as the increasing, diminishing, or stationary demand of the society, may happen to require

    7. But the high price of provisions, by diminishing the funds destined for the maintenance of servants, disposes masters rather to diminish than to increase the number of those they have

    8. The scarcity of a dear year, by diminishing the demand for labour, tends to lower its price, as the high price of provisions tends to raise it

    9. manufactures, the profits of stock have been diminishing

    10. Good roads, canals, and navigable rivers, by diminishing the expense of carriage, put the remote parts of the country more nearly upon a level with those in the neighbourhood of the town

    11. That employment, however, by occasioning a new demand, and by diminishing the quantity which could be employed in any other way, may have afterwards contributed to keep up or increase their value

    12. The quantity of silver, however, contained in that nominal sum was, during the course of this period, continually diminishing in consequence of some alterations which were made in the coin

    13. It has been the opinion, however, of the greater part of those who have written upon the prices of commodities in ancient times, that, from the Conquest, perhaps from the invasion of Julius Caesar, till the discovery of the mines of America, the value of silver was continually diminishing

    14. Fleetwood himself, however, seems, with most other writers, to have believed, that, during all this period, the value of silver, in consequence of its increasing abundance, was continually diminishing

    15. Fizzicist led them further along an ever diminishing track, heavily grassed so their footfalls made hardly a sound

    16. During a long period in the progress of improvement, the quantity of these is continually diminishing, while, at the same time, the demand for them is continually increasing

    17. The extension of tillage, by diminishing the quantity of wild pasture, diminishes the quantity of butcher's meat, which the country naturally produces without labour or cultivation; and, by increasing the number of those who have either corn, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of corn, to give in exchange for it, increases the demand

    18. By diminishing the number of those small occupiers, therefore, the quantity of this sort of provisions, which is thus produced at little or no expense, must certainly have been a good deal diminished, and their price must consequently have been raised both sooner and faster than it would otherwise have risen

    19. The increase of paper money, it has been said, by augmenting the quantity, and consequently diminishing the value, of the whole currency, necessarily augments the money price of commodities

    20. The late multiplication of banking companies in both parts of the united kingdom, an event by which many people have been much alarmed, instead of diminishing, increases the security of the public

    21. By diminishing the funds destined for the employment of productive labour, he necessarily diminishes, so far as it depends upon him, the quantity of that labour which adds a value to the subject upon which it is bestowed, and, consequently, the value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the whole country, the real wealth and revenue of its inhabitants

    22. The law was at that time so indulgent to the inhabitants of towns, and so desirous of diminishing the authority of the lords over those of the country, that if he could conceal himself there from the pursuit of his lord for a year, he was free for ever

    23. And rapidly diminishing

    24. The high price of exchange, besides, must necessarily have operated as a tax, in raising the price of foreign goods, and thereby diminishing their consumption

    25. for battered woman, how about diminishing the frequency to once a

    26. By diminishing the number of sellers, therefore, we necessarily diminish that of buyers, and are thus likely not only to buy foreign goods dearer, but to sell our own cheaper, than if there was a more perfect freedom of trade

    27. Some moderate and gradual relaxation of the laws which give to Great Britain the exclusive trade to the colonies, till it is rendered in a great measure free, seems to be the only expedient which can, in all future times, deliver her from this danger ; which can enable her, or even force her, to withdraw some part of her capital from this overgrown employment, and to turn it, though with less profit, towards other employments; and which, by gradually diminishing one branch of her industry, and gradually increasing all the rest, can, by degrees, restore all the different branches of it to that natural, healthful, and proper proportion, which perfect liberty necessarily establishes, and which perfect liberty can alone preserve

    28. The monopoly of the colony trade, therefore, like all the other mean and malignant expedients of the mercantile system, depresses the industry of all other countries, but chiefly that of the colonies, without in the least increasing, but on the contrary diminishing, that of the country in whose favour it is

    29. The decay of that general trade may even frequently contribute to the advantage of their own private trade; as, by diminishing the number of their competitors, it may enable them both to buy cheaper, and to sell dearer

    30. The rate, at which this layer of Ozone is diminishing, could also be attributed to some degree to the Earth’s magnetic field weakening

    31. The diminishing of clearance between the rock layers, due to water being forced to the surface, may have resulted in the onset of a chain reaction, which would have led to the Flood

    32. When the diminution of revenue is the effect of the encouragement given to smuggling, it may, perhaps, be remedied in two ways; either by diminishing the temptation to smuggle, or by increasing the difficulty of smuggling

    33. The price of the wines being already the highest that could be got for the quantity commonly sent to market, it could not be raised higher without diminishing that quantity ; and the quantity could not be diminished without still greater loss, because the lands could not be turned to any other equally valuable produce

    34. But those who, in order to make family settlements, and to provide for remote futurity, buy into the public stocks, would not care to purchase into one of which the value was continually diminishing ; and such people make a very considerable proportion, both of the proprietors and purchasers of stock

    35. “And the expected time for recovery is diminishing

    36. As the plane continued to climb they entered a cloud with a purplish hue; mist curled its way around the wings and spiraled beyond, a diminishing vortex, in a way that didn't seem authentic

    37. screaming to him across the great ocean of his diminishing consciousness

    38. Nevertheless, that peace was fragile and contingent on diminishing resources amongst a burgeoning population

    39. The army was rapidly diminishing

    40. Besides, how are diminishing (capital) resources expected to vie for cheaper consumer products when many workers will find themselves either under-employed or competing in greater numbers for lower paying jobs? (I exaggerate to make a point

    41. Softer skills in the field of information, commercial and industrial technology, computer and software designs, among others, are gradually replacing the diminishing demands for unskilled labor (especially) among manufacturing and factory workers whose positions are facing daunting challenges from computer-based technologies

    42. A car in every garage and a television in every room is the stuff that middle-class dreams are made of! It is questionable, however, in light of diminishing incomes and job displacements precipitated by the emergence of cheap(er) labor from across our borders and the outsourcing of jobs overseas, not to mention a bubbling economy, that American families will be able to sustain its frenzied lifestyles once that bubble bursts

    43. evolutionary standards of (moral) decency! At some indeterminate juncture, having (nearly) exhausted its loftiest social, cultural and intellectual ideals, a society begins striking diminishing or marginal returns, also understood as the ―law of relative increasing costs

    44. Addendum to the above: What I refer to as the components of intelligence; that is to say, memory, assimilation, recall and the capacity to reason, may be developed by application and conditioning; although striking diminishing returns at some point

    45. within the diminishing scope of its

    46. Such moments, that inevitably lose some measure of (reminiscent) proportion should we try to recapture them, can never be formally revisited without diminishing the (pleasant) memories that made/make those moments (special) to begin with; that should otherwise retain, however, a rightful place in our thoughts

    47. ―moral‖ nature of the Beast while diminishing that of Man

    48. schools is best described as a casualty of diminishing public resources, inadequate staffing, and obsolete textbooks ad nauseum

    49. Why not simply enforce existing gun laws (already) on the books rather than proposing newer ones whose questionable impact on reducing gun related crimes are likely to produce diminishing results? Such political grandstanding, I suppose, plays well among certain audiences given to theoretical assumptions to critical questions that otherwise require practical solutions

    50. Be that what it may, France‘s troubling economy can ill-afford a diminishing role in the Middle East which arguably explains its reluctance to upset the status quo, if I‘m permitted to put it so bluntly

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    Sinónimos para "diminishing"

    diminishing shrinking declining lessening less and less abating reducing dwindling