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    1. Then it was he wished for the sword of Amadis, against which no enchantment whatever had any power; then he cursed his ill fortune; then he magnified the loss the world would sustain by his absence while he remained there enchanted, for that he believed he was beyond all doubt; then he once more took to thinking of his beloved Dulcinea del Toboso; then he called to his worthy squire Sancho Panza, who, buried in sleep and stretched upon the pack-saddle of his ass, was oblivious, at that moment, of the mother that bore him; then he called upon the sages Lirgandeo and Alquife to come to his aid; then he invoked his good friend Urganda to succour him; and then, at last, morning found him in such a state of desperation and perplexity that he was bellowing like a bull, for he had no hope that day would bring any relief to his suffering, which he believed would last for ever, inasmuch as he was enchanted; and of this he was convinced by seeing that Rocinante never stirred, much or little, and he felt persuaded that he and his horse were to remain in this state, without eating or drinking or sleeping, until the malign influence of the stars was overpast, or until some other more sage enchanter should disenchant him

    2. Here Don Quixote, too, broke silence, saying to Sancho, "Have patience, my son, and gratify these noble persons, and give all thanks to heaven that it has infused such virtue into thy person, that by its sufferings thou canst disenchant the enchanted and restore to life the dead

    3. "Thou art right, Sancho my friend," said Don Quixote, "and Altisidora has behaved very badly in not giving thee the smocks she promised; and although that virtue of thine is gratis data--as it has cost thee no study whatever, any more than such study as thy personal sufferings may be--I can say for myself that if thou wouldst have payment for the lashes on account of the disenchant of Dulcinea, I would have given it to thee freely ere this

    1. He was rather disenchanted by everything today

    2. It was only natural if he was grieving that he’d be troubled in his sleep, though aloof sometimes, disenchanted and forgetful in his devotions

    3. The locals, thoroughly disenchanted with the Frances, were happy to help with timely information

    4. He was disenchanted not only with the Church, but with the

    5. His brush with young Osbairne’s mercenary depravity had left him severely disenchanted

    6. In the end, disenchanted, he gave

    7. Instead, they seemed more disenchanted than the Royals

    8. provided a center of gravity for other disenchanted program-

    9. Now it is happening every week with our middle class and many Americans have become disenchanted with their financial futures

    10. He would have become disenchanted with the ways of the media and, ironically, teach these same ways to undergrads with the added spin of his wizened experience and jaded wit

    11. I saw that John2 also learned that he would have become a writer in either probability, but through a different path: He would have become disenchanted with the ways of the media and, ironically, teach these same ways to undergrads with the added spin of his wizened experience and jaded wit

    12. Satisfied with his productive trip to the plantation but disenchanted that he would have no additional time for rest before this undoubtedly eventful day during which he would arrest a man for murder, he devoured the feast of a breakfast that his wife had already prepared and gained a new outlook on the otherwise somber and miserable day that was beginning to unfold

    13. Lord Ashburn, however, reacted much differently and more like that which would have been expected from a woman; he immediately gasp as though horrified by this allegation and disenchanted by Feltus’s lack of initiative to prevent the murder given his knowledge of this previous attack

    14. We both shared an early love of science, but I too grew disenchanted with it

    15. I have not grown disenchanted with Science, as you apparently have

    16. Back then I would have gone to the ends of the Earth While you disenchanted my spirit and tore at my self worth My soul was tormented when the monster came out in you The push across the room left me broken and blue In the beginning the essence of your love sprinkled like magic An epiphany of change turned love into a tragic Blood bath as a portrait of pain became my world As my emotions drifted in an endless whirl I frantically protected my heart as it bled From the heartache and abuse your insecurities shed

    17. walk off with the revenue, leaving disgruntled disenchanted

    18. It’s certainly true that ‘corporate America’ - the business community, which tends to give financial support to the Irish Republican cause - has become very disenchanted in recent years with the antics of people like McFosters

    19. been growing increasingly disenchanted with the

    20. If all this were Ambedkar’s idea of a religious safety valve for the disenchanted dalits, the then harijans, then it would be a betrayal of India’s cause

    21. disenchanted men as his pupils, but he sent all the supplicants back

    22. It is quite often that worshippers begin to feel disenchanted with

    23. She was sorry that she’d caused anyone distress and she came to the realization that that was all she’d done to Oak over the past year and he was quite right to be disenchanted with her

    24. Know that you have here before you (open your eyes and you will see) that great knight of whom the sage Merlin has prophesied such great things; that Don Quixote of La Mancha I mean, who has again, and to better purpose than in past times, revived in these days knight-errantry, long since forgotten, and by whose intervention and aid it may be we shall be disenchanted; for great deeds are reserved for great men

    25. He told me, moreover, that in course of time he would let me know how he and Belerma, and Durandarte, and all who were there, were to be disenchanted

    26. Tell her, too, that when she least expects it she will hear it announced that I have made an oath and vow after the fashion of that which the Marquis of Mantua made to avenge his nephew Baldwin, when he found him at the point of death in the heart of the mountains, which was, not to eat bread off a tablecloth, and other trifling matters which he added, until he had avenged him; and I will make the same to take no rest, and to roam the seven regions of the earth more thoroughly than the Infante Don Pedro of Portugal ever roamed them, until I have disenchanted her

    27. To which the courier replied in a harsh, discordant voice, "I am the devil; I am in search of Don Quixote of La Mancha; those who are coming this way are six troops of enchanters, who are bringing on a triumphal car the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso; she comes under enchantment, together with the gallant Frenchman Montesinos, to give instructions to Don Quixote as to how, she the said lady, may be disenchanted

    28. With three thousand three hundred lashes, less five, that I'm to give myself, she will be left as entirely disenchanted as the mother that bore her

    29. "Senor," replied Sancho, "if the truth is to be told, I cannot persuade myself that the whipping of my backside has anything to do with the disenchantment of the enchanted; it is like saying, 'If your head aches rub ointment on your knees;' at any rate I'll make bold to swear that in all the histories dealing with knight-errantry that your worship has read you have never come across anybody disenchanted by whipping; but whether or no I'll whip myself when I have a fancy for it, and the opportunity serves for scourging myself comfortably

    30. He watched for daylight, to see if along the road he should fall in with his already disenchanted lady Dulcinea; and as he pursued his journey there was no woman he met that he did not go up to, to see if she was Dulcinea del Toboso, as he held it absolutely certain that Merlin's promises could not lie

    31. As soon as she had disenchanted it the queen went back to the palace

    32. The red firelight glowed on their two bonny heads, and revealed their faces animated with the eager interest of children; for, though he was twenty-three and she eighteen, each had so much of novelty to feel and learn, that neither experienced nor evinced the sentiments of sober disenchanted maturity

    33. Now the recollection of former toils had disenchanted him of ambition, and he went about for a considerable time in search of the life of a private man who had no cares; he had some difficulty in finding this, which was lying about and had been neglected by everybody else; and when he saw it, he said that he would have done the same had his lot been first instead of last, and that he was delighted to have it

    34. He trusted that, though a little disenchanted, she would be intelligent enough to understand that his character safeguarded the enterprise of their lives as much or more than his policy

    35. The magnificent Capataz de Cargadores, victim of the disenchanted vanity which is the reward of audacious action, sat in the weary pose of a hunted outcast through a night of sleeplessness as tormenting as any known to Decoud, his companion in the most desperate affair of his life

    36. Each remembered thing in the room was disenchanted, was deadened as an unlit transparency, till her wandering gaze came to the group of miniatures, and there at last she saw something which had gathered new breath and meaning: it was the miniature of Mr

    37. But I grew disenchanted with them

    38. The red fire-light glowed on their two bonny heads, and revealed their faces animated with the eager interest of children; for, though he was twenty-three and she eighteen, each had so much of novelty to feel and learn, that neither experienced nor evinced the sentiments of sober disenchanted maturity

    39. When earnings growth fails to continue, they become disenchanted and sell their shares in disgust

    40. Either the new initiatives work, everyone's happy, the stock has a high multiple and we never find it, or the new growth initiatives are not working, the market becomes disenchanted with the company because earnings and cash flow are depressed and that drives down the stock price

    41. This will be due to obstinacy and self-love—to the fact that De Griers once appeared to her in the transfigured guise of a marquis, of a disenchanted and ruined liberal who was doing his best to help her family and the frivolous old General; and, although these transactions of his have since been exposed, you will find that the exposure has made no impression upon her mind

    1. Indeed, it was also disenchanting to consider that many of the witnesses at the inquest would be under oath testifying about Terence Underwood’s character while they themselves may very well be suspects in that murder investigation

    2. All the adventures that could befall him from that time forth he regarded as already done and brought to a happy issue; he made light of enchantments and enchanters; he thought no more of the countless drubbings that had been administered to him in the course of his knight-errantry, nor of the volley of stones that had levelled half his teeth, nor of the ingratitude of the galley slaves, nor of the audacity of the Yanguesans and the shower of stakes that fell upon him; in short, he said to himself that could he discover any means, mode, or way of disenchanting his lady Dulcinea, he would not envy the highest fortune that the most fortunate knight-errant of yore ever reached or could reach

    3. But whom but himself could he blame, if, when common sense demanded only civility and complaisance, she persisted in adhering to the tragic and sentimental? He was provoked that he had not noticed this defect in time to remedy it; yet he had once considered Constance as, perhaps, the completest triumph of his genius! There seemed to be something particularly disenchanting in the atmosphere of that study

    1. how wel it did in the Auction House, what it disenchants into, and what professions use it for

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