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    1. This problem was disputed by other astronomers who published other equations saying the body's own gravity would keep them together

    2. Later an unknown source in Moscow reported the theft of specialist video equipment, an added rider to the message disputed the authenticity of the Stefan tapes

    3. That in the actual state of tillage the bounty must necessarily have this tendency, will not, I apprehend, be disputed by any reasonable person

    4. I stared more closely at the disputed object

    5. The qualifications of the mind can alone give very great authority They are however, invisible qualities; always disputable, and generally disputed

    6. In those moments of public distress, their commands cannot he disputed

    7. Civil conflict ensued, considered to result from disputed rights over land ownership between ideologically opposed factions

    8. This figure is disputed as I always thought they were closer to seven tons

    9. What: This may be the most widely known and least disputed argument in this book

    10. But Nixon's role is unknown, and the evidence is highly disputed

    11. His warning was clear and precise: it could not be disputed

    12. Warrior classes, emerging from them, began to drive the nomads from the disputed prime grazing lands and confine them to the less desirable hill country

    13. So, the larger meaning of the parable story of Cain and Abel might be the friction generated between settled people and nomadic people, as ever-larger populations of each disputed with one another over land usage

    14. One of the most disputed facts about the use of NLP is that some

    15. Then, after Ali’s short disputed reign, Muawiyah used the assassination of Othman as his excuse to usurp the caliphate in AD 659

    16. Adam being Adam, of course, disputed the claims in his usual confrontational manner

    17. Jud 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee

    18. 35 And the man cried at the word of the judge, and he said, Not so my Lord, for it was in the day that I gave him the cord and mantle which was on the ass, in order to put them by in his house; and they both disputed before the judge, the one saying, So the matter was, and the other declaring otherwise

    19. “The agency disputed me staying in the country so I went to Ireland

    20. This conferred tremendous power on the three elected commissioners, none of whom was a lawyer during my tenure, making the assigned assistant AG’s duties doubly onerous as both the legal advisor to the Commission on disputed points of law as well as an active participant in essentially tripartite hearings where the staff, usually the Tariff & Rates division, who were civil servants, put in an alternative case to that advanced by the carriers and shippers, respectively

    21. It was not until after I was in Las Cruces, NM, working for NMSU/PSL, that I learned that GEICO, “to quickly settle a disputed matter,” had “confessed liability” on my behalf—without ever consulting me—and paid off the kid’s father for $150 damage to his rear bumper

    22. not have a deed, it could be disputed later

    23. could not be disputed, that even I was not able to ignore the fact that it

    24. 35 And the man cried at the word of the judge and he said Not so my Lord for it was in the day that I gave him the cord and mantle which was on the ass in order to put them by in his house; and they both disputed before the judge the one saying So the matter was and the other declaring otherwise

    25. Again he had seen to the arming of all of the reunified able-bodied men to guard the multitude as a whole, as they prepared to pass across the disputed land

    26. 34 But they were silent for they had disputed one with another on the way about who was the greatest

    27. 7 And when Jesus went out Simon Cephas was standing in the outer court 8 warming himself; And that maid saw him again and began to say to those who stood 9 by This man also was there with Jesus the Nazarene; And those who stood by came forward and said to Cephas Truly you are one of his disciples and he denied it again with an oath I know not the man; And after a little one of the servants of the chief priest the kinsman of him whose ear Simon cut off saw him; and he disputed and said Truly this matt was with him and he also is a Galilaean; and his speech resembles; And he said to Simon Did not I see you with him in the gardene Then began Simon to curse and to swear I know not this man whom you have mentioned; And immediately while he was speaking the cock crowed twice; And in that hour Jesus turned he being without and looked stedfastly at Cephas; And Simon remembered the word of our Lord which he said to him 17 Before the cock crow twice you shall deny me thrice; And Simon went outsideand wept bitterly

    28. as a whole, as they prepared to pass across the disputed land

    29. APPENDIX 10 - THE ANTILEGOMENA or "disputed writings" were widely read in the Early Church 1st and 2nd Century:

    30. 1 On account of the sudden and repeated calamities and mischances brethren that have come on us we suppose that we have the more slowly given heed to the things that are disputed among you beloved and to the foul and unholy sedition alien and foreign to the elect of God which a few headstrong and self-willed persons have kindled to such a degree of madness that your venerable and famous name worthy to be loved of all men is greatly blasphemed

    31. of the so-called “convective boundary” between these two regions is disputed

    32. It was somewhat discouraging that no one disputed her assessment of my abilities, however they all agreed we could do with a spruce up

    33. They crowded up around Jesus to ask more questions while others murmured and disputed among themselves

    34. When they disputed

    35. He could’ve disputed me

    36. also disputed the title of the event, with Stallman insisting on

    37. It’s no wonder since it was massive at 342 pages, although that number has been disputed

    38. The reign of King Solomon is much disputed in the histories of time;

    39. disputed amongst the crowd

    40. I described a charge that I disputed in another of my books

    41. casualties, this has been disputed

    42. Another difficulty was the fact that the legitimate authority of the Lebanese soldiers and policemen patrolling the airport was constantly disputed and even overruled at times by the dozens of Hezbollah fighters and officials that were seemingly everywhere around the airport

    43. Scientists have disputed this number as being too low and I tend to agree

    44. and other disputed individuals

    45. That number has been disputed as much too low

    46. This can hardly be disputed when the majority of people say it should never have been invented

    47. letter stating that the company has closed the disputed accounts and has

    48. Your authority over Japan will not be disputed and internal control and public security will be left into the care of local Japanese authorities and government officials

    49. Even with the mask of impassivity worn by the Japanese present, Ingrid could telepathically sense the immediate and profound relief that came to them when she said that the Emperor’s authority would not be disputed and that Japan would not be militarily occupied

    50. While we have affiliate reporters in Tokyo that will be able to cover the political reactions there for us, what we need is somebody that can get close to the disputed area and report from there

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