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    Usar "do-gooder" en una oración

    do-gooder oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The do-gooder “witness” went to the S turn after Mike and passenger left

    2. Bergman did not interview the do-gooder witness or Heather’s friend

    3. The earliest organizers at first were earnest do-gooders who wanted to cultivate their own moral perfection, but they soon concluded that it would be more productive to work for the transformation of political institutions

    4. meeting celebrities and other do-gooders

    5. After his first attempt was frustrated by a couple of trigger-happy do-gooders, he was summoned by Master Jones for a private meeting

    6. But this time the runaway found a cabin full of do-gooders who had a nasty habit of sticking guns in the faces of his recovery teams

    7. I excused self centeredness with altruism masquerading as a do-gooder when my secret motivation was just greed

    8. The best place to hide is in the cemetery, where no cops or do-gooder neighbors will see you but where a hellhound probably will

    9. So they could be ministered their last rights by religious do-gooders, and not go screaming in terror into death alone

    10. “Well, well, well, ain’t we the little do-gooders,” ZJ was as mocking as he could be

    11. He got over the first problem with the sub-machinegun, and the second with Westwood, who had once learned how to drive such a thing because science editors sometimes got sucked into judging science projects, which sometimes led to hands-on involvement in neighborhood do-gooder bullshit, which often meant shoveling some kind of actual shit, and mechanically was always the best way to handle that

    12. I inherited $321,374 when I turned eighteen, the result of all those well-wishers who’d read about my sad story, do-gooders whose hearts had gone out to me

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