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    Usar "doggy" en una oración

    doggy oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It sounded to Terry as though he was counting in doggy fashion and had reached nine hundred and ninety-nine

    2. " Terry shrugged his shoulders and got down to the serious business of dribbling successfully around all of the piles of doggy mess that littered the park's only proper football pitch

    3. sounded to Terry as though he was counting in doggy fashion and

    4. It stared with tail held proudly high, and grinned directly at the camera with a tongue-hanging-out-sideways, cute little doggy smile

    5. Derek was doggy paddling but he could feel his legs becoming

    6. After a while, remembering that she had promised not to stray too far, she blew a short blast on the whistle and Scorpion came crashing though the undergrowth, and smothered her face and hands in wet doggy kisses

    7. He was all teeth, tongue, and doggy smiles as he rounded the bed to my

    8. It was a sign, and one by one the others placed money in his wallet, then fucked him, doggy style, without embarrassment

    9. I'd read that the doggy position is favoured in Arab societies for heterosexual sex, and over the centuries the penis has accommodated

    10. She sits there, her head above water bobbing up and down treading in doggy paddle fashion

    11. Andrew and Ruth, on the bed, their bed, making love doggy style, going hammer and tongs

    12. What a discovery! Won’t that make me the Buddhini of sexual enlightenment? Wonder how I missed the point, being in the thick of it all along, day in and day out! And for the record, all alone I was sipping beer in the CB this afternoon! Oh, how seized I was with an irresistible temptation to prove my theory right then and there! I feigned to be drunk and asked that waiter to guide me to the loo only to let him glide his sex tool into me, doggy style! While he f'ed me, didn’t I realize another truth? Woman could be amorous, but sexual vigor vests with man and that matters

    13. smothering her face with doggy kisses with its slobbery tongue and

    14. The dog was definitely in Doggy Heaven

    15. It is clean and does not have a doggy odour

    16. As I approached the house I stumbled over a doggy chain

    17. pie, milk, juice, pop, and a doggy bone

    18. With this caution, she made it to the bottom where she could see Graisse’s doggy smile and hear his excited whimpers

    19. Then, the poor doggy died

    20. until they couldn't take anymore! And now you've got a bitter young man who practically hates the fuckin' world, who handed them his heart in a doggy bag

    21. Needless to say, doggy style was my favorite and only position with Leslie

    22. Once I tried to spice up our relationship by introducing a firm slap on her ass during doggy sex but afterward she cried the entire night

    23. His doggy grin said that he knew exactly what was happening

    24. Avatar came in from the small kitchen, tail waiving freely and a big doggy grin on

    25. bladder, thankful that for once he didn't have a doggy

    26. It’s that he has the breath of a small doggy

    27. With a pull of the shower curtain, Sheriff George Langley gazed upon inmate Melvin Skankmeyer fucking Wanda in the shower in a modified doggy style position

    28. “My doggy runned away,” he said as he picked his nose

    29. I laughed at him and he gave me a doggy grin, licking at my face

    30. “But he’s a nice doggy and loves kids

    31. “Do I look like one?” Johnny looked at himself and then down to his new doggy friend, who sat panting with her legs splayed out in the dust as happy as she could be for a rest

    32. had brought a blanket, some doggy treats and the toys with us to the countryside to collect him

    33. Krueger gobbled up doggy treats from Elly’s hands and then she produced a soft pink elephant and he curled up and fell asleep on it

    34. Aren't you the sweetest smelling doggy? Yes, you are!"

    35. Doggy? What the fuck?

    36. There was something rather "doggy", rather smart, rather 'cute and shrewd, and something warm, and something slightly contemptible about him

    37. —Give us the paw! Give the paw, doggy! Good old doggy! Give the paw here!

    38. On any given night, they were as likely to do a hard-hitting investigation as they were a profile of a movie star or a story about doggy fat camps

    39. I decanted some doggy beef stew for Martha, filled up her water bowl, and turned on the TV

    40. 36 in earnings for each $100 invested; when you bought the doggy value stocks, you were getting $8

    41. "The trouble is, Doggy, that my eyes have been aching for quite awhile, and I have been told that the dust from a flock of sheep will cure the eyes

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    barker bow-wow doggie doggy pooch