Usar "dopey" en una oración
dopey oraciones de ejemplo
1. ’ I replied, still more than half dopey
2. Sally seems a little better; she is conscious and appears to be taking in what is happening around her though she is very dopey – probably the aftermath of the drugs the doctor gave her
3. You"re all mopey dopey
4. “Wasted,” confirmed Spock looking at his old friend with a dopey grin on his face and trying unsuccessfully to pick his nose
5. could see his face, and his dopey grin, and that constant lump where Red Man resided
6. “How would you manage that?” I asked with a dopey, astounded-by-all-of-life face
7. I still have that same dopey,
8. girls, had a dopey grin on his face and a half-full
9. dopey roommate has to study and his girl might want to come over, which means I am
10. With the arrest of Dopey Jack, it seemed as if all the forces of the gang world were solidified for the final battle
11. It went hard, but I made them consider this case of Dopey Jack
12. "The Grand Jury indicted Dopey Jack this afternoon
13. Aside from his own interest in Dopey Jack, who was one of his indispensables, it was apparent that he came as an emissary from Dorgan himself to spy out the land and perhaps reach some kind of understanding
14. Dopey Jack goes to trial before election
15. What were they talking about? Was it about Dopey Jack?
16. If Dopey Jack, who had violated almost every law in the revised statutes and had never suffered anything worse than a suspended sentence, could not get off, then no one could
17. And it was unthinkable that Dopey should not only be arrested and held in jail without bail, but even be convicted on such a trivial matter as slight irregularities that swung the primaries in a large section of the city for his superior, "higher up
18. Outside, overflowing into the corridor, were gangsters, followers and friends of Dopey Jack
19. Carton had been careful to see that none of the witnesses for the people should be "stiffened" as the process was elegantly expressed by those of Dopey Jack's class--in other words, intimidated, bribed, or otherwise rendered innocuous
20. One after another, Carton rammed home the facts of the case, the fraudulent registration and voting, the use of the names of dead men to pad the polling lists, the bribery of election officials at the primaries--the whole sordid, debasing story of how Dopey Jack had intimidated and swung one entire district
21. What was this Dopey Jack when ruin stared himself so relentlessly in the face in the person of Carton, calm and cool?
22. Whatever was brewing inside the organization, I felt that we should soon know, for this was the day on which Justice Pomeroy had announced he would sentence Dopey Jack
23. There was a tense look on many a face, as if the owner were asking himself the question, "What are we coming to? If this can happen to Dopey Jack, what might not happen to me?"
24. Had she, too, surmised that Murtha had employed his henchman, Dopey Jack, to recover the book from Langhorne? Had she feared that Dopey Jack might in some moment of heat, for revenge, drop some hint of the robbery--whether it had been really successful or not?
25. What did it mean? Was it merely a sham? Or was it a result of his excesses? Or had Carton's relentless pursuit, the raid of Margot's, and the conviction of Dopey Jack, driven the Smiling Boss really insane?
26. Certainly this was not the work of Dopey Jack, even if the far cleverer attempt on Langhorne's safe had been
27. "You know," he whispered, "I have been working with my assistants on Dopey Jack ever since the conviction, hoping to get a confession from him, holding out all sorts of promises if he would turn state's evidence and threats if he didn't
28. He said it in a tone that Dopey Jack could understand and the gangster protested
29. "Why, you know it is Dorgan," replied Dopey, "only, as I say, I can't prove that for you any better than you can
30. Dopey smiled with a sort of pride in his work, much as if he had received a splendid recommendation
31. Dopey Jack looked at us in disgust
32. And of that Dopey Jack obviously knew nothing
33. "No--not now," returned Dopey
34. "And the other night, when we were in Carton's office and someone called up threatening you, Carton, and Dopey Jack, I saw at once that the voice was concealed
35. ‘Just hurry up dopey! shouted Topps
36. looked, smiled and nodded at the pair, not understanding what was going on with these two dopey pommes
37. At her side, a depleted, three-sheets-to-thewind Frank sat up with a dopey smile plastered across his face
38. Neme is waking up with a dopey expression
39. For her dopey, bovine “bye
40. God, could that dopey girl dance
41. I could hardly stop myself from sort of giving her a kiss on the top of her dopey head--you know-- right where the part is, and all
42. Sometimes I can't even look at them, especially if they're with some dopey guy that's telling them all about a goddam football game
43. You figured most of them would probably marry dopey guys
44. Some dopey movie actor was standing near us, having a cigarette
45. " Then, when she was all done whispering and being cute as hell, she'd sing some dopey song, half in English and half in French, and drive all the phonies in the place mad with joy
46. She nailed the method for applying mindfulness in acute situations, albeit with a somewhat dopey acronym: RAIN
47. Forget the dopey packaging and the unfortunate cultural baggage
48. She moaned, sounded and looked dopey
49. Phone calls and footprints underwater and blind hunches and dopey faith
50. If he’s dopey, it’s because I gave him one and a half grains of Seconal