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    Usar "downtown" en una oración

    downtown oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It’s in the bank downtown

    2. They tend to be lower here because most of the urban streetcars in downtown Zhlindu are indoors

    3. The road ends at a big plaza on the edge of downtown called Kivara Shig, the low side of this plaza has only six stories of stone or ceramic, the top branches of the other side are thirty stories above it

    4. If she was ever at all curious to find out if she really descended from Oliar, any downtown lab could tell her for an iron

    5. "We see a misty mountain of jungle-covered ruins but the natives still think it's downtown

    6. The packet left them at the end of one of the downtown piers

    7. Tdeshi had only days left of her life when she left here bound for downtown

    8. “Mostly her last sleep before she went downtown, not that there was any sleeping in the upstairs quarters that sleep

    9. “All I know is he went downtown after selling the house to Himla

    10. “I think you mean downtown, the miles of crystal froth?”

    11. There is also the not entirely secret fact that a human or two does fall victim to animal predation in downtown Zhlindu every decade

    12. In a couple more weeks they were nearing the end of that tour, a show this Nightday in West Harbortop and one more late Afternoonday in Yornakite Pinnacles and the lap around downtown would be done

    13. Along Betakka, one of the hundreds of smaller, quieter business services khumes twenty stories below outdoors in the western part of the South Fastness neighborhood of downtown Zhlindu, Klowa was in his reading compartment in the loft over the reception room of the Nidon-Mlarkile Finders Union where he had a career as a full case agent

    14. Some friends of mine and I are in the habit of going downtown

    15. On Halloween, the downtown streets

    16. pray right downtown, in the middle of the party

    17. Last year, the activity downtown was little more than an average

    18. By the time Klowa hiked up and down all the stairs between the three streetcar rides it took to get back all the way across downtown to the office on the edge of the South Fastness, it was late in the after lunch

    19. boulevards and only in the downtown area

    20. In fifteen minutes he was downtown, looking up at the lights on top of the Bluff where he was to meet the pilot

    21. As his work downtown trudges on, worry etches lines in my husband’s face

    22. She is reputed to have said, in the 1920"s, regarding Oakland, California that: „What if you get there, and there"s no there there?" Remarkably prescient, inasmuch as I write these words in the Year of Our Lord 2011 Oakland, with a population approaching 400,000, really still has nothing that could be called a downtown

    23. She spent a year going to downtown Seattle every week for treatments on her sprained

    24. It happened after we’d bought a lot right in downtown Vancouver

    25. Elizabeth Reilly? Why would she want me? I took the Porche downtown

    26. appointment for 1:30 downtown

    27. “Anything new in the investigation?” I asked as we drove downtown

    28. She was immediately taken downtown and given a residual test and a blood test

    29. of downtown, then have a reception at my house in the suburb of

    30. the Greaseball, and was actually looking forward to my visit downtown

    31. that she must have taken for a ‘Yes’ as she said that the Lieutenant wanted me downtown in an hour

    32. It was located in downtown Hustle, which was comprised of two blocks of red

    33. There were approximately thirty men on duty in downtown Angeles during the hours from five P

    34. The main one was the wagon wheel in downtown Victorville

    35. We drove back via the downtown area and past the residential areas

    36. The next morning when I arrived at Adas’ house, he was waiting for me with all his documents and together we drove to the NKWD downtown headquarters

    37. Geographically sprawling and covering a diversity of terrain, one minute you were downtown, and then you were out in the country in about five minutes

    38. With work on the house dragging on, Caroline’s taste for the wild nightlife got the better of her and she began to slip away evenings to the downtown clubs

    39. They picked up their luggage and hailed a cab and headed for their hotel in downtown Chicago

    40. Their hotel rooms at the downtown Holiday Inn were very comfortable, and Steve joked how they put him on one floor and Linda on another

    41. George followed Leon up to his suite more to humor him than anything else, but once there, the sight of numerous payoff checks, in addition to a semi-cryptic receipt from a downtown bank for eleven million dollars in cash ‘Ed’ claimed he had just delivered, all of which appeared authentic, sobered him

    42. Just before he rang off, he gave me the gym"s address and told me that it was in one of the worst run down parts of downtown Tampa

    43. Time was running out: soon Michael would be transported downtown and, once there, a reply would not yet be in regarding his fingerprints: no three days in jail, no confession and no blockbuster case! In fact, he might find himself without a job

    44. The men gone, the yard was transformed into a region of deep shadows, the only illumination the weak glow of downtown Limon far across the harbor

    45. “But I sold some of those smokes in a bar downtown

    46. We lived about ten blocks from downtown

    47. We half-ran and half-walked to the nearest store, in the direction of downtown

    48. Police are saying that a limousine which was being driven by reputed mob associate Paul Rubano, age 63 of West Essex, fled down Bloomfield Avenue in Newark before a high speed chase ensued through the streets of Downtown Newark

    49. downtown Wichita that was currently in progress

    50. downtown Wichita, and I was praying that I would find just what God

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    Sinónimos para "downtown"

    business district downtown