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    Usar "draper" en una oración

    draper oraciones de ejemplo


    1. "I know my uncle owns this place but really, who else could they put in charge? Draper? Hah!" Benji Draper was the oldest employee in the office

    2. He may no doubt buy too much of either, as he may of any other dealers in his neighbourhood; of the butcher, if he is a glutton ; or of the draper, if he affects to be a beau among his companions

    3. Unni noticed that Draper dressed differently than the other deacons

    4. I am only a servant of the Lord, my lady,” Draper said, bowing his head humbly

    5. “The outside of the church is barely touched, but so many things were destroyed inside,” Draper went on

    6. She studied the paintings on the ceiling and walls while she waited for Draper to bring her the cleaning supplies

    7. Draper quickly returned and set the water-filled wooden bucket on the floor

    8. “What?” Draper said, peeking around the corner again

    9. Draper came after her now and she forced herself to keep running

    10. “How did you know I was here? Where is Draper?”

    11. Richard was there with Betty and so were Thomas Draper and John Tucker

    12. Thomas Draper grinned across the table

    13. Thomas Draper raised a hand

    14. 'He's with those Draper boys

    15. 'They're up there with the Draper boys and Molly

    16. The Draper boys wrapped straw round the spokes of the wheels and coated them with tallow

    17. The Draper boys heaved at the first of the wheels

    18. 'Tom Draper and John Tucker are there … they're handing out red ribbons

    19. Tulip rounded on Mary, mouthing the word – Draper – in glorious satisfaction

    20. “Do you know this man? Is that your real name? Draper?” he said, shaking Mary by the shoulders

    21. Mary Draper flicked the horses with the long fly whip, and the dray wobbled into its geriatric, lumbering perambulations

    22. “– Mrs Draper, that my intentions on inviting you here tonight were entirely professional and in no way – unbecoming

    23. “Yes – the Draper Undertaker business

    24. You can't fool us, Mrs Draper

    25. “He's just ribbin' you Mrs Draper,” said Caesar, forcing the bottle into Johnny's hands with a grimace

    26. “Johnny had on yellow colours on that ship, Mrs Draper

    27. Monsieur Lheureux, a draper, who happened to be in the coach with her, had tried to console her by a number of examples of lost dogs recognizing their masters at the end of long years

    28. Draper, Annual Report on the Condition and Improvement of the Common Schools and Education Interests (Wisconsin: Atwood & Rublee, 1858), 200

    29. Draper, a pulmonary specialist in Beckley who’d been selected by the Department of Labor to examine Buddy Ryzer

    30. Hopkins, the meek-mannered draper opposite, was the first to act on this inward vision, being the more ambitious of a little masculine talk because his customers were chiefly women

    31. Bambridge was rather curt to the draper, feeling that Hopkins was of course glad to talk to him, but that he was not going to waste much of his talk on Hopkins

    32. "At Stone Court," said the draper

    33. The next day, at dusk, she received a visit from Monsieur Lherueux, the draper

    34. It was why Don Draper from Mad Men, when asked how he comes up with his great slogans, said he spends all day thinking and then goes to the movies

    35. "Fast colors!" said the draper

    36. “And what shall Madam have Today?” the Draper askt with all possible Deference

    37. “Ah, Madam, I have just the Thing!” says the Draper, and clapping his Hands for another Clerk, he sends him bounding up a Ladder to fetch a Bolt of Silk, bluer than Heaven itself

    38. As soon as the breathless Clerk descends with the heavenly Silk, the Draper gathers it up into a Sleeve and drapes it seductively ’round my Shoulder

    39. “Ye Gods, Madam,” says the Draper, to my “Aunt

    40. “Nay,” says Coxtart, “we’d best walk, for we have spent all our Money here with you!” ’Twas hardly true, in fact, for Coxtart ne’er bought for Cash when she could for Credit; but it had the desir’d Effect upon our Friend the Draper

    41. The Beau that strutted with his Snuff-Box and Sword, the Footman that ap’d the Beau’s Fine Manners and wore his cast-off Clothes, the proud Physician all in black, the Officer of the Guard in his Finery, the Linen Draper that mimickt the Officer’s Fine Manners in his turn, e’en the lowly Nightmen and Polemen whose assorted Stinks call’d forth Memories of the Privies they clean’d—all of ’em could strut imperiously above the best-hearted, most learned Lady in the Land

    42. Hoakley," said the draper

    43. The draper laid out rolls of green, brown, rust, navy, gray and red

    44. The draper chatted about rising prices, 'Itler and the price of butter while Tom grunted in acknowledgment

    45. Draper, xxvi, 399

    46. Draper, xlix, 346

    47. Draper, xlix, 355

    48. Draper, xlvi, 390

    49. Draper, on the Forces which produce the Organization of Plants, &c

    50. Draper, xxviii, 201

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